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Recruiting and promoting employees

To Be or Not To Be Promoted

Purpose: This journal should be written in the first person and should be critically reflective. As such, you
will discuss the most important concepts that you have learned throughout the week and how those

concepts may be applied to your leadership career.

Assignment Description: Your Leadership Reflection Journal should exhibit personal reflection of your
present leadership competencies and also possible adjustments that could be made to your leadership
approach. Importantly, your Journal entry should be in light of the various concepts that have in covered
each week in the course. Also of importance, the Leadership Reflection Journal should be far beyond a
mere casual discussion. It should demonstrate a high level of understanding and should also provide
adequate integration of authoritative sources as assigned for reading each week.

The key terms to use in that journal are

Transformational leadership
Human skills
Transactional leadership
Conceptual skills


Trait theory
Traditional management
Leader member exchange (LMX) theory
Management roles
Leadership theory
Management theory


Different companies have different approaches to recruiting and promoting employees to
fill positions. The human resource managers, therefore, remain the key players in this process
and determine the set of skills and responsibilities that every applicant needs to have during the
promotion process. The processes of promotion has turned out to be more complex with routine
procedures and policies that have been enacted to ensure that the processes objectives are met in
order to reduce the occurrences of subjective factors (Melero, 2010). However, it has been
determined that the promotion processes within different organizations are mostly mired by some

elements of biases. This paper, therefore, seeks to establish the validity of the process and its

The Quality of the Entire Selection Process

The CEO of TinTin Entertainment has over time been articulating approaches aimed at
promoting some of its support staff members for its new branch. The company has over time
recorded a staff base of close to 300 and as a result of this, the CEO decided to develop a
standardized employment approach that was fair and acceptable in promoting those who showed
good work qualities. Through this, the company invested in a new system that would ensure the
process of promotion was equitable and transparent. However, the Human Resource Department
in this company did not take this approach positively and though it was a means of either
terminating their services or reducing their pay since their workloads will be decreased.
During the selection process, the use of the new systems was expected to yield results
since the applicants were required to all submit their applications through the systems and wait
for their confirmations after a review of their abilities. However, it was determined that the
Human Resource department never adhered to these standards and embarked on a selection
process that was considered unethical (Melero, 2010). The selection process was masculine since
the candidates who were selected for the promotion were mainly men, a factor that raised
concerns. Out of this, it is important to consider the fact that the Human resource management
team in this company made a mistake by first making choices that would have been biased in
some way. Secondly, their selection criterion was not based on the ethical principles provided as
per the labor regulations.

Comparison and Contrast of Joe’s, Jane’s, And Matt’s Candidacy

Based on the information that has been provided and the evaluations that were carried out
in selecting the best candidate that suited the promotion, it is essential to note that Joes, Jane, and
Matt had the same academic qualifications in their various job areas. The candidates were all
suitable for the promotion and were gifted in different ways. However, the profound analysis
revealed that there were some variables noted in their performance levels and competencies. Ann
as compared to Joe and Matt displayed highly developed and competent skills that made her a
better leader.
Looking at Jane’s current competencies and comparing this to the skills that were
necessary in filling the leadership position, it was discovered that she had the ability of managing
change, making decisions and solving problems as compared to Matt and Joe. Jane had the
capacity to influence others within her work unit and through that she was known for her
strengths in setting vision and strategies for the organization (Kosteas, 2011). Matt, on the other
hand, displayed a high ability in managing work through his enhanced business skills, a factor
that Jane also had in common. Joe in his work unit was also good at understanding the needs of
the organization and navigating approaches geared towards scaling its productivity. In essence,
all this employees had strengths in particular areas, a factor that had propelled the company in its
operations for an extended period.
However, in arriving at the right choice of candidate for the position that was to be filled,
as hiring personnel, I had the capacity to choose an individual with the needed skills for the
particular job position (Kosteas, 2011). Through the use of a competency approach, I was able to
identify some essential leadership skills, styles, traits and practices in Jane, which the other
candidates lacked and needed to be developed. Jane was in a better position to lead herself as
well as others as compared with Joe and Matt.


Advice to the Candidates before and after the Interview

In the event that I was to advice the three candidates before the interview, I would
mention that the main elements that would determine their candidature into the position would be
their despicable qualities, skills and competencies. I would inform Joe of his depicted strengths
and qualities and the need to not only eye the position but to develop his skills to remain relevant
to the organization even after the job placement (Grabner, & Moers, 2013). I would also advise
Jane on the need to be consistent with her competencies regardless of the outcomes of the
selection and encourage her into advancing some of her weak areas. To Matt, I would also
mention the importance of improving his skills and leadership abilities within the organization.
In a scenario where the job placement would be given to Joe, I would mention to the two
candidates that they are all leaders within their various areas of job placements and that they
should continue developing their skills and sharpen their leadership styles in order to get
considerations from the company in the event that such promotions come again (Semykina, &
Linz, 2013). I would also mention to them that leadership is not individualized and that they all
needed to support Joe in developing his areas to be a strong, impactful leader.
George Montgomery Management Impact

Basing on Georges approach, it is typical that he is biased as the vice president into
limiting the capacity of Jane and rather choosing Joe as the best candidate even when Joe lacked
the appropriate skills for the position. This clearly deploys the fact that many organizations
dismiss the advancement and promotion of women and view this as an issue, a factor that does
not affect women in their business operations. However, according to me, the key to any
successful business lies in its ability to develop, attract, retain and promote women in various

capacities who hold the best talents and competencies (Goldberg, Finkelstein, Perry, & Konrad,
2004). Firms that limit gender diversity leadership are therefore limiting their pools of available
talents and capabilities and missing the benefits of growing and advancing. This clearly indicates
why the law advocates for gender parity in all the sectors of the economy.


Considering the events that turned up in the hiring process, it is significant to note that
there could be some ill feelings that may arise between the candidates. However, it is important
that they are advised on approaches of advancing their levels of leadership and supporting one
another as a team in achieving the goals of the organization.


Melero, E. (2010). Training And Promotion: Allocation Of Skills Or Incentives?. Industrial
Relations, 49(4), 640-667.
Kosteas, V. D. (2011). Job Satisfaction and Promotions. Industrial Relations, 50(1), 174-194.
Semykina, A., & Linz, S. J. (2013). Job Satisfaction And Perceived Gender Equality In
Advanced Promotion Opportunities: An Empirical Investigation. Kyklos, 66(4), 591-619.

Grabner, I., & Moers, F. (2013). Managers’ Choices Of Performance Measures In Promotion
Decisions: An Analysis Of Alternative Job Assignments. Journal Of Accounting
Research,51(5), 1187-1220.

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