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Alignment and Social Change

Write a paper evaluating how a company system of ethics, case law and statue, as well as government
regulations affects business organizations. Further, discuss how such should help protect the general
public from harm or unfair business practices.

Alignment and Social Change

Alignment remains a central element in the current efforts of standard-based and
systematic research in psychology. In developing a research study aimed at preventing violence
that has turned out to be a public health agenda as a result of the growing rates and effects of
violence that exist, it is essential to incorporate effective approaches of evaluating alignment that
exists between, data collection approaches and other research
mechanisms(Vogt, Gardner, & Haeffele, 2012). These mechanisms include the problem,
purpose, research questions, and design.
This paper seeks to evaluate the manner in which an action research in family violence
research may be evaluated through the alignment of its, data collection approaches and other
components of the research study. On the other hand, the paper will reflect on the contents of the
course with the aim of establishing the scope of a newly requisitioned inquiry skill and
knowledge may sustain my role in advocating for positive change aimed at addressing the
element of family violence.
Approaches of Evaluating Alignment in Data Collection Approaches and other

Components of Research

The current world of social sciences remains multidimensional and complex, an aspect
that has resulted in different paradigms comprised of different approaches and variations that
ensure various components of a research study are tied together, and are suitably aligned with
each other (Vogt, et.al. 2012). In order to ensure that the data collection process evaluated to
aligned to other elements of a research study that include the research problem, purpose, research
questions, and design, it is essential to ensure that the research questions are clear, and are
developed to align these components with the method of study and the design.

It is notably vital to note that, the influence between a research study, its question, design
or method, and limitations are influenced by the studies questions. The point of this is that the
alignment between a research studies component remains in the overall validity of the study
(Vogt, et.al. 2012). A research study whose component fails to cohere or align may be
considered to have a questionable validity. Whatever a research study used, the research
components that include the research problem, design, data collection and analytical methods
need to be inclusively aligned with the overall methodology and should cohere with one another.
The Application of the Acquired Research Skills in Positive Social Change
Background of Research Problem
In supporting my role in advocating for an affirmative social change, it would be
necessary to incorporate the newly acquired skill in a research study aimed at addressing the
element of family violence. Despite several efforts to prevent family violence through the
development of interventions, an effective approach of understanding this process is through the
inclusion of an empiric research approach in spear heading violence prevention activities, an area
of research that is in its infancy.
Considering the fact that violence begins from an early age and ends in negative effects,
the prevention of this unethical act needs to start in childhood in order to address this vice across
all spheres of life. Following in the footsteps of the current enacted public health efforts in
addressing this challenge, the study incorporates empirical data as the foundation of preventing
violence through the inclusion of programs.
Many of the violence prevention programs are considered to have no documented
empirical evaluation, an aspect that has resulted in inconsistencies in the prevention programs.

This study will consequently explore these gaps through the incorporation of research practices
by sampling some of the family violence prevention practitioners.
The model of this study was developed through the inclusion of a participatory action
research method. This process ensures that an exploration is provided on applying the practice
from the standpoint of the key players considered violence prevention practitioners.
Data collection
Upon approval by the Walden University review board, the data collection approach
incorporated a twofold approach. The first phase of the process incorporated a purposeful sample
of the element of family violence prevention personnel were recruited (N=25) through the use of
an open-letter invite, with the sample of the study reporting whites at 50%, females at 80%, and
holders of a bachelor’s degree at 45%(Graf, Rea, & Barkley, 2013). The element of diversity and
educational background was considered in the process. The second phase of the study
incorporated a retention rate of 68% of the original samples used in previous studies (N=18).
The study incorporated a valid and reliable measure to conduct a study on this process
from the perspective of the violence prevention practitioners. An in-depth qualitative interview
was developed, with questions established from an extensive review of literature, applied
through an open-ended method (Graf, Rea, & Barkley, 2013). In order to increase the study’s
validity, a pilot-test was conducted to measure the interview. Participants were required to
provide their responses to the questions below:

  1. What are some of the factors that challenge you in applying the element of empirical
    research to violence prevention programs?


  1. What are some of the elements that encourage you to apply empirical research in your
  2. What are some of the empirical research that you ready to inform you on the prevention
    of violence?
    Data Analysis
    In analyzing the data, the research identified the positive and negative factors that
    influence the violence prevention practitioners in their work, an aspect that was achieved through
    the conversation of all the written and audio data into a spreadsheet in a uniform manner (Graf,
    Rea, & Barkley, 2013). In order to ensure the study’s validity and to reduce the bias, there was a
    need to incorporate an independent reviewer.

The study identifies some positive and negative elements that encourage violence
prevention practitioners in incorporating the element of empirical research to their work (Graf,
Rea, & Barkley, 2013). Some of the positive elements include training on workshops that impact
their knowledge on using research in practice, tutorials that provide directions on how to
incorporate and apply research in their programs, and peer support in achieving their goals. On
the other hand, the negative elements that hindered their inclusion of empirical research in
practice include the lack of understanding on how to incorporate research in practice, the
complexity of research as a result of technical terminologies, the lack of peer support and
funding, and a negative attitude on the use of research in practice.


Considering the fact that the study is empirical, the logic of the samples used need to be
congruent with the primary logic of the study, and the developed research questions, an aspect
that requires the study’s sample to be made clear. In this case, the size and structure of the
study’s sample should be described besides its logic, the method selected, and the claims that are
established for the study’s representativeness. In the last face of the study, consideration should
be pointed to the response rate, in case a survey design is incorporated. The evaluation process of
this study boils down to the question of the quality of data collected that incorporates the element
of reliability and validity.
On the other hand, the research study needs to consider and demonstrate that data is
collected across the full range of the study’s condition as established in the research questions.
This remains important in testing the study’s theory, thus influencing the element of
generalizability of the study’s findings. It is in this case essential to establish the manner in
which the data is collected and how the findings are arrived at, with the emphasis on the
alignment of the study remaining on the research questions. The findings of this study and
conclusion are only good as the data collected, thus establishing the fact that quality control of
the studies data is essential. The validity of this study determined the manner in which the
instruments incorporated measure the findings of the study


Graf, L. M., Rea, N. K., & Barkley, W. M. (2013). An innovative approach to action research in
family violence. Journal of Social Change, 5, 58–71.

Vogt, W. P., Gardner, D. C., & Haeffele, L. M. (2012). When to use what research design. New 
York, NY: Guilford Press.

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