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Independent Variables in Logistics Strategies

Read the attached articles. After reading the article associated with this week�s forum post answer the

following question.

What three (independent variable) logistics strategies did McGinnis, Kohn & Spillan (2010) find to be
stable between 1990- 2008 and would you use any of these strategies in your supply chain operations?

Independent Variables in Logistics Strategies
McGinnis, Kohn & Spillan (2010) conducted a study by analyzing data for 18
years from 1990 to 2008 to establish which variables were independent in developing logistics
strategies. The authors established the process, market, and information to be independent
variables in logistics strategies. The process strategy helps management to emphasize on

realizing optimal efficiency in manufacturing, distribution, and purchasing. Therefore, the
primary objective of management in a logistics firm is to attain control over tasks result in costs
of distribution, manufacturing, purchasing, and process strategy facilitate the execution of cost as
well as inventory reducing concepts like just-in-time materials’ procurement and focused
manufacturing. The market strategy helps management to emphasize on realizing harmonized
physical distribution to clients served by several units of a business. The market strategy helps to
reduce the complexity faced by company customers as well as facilitating the logistics
coordination of different business units to create and sustain competitive customer services.
Besides, information strategy helps management to emphasize control and coordination of
channel members’ activities such as distributors, retailers, dealers, and wholesalers. Information
strategy helps logistics managers to manage inventory levels, and information flows throughout
the distribution channel.

I will use the three independent variables of logistic strategy, which include the
process, information, and market strategies to develop logistics strategies. This is because they
are equally crucial in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of logistics. Besides, they
ensure the strategy establishes customer satisfaction by capturing value and meeting logistics’
objectives and improving overall performance. This is because they have an intense impact on
perceptions of managers on the dimensions of logistics strategy and allows longitudinal analysis.
Hence, it is essential to apply the three independent variables of the process, information, and
market in order to ensure efficient operations and coordination of logistics activities. This will
enhance performance and productivity of logistics systems of companies or divisions.



McGinnis, M. A., Kohn, J. W., & Spillan, J. E. (2010). A longitudinal study of logistics strategy:
1990–2008. Journal of Business Logistics, 31(1), 217-235.

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