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Politics and Leadership in Today’s Society

Persuasive Paper Part 2: Solution and Advantages
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
Provide Part I: Revision of A Problem Exists (3-4 pages)

  1. Revise, using feedback from the professor and classmates, your Persuasive Paper Part I: A Problem


Develop Part 2: Solution to Problem and Advantages (3-4 pages for 6-8 pages total)

  1. Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement clearly in the first paragraph. (The thesis statement may

need to be modified to reflect added information and purpose of this part.)

  1. Explain a detailed, viable solution that supports your thesis. This should be one or two (1-2)


  1. State, explain, and support the first advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social,
    equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
  2. State, explain, and support the second advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social,
    equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
  3. State, explain, and support the third (and fourth if desired) advantage (economic, social, political,
    environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2)


Politics and Leadership in Today’s Society


Politics and Leadership in Today’s Society


When the name politician is mentioned, we tend to think immediately of a person who
holds some honor. On several occasions, we may think they are people who may hold a criminal
record. It is common for many politicians to be surrounded by many controversies. When

election time comes, they are seen begging for votes among people and trying to change the
general public opinion about them. They also give many promises that often give false hopes to
the citizens. However, after the election, citizens end up being disappointed with their hopes
shattered. The politicians go back to their offices until the next elections (Wald & Calhoun-
Brown, 2011). The citizens realize they were right about the political leader. They also realize,
however, that political views and socialization can be altered, as it is not permanent. This paper
aims to provide solutions the problems associated with politics and politicians. The paper also
critically merits of the provided solutions to challenges that are brought about by the political
environment. It specifically concentrates on the social, economic and psychological effects of the
solution to problems associated with elections and politics in the society. The citizens are most
affected by such leaders. It is, therefore, their responsibility to share their opinion with family,
classmates, students, colleagues and other members of society.
Rhetoric analysis can be described as a form of criticism that employs the principles of
rhetoric to examine the interactions between any text, its author, and an audience. Rhetoric
analysis can be applied to almost any kind of text, images, essays, advertisements, photos, poems
and even web pages. When applied to any literary works rhetoric analysis changes its perception
from esthetic works to an artistically structured instrument of communication.
It is unfair to blame the corruption on the politician alone. The rot is widespread within
the hierarchy of leadership and politics. The political hierarchy may consist of an individual who
only thinks of how to better the lives of his subjects. The individual is then promoted, and their
thinking broadens. They then realize that being merely in that position makes them corrupt.
When dealing with the issue of corruption we should first assess our behaviors and thinking. This
way we shall have realized that corruption is not in the leadership hierarchy but is within us. Just

as murder is punished by death, corruption should also be punished by death (Tate 2010).
Corruption handles the misery most people in countries with corrupt leaders suffer. As a result of
corruption, most services that are a right for citizens are not offered or are offered badly and
inefficiently. The best solution to corruption and embezzlement would be to make the corrupt
individuals return all the stolen money. Another workable solution will be to incite the masses to
elect out all the leaders and elect fresh faces into political offices. Policies and laws against
corruption should be implemented (Bernstein, 2013).
Several questions and thoughts people have been whether they are trying to offend others
or if their belief in something is strong. The answers to these questions are targeted on whether
or not to hold their tongue in political and democratic debates. The thoughts and speech may be
hindered if it will offend someone else or be in vain. This situation, however, falls for people
rather than their leaders who in most cases do not care about the repercussions their words will
have. A correct form of political correctness is not generalizing an individual as people
regardless of their religion, race or even gender. The younger generation today is outspoken and
very intelligent. They are more aware of their rights and are less afraid to offend others who may
care less. They make all proud as the future of today’s politics has a bright light of hope. Political
leaders that will emerge from this generation will be less in control as the electorate will be more
aware and outspoken on what they want and require from their leaders. The media and social
groups can help pass this information to people who are not politically aware (Tate 2010).

Benefits of implementing the solutions

A close examination of China’s anti-corruption rhetoric gives an indication on how
corruption is conceptualized. It also explains how the importance of fighting corruption is put

across to the masses and how public visions are inspired. It explains how desired actions are
recommended (Bernstein, 2013). A rhetorical perspective, therefore, enables us to understand
better the making of China’s anti-corruption policy and its contents. The making of the current
anti-corruption policy, however, takes place mainly in the context of reform.it has been well-
noted that the market-driven reform since 1978 is accompanied by an increase in cases of
corruption. This observation appears in new and complicated ways and reaches unimaginable
and moral ways while encouraging people to make more money illegally to enrich themselves.
Most officers and members of the political elite are restrained from badly portraying the
government’s image by ridiculously trying to make money. Enacting these policies and laws is
the most beneficial of all solutions. The laws are permanent and do not favor anyone, for this
reason, everyone can be charged with corruption. This solution also encases other solutions that
are aimed at fighting corruption (Tate 2010).
The death of all politicians that are corrupt would not the answer to this problem. A
suggestion that a more realistic way to punish corrupt politicians was to make them pay back all
the money they have embezzled and have their assets frozen. This suggestion would prove
efficient as the money would go to more productive activities in the affected economies. There
are clear benefits for taking up this solution as there would be visible economic growth from the
recovered funds. Having all the politicians ejected and fresh faces elected was also a beneficial
solution. It is advantageous, as the new politicians will not have people to encourage them to
become corrupt. Ensuring the political system remains free of corrupt individuals would mean
that the levels of corruption in the government remain low (Bernstein, 2013).


Some of the solutions have proven to be a difficult task to accomplish. Making of the
anti-corruption laws and bill goes through a range of processes each of them symbolized by
different ideologies of corruption and fresh policy measures. However, the important goal
remains unchanged. Within the steps of making these laws, the rhetorical strategies have also
evolved. Changing the political mindset of people is a task aimed at gaining political correctness
in society. The media, social groups, and schools can help spread this new and improved mindset
to the society. An educated and knowledgeable society makes good political decisions.


Bernstein, R. J. (2013) The Abuse of Evil: The Corruption of Politics and Religion since
9/11.Cambridge Polity.

Brownlee, J. (2012). Democracy prevention: The politics of the U.S.-Egyptian alliance.
Cambridge [England: Cambridge University Press.
Rosati, J. A., & Scott, J. M. (2011).The politics of United States foreign policy.Boston, MA:
Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Tate, K. (2010). What’s going on?: Political incorporation and the transformation of black
public opinion. Washington, D.C: Georgetown University Press.
Wald, K. D., & Calhoun-Brown, A. (2011).Religion and politics in the United States.Lanham,
Md: Rowman& Littlefield Publishers.

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