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For the
Final Project, you provide an in-depth analysis of victimization. Select a crime that has been publicized in
the media and contains one main victim to use for your Final Project. You apply the concepts studied
throughout this course to provide the in-depth analysis of the victimization in the crime.

Final Project Guidelines

Assignment Length: 12 pages (not including title page, abstract, and references)

Your Final Project must include the following elements:

� Describe the type of crime (women/children victimization).
� Describe the victim (Jaycee Dugard).

� Explain factors related to social class, gender, ethnicity, and race of the victim that might have played
a role in the vulnerability of the victim.


� Explain factors related to social class, gender, ethnicity, and race that might have played a role in the
type of crime committed against the victim.
� Explain how the victim�s experiences in the criminal justice system might vary based on the social
class, gender, ethnicity, and race of the victim


There are people who are involved in the practice of the domestic violence at their residence. It
expresses violence in interactions where one companion uses force to gain the control over the
other spouse. The intolerable behavior among the partners can be expressed sexually, mentally
and physically. It also involves the bullying of the other person that involves the actions that
leads to control and threatening. There could also be the act of allegation, wounding, and
isolation. It is quite hard to know the exact degree of unfriendliness against women as most of
the behavior such as wife battering and rape are being rarely conveyed.
Abusive behavior at home can be physical, sexual, financial, or mental actions or
intimidation of activities that impact someone else. It incorporates any practices that threaten,
control, humiliate, seclude, startle, threaten, constrain, debilitate, accuse hurt, harm, or wound
somebody. It is exceptionally hard to quantify the genuine degree of hostility against women as
most occurrences of aggressive behavior at home and rape go unreported. This essay will look
into the victimization of women in domestic violence crimes that are occasionally being
committed in virtually all parts of the world.
The persons who perform unfriendly practices that involve forceful sex and physical
harm are mostly related persons as well as strangers. The people of the female gender are at
higher risk in places where they feel more secure such as in their households (Stalans & Lurigio,
1997). For many people, “home” is the place they confront an administration of fear and


savagery because of some individual near them someone they ought to have the capacity to trust.
They are not able to settle on their choices, voice their opinion, or ensure themselves and their
children for dread of further repercussions. The right of ladies are normally underprivileged and
taken away repeatedly by the threat of cruelty. Twenty years back, brutality against women was
not viewed as an issue deserving of global consideration or concern. Casualties of hostility
endured in a hush, with a minimal open difference of their situation. The length of viciousness
against women proceeds with, we cannot claim to be making genuine advancement towards
balance, improvement, and peace. Important Work by the Commonwealth, States, and Territories
alongside accomplice non-government associations, women’s gatherings, and systems has been
attempted to handle men’s savagery against women. Our understanding of the nature and extent
of this brutality is expanding, and there is better energy about its effect on women, children and
on our country. Nevertheless, advance in how to anticipate hostility and to make situations where
ladies live free from savagery is at its outset and obliges ongoing Research consideration and
strategy vigilance.
As seen from a case that occurred in New York recently where a young man beat up her
wife ruthlessly without a care in the world about the young lady’s health and well-being.
Hostility against women is available in every area, in all societies, social groups, different
originalities, and oldness. Most of the commands is against wildness on women. Despite the fact
that most social orders banish viciousness against ladies, in reality, brutality against the rights of
the female gender is normally being allowed according to everyday social practices and beliefs
of the religion to the. Also, when violation happens inside the home, as is all the time the case,
the misuse is viable supported by the implied hush, and the latency showed by the state and the
law upholding apparatus. The worldwide measurements of the brutality are surprising as being


shown via studies on its frequency of manifestation. It is regularly known as “sex-based”
viciousness because it develops partially from women’s subordinate status in the public arena.
As viewed in the case of the young man madly beating her young wife’s to death due to
her decline to have any sexual affair with the man. We can clearly see that the highest degree of
antagonism against women is being presented through unfriendliness of the male gender through
forced sex. It occurs to teenagers, adults and youths (Coker et al., 2002). Personal accomplice ill-
use otherwise called aggressive behavior at home, wife beating, and battering is quite often
joined by mental abuse and in one-quarter to a one-a significant portion of cases by constrained
sex too. The greater parts of women who are ill-used by their accomplices are being misused
commonly. Honestly, a climate of fear frequently pervades damaging connections. Aggressive
behavior at home can happen to anybody paying little heed to race, age, sexual introduction,
religion, or sex. Unfriendly behavior at home affects people of all the social classes including all
the stages of training. The unacceptable behavior being expressed at home occur in both husband
and wife, same sex relations and those who are dating. Abusive behavior at home influences the
individuals who are ill-used, as well as having a generous impact on relatives, companions,
collaborators, different witnesses, and the group. Children who are being raised in abusive
marriages ends up growing up being affected by the lawbreaking. The continual exposure of the
behavior to kids makes them believe that the abuse in marriage is a normal lifestyle. It can result
in the hazard of the development of the offensive societies in for the generations.
The brutality case of this young couple was said to have occurred several other times in
the past. But unfortunately nobody had ever come to realize until on this day when the young
lady could no longer take any more beating. It shows that this abusive behavior at home
regularly happens because the culprit accepts that misuse is and supported and worthy, and may


create repeated cycles of ill-use that overlook brutality. Mindfulness, recognition, and
documentation of aggressive behavior at home vary broadly from nation to nation. Casualties of
abusive behavior at home are involved in local brutal circumstances through seclusion, power
and control, deficient budgetary assets, fear, disgrace or to secure youngsters. As an issue of
misuse, exploited people may encounter physical handicaps, incessant welfare issues, emotional
sickness, restricted accounts, and inadequate capacity make substantial connections. Abused
women may go through post-traumatic worry issue. Children that are the secondary victims
resides in the insulting residence shows much aggression at the tender age that later results to
brutality in maturity (Chesney‐Lind, 2002). The ill behavior expressed in homes occurs to
restrained marriages. Aggressive behavior at home was for the most part connected with physical
viciousness. In spite of the fact that accurate rates are questioned, particularly in the United
States, there is a vast assemblage of multifaceted proof. It proves that ladies are subjected to
abusive behavior at home fundamentally more frequently than men. What’s more, there is an
expansive accord that women are all the more often subjected to extreme types of ill-use and are
more prone to be harmed by an injurious accomplice. The circumstances can exacerbate if the
lady is financially or socially reliant on the wrongdoer.
Unfortunately, the case of the young man could not be well handled as later within the
prosecution the family of the young lady withdrew the case from the court on the basis of
protecting their family name and traditions. It therefore illustrates the fact that in most communal
classes, women are being accused of having the pre-marital sex and next of keen have had them
killed because of breaking their virginity. Losing one’s virginity is seen as the offense to the
integrity of the community. According to Heise (1998), the exercise is worse in the sub-Africa
region. The act of ahead of schedule marriage is a typical practice that is overreaching in the


towns of Tamil-Nadu. It is a presentation of forceful sex, and the youth are being restrained in
marriages and the relations of sex. It exposes them to the peril of high chances of contracting
HIV/AIDS. It highly contributes to school drop outs. Moreover, it is a fact where the folks are
being highly contributes toward the bright future of their young daughters. Parents give their
young girls as a way of acquiring funds and status for themselves with their daughters.
Unreliability, clashes, and societal emergencies additionally enhance early marriages.
Fiscal reasons are said to assume a noteworthy part in such relational unions. Because of the
regular practice of lady cash, the young lady youngster turns into an advantage replaceable for
cash or products. Families see giving an adolescent girl (or sister) to a family that has the
capacity pay a high cost for the lady as an issue answer for their neediness and obligation. The
custom of lady cash may rouse families that face responsibility and financial emergency to “trade
in for cold hard currency” the “advantage” as youthful as 6 or 7. It is with the comprehension
that the real marriage is being deferred until the kid achieves adolescence. On the other hand, the
reports demonstrate that this is likewise being watched that young people may be sexually
abused by the husband to be. Also they are abused by more seasoned men in the family,
especially if the man of the hour is a youngster as well.
The case of the young man and the lady also became open when several of their friends
come out in the open and directly criticized the young man. The young man is criticized of
infidelity which might have been the cause of the brutality she had towards her wife. The wife
might have been just trying to protect herself from contamination to sexual disease thus her
refusal for a sexual relationship with her partner thus the brutality against her. Therefore, it is
clear that Women cannot ask for safe practices of sex and can neither resist bad sex practices. It
has contributed to the high spread of the HIV/AIDS. Undesirable sex from being not able to say


“no!” to an accomplice and be listened, to rape, for example, assault brings about a higher danger
of scraped spot and dying, giving a prepared road to transmission of the infection. A study
showed that the high number of HIV/AIDs were being found in people of Tamil-Nadu in the
present years. The lack of the information predisposes the ladies to abuse. The affected people in
today’s outfitted clashes are much more inclined to be regular folks than soldiers. By most
accounts, 70 percent of the setbacks in latest clashes have been non-warriors the greater part of
them women and children. Ladies’ bodies have ended up into being some piece of the
battleground for the individuals who use deadly weapons as an issue of war. They are assaulted,
stolen, mortified and made to experience constrained pregnancy, sexual misuse, and bondage.
In many countries, women and young girls living in exile camps have reported assaults,
beatings, and kidnappings that happen when they leave the camps for necessities. 29percentage
of all women have encountered physical attack. When a fight ensues, the lady bears the burden
of the outcome of such unrest. Welfare specialists and NGO’s distant from everyone else cannot
change the social, social, and lawful environment that offers rise to and overlooks far-reaching
brutality against women. Finishing physical and sexual hostility obliges long haul responsibility
and methods including all parts of society. Numerous governments have conferred themselves to
suppress the brutality against the rights of the women. They have also passed the laws that
enables for the protection of the rights of women and to punish their abusers. According to
Sternberg et al. (1993), there are ways that can make ladies change the convictions and mentality
that allows for unfriendly behavior. Just when ladies pick up their spot as equivalent parts of
society will viciousness against ladies never again be an imperceptible standard, however, rather
a stunning variation. Numerous NGO’s have organized out training and gathering talks, as an
issue of which “respect killings” were shockingly talked about in broad daylight. The


undertaking prompted positive changes in information, mentality, and practices among group
parts that progressively started to respect “honor killings” as an issue, instead honest to goodness
intends to guard a tribe’s honor.
Crimes are perpetrated against the women in varied forms of brutality. According to the
Constitution, Article 21, it has to be linked to the harshness against women and not to the
community. In India, Crimes against ladies extensively fall into two classes. Offense eminent
under IPC and offenses accepted under Special Laws. The Act is proposed to secure the
privileges of ladies adequately to an acceptable and honorable life in the group. It is critical to
note, that the Preamble of the Act emphasizes the requirement of the concerned women quick
reliefs. Harshness against women illustrates uneven force in associations amongst the men and
ladies. Brutality against women is an appearance of unequal force relations in the middle of men
and ladies. It has led to the oppression of the ladies by the male gender. It is usual that the abuse
is the portion that affects the general well-being that is against human rights. The fierceness’s
effects are very destructive to ladies’ health both mentally and physically. According to
Crenshaw (1991), brutality results in hazards of various body organs of the body as well the
agony, drug abuse and conditions of the body. The ladies that have a past of physical and sexual
abuse have the high rates of unplanned pregnancies, STIs and abnormalities in their fetuses. The
ones that are involved in the violence seeks the assistance from medical practitioners where they
end up vain.
After a further study of the case of the young lady and her abuse husband, it becomes
eminent that the young man started being brutal to the young lady before and after she gave birth
to his firstborn. It clearly shows that the danger of abusive behavior at home for women who
have been pregnant is most noteworthy promptly after labor. The Council E.U dispensed


guidelines on the fight against the brutality being shown to women and young girls including the
FGM. The European women supported this information that aid in addressing issues affecting
the women in Europe today. The ill behavior toward the women entails the physical and the
sexual harassment of the families or the outside relationships (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000).
Women are being exposed to the higher percentage of brutality in the private relationship as
compared to anywhere else. In a later study by the WHO in Tamil-Nadu, over 50% of the elder
officials realizes the abusive relationships interferes with ladies’ working environment and has a
negative impact on organization benefits. It was further being realized that the brutal misconduct
at home made the affected to lose about 8000000 number of days of paid work annually.
Subsequently, large number of women are subjected to early death by their recent or previous
partners. Ladies are being murdered by the individuals whom they know and kick the bucket
from weapon savagery, beatings and smolders, among various different manifestations of
The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (1993)
expresses that the brutality against the ladies is proof of unbalanced powers present between the
ladies and men. It has triggered the expertise over and the oppression of ladies and to the
counteractive action of whole the progression of ladies. It also has led to hostility against ladies
is one of the urgent social instruments by which ladies are constrained into a subordinate position
contrasted and men. The Declaration of the Elimination of Violence against Women orders
viciousness against ladies into three classes. They all happens in the family happening, in the
general group and at the executed or overlooked by the State (Mullin & Linz, 1995). When a
woman is being mistreated during the period of expectancy, it may result in serious problems of


health to the fetus and herself. Pregnancy is also advantageous since it makes the rude partner
halt the behavior.
A UNIFEM report gives an account of savagery against women, from 1327 episodes of
violence towards women gathered in the year 2003 to 2005. Over 35 females were being
involved in various cases of killing. Restricted accessibility of administrations, disgrace, and
apprehension keep ladies from looking for support and change. In the recent study that was being
conducted by the organization of health found that 55-95% of Tamil-Nadu, ladies who were
abused had never complained about any assistance. Savagery by accomplice is so typical in our
public that forced ladies do commit suicide a few times. All the traditional practices observe
harsh treatment against women that are being practiced in many parts of the world. It includes
the FGM, honor killing, and early forceful marriages. They all result to the death, mental
disturbance and health problems of women. Females of all age are interfered by this tradition. In
this case, the media had highlighted in bold letters about the young man’s behavior and used this
as a good example of the many women who suffer brutality in silence. The media took the
opportunity that men are the once who mostly instigate these brutal confrontations within the
families. Although it was the case in a specific scenario, it is sometimes the other way round
where also women are the victimizers of their men something that the media did not highlight in
the occasion.
Indeed, ladies that have not been exposed to the incidences of the hostility are aware of
their susceptibility. Most women have the fear of walking alone during the nights. According to
the parliamentary report, there is the authorization from various mixed sources. Ladies are more
dreadful than men of being distant from everyone else in their homes and of strolling in their
neighborhood around evening time. Ladies s alarm of hostility in the group found that more than


70 percent of Australian ladies feel dangerous when walking unaccompanied at night. According
to the Victorian study, the effects of abuse on women should not be ignored. Various ladies
experience the different forms of brutality which largely affects their security and success, at
work and in the group. Brutality against women especially at home does a huge effect on the
children who experience the traumatizing images of their parents fighting at very tender age. It
affects the child mental well-being as in the case of the child belonging to the young couple who
occasionally fought while being watched by their young ones. Thus, it brings a very negative
image of the society and thus tarnishing the community’s name.
The National Survey on the people’s position to brutality against Women 2009 will both
help and reinforce these activities. It expands on the outline and methodology of two past
national reviews of group state of mind to savagery against ladies embraced by Headquarters of
Women between the years 1987 to 1995. The key aims of the 2009 National Survey are to
evaluate the constituents that influence organization various collection depositions. It aid
brutality against the women and achieves the gauging mental alterations. The hostility happens in
all the tribes, social classes, and religious beliefs. In the world, all women are vulnerable to
hostility. As seen in the case of the young men and her wife, it is eminent that both women and
men can be culprits and casualties of hostility and rape. Look into reliably demonstrates that men
execute the mind dominant part of brutality and misuse against ladies in homes. It is the men
whom ladies know well or in circumstances they impart Violence against ladies cuts over
different varieties of interpersonal viciousness. Therefore must be tended to as an issue of sex
imbalance and disparity (Gracia, & Herrero, 2006).
In conclusion, Brutality against ladies is not just a sign of unequal force relations amid
men and ladies; it is a component for sustaining imbalance. Knowledge of brutality against ladies


and why group disposition is imperative Violence against ladies is an infringement of human
rights, now and again fatal and constantly unsuitable. It is an intricate and tireless issue with
different reasons (Campbell, 2002). The general effect of such hostility is boundless, as it
straightforwardly influences women as well as their children, their families and companions,
work environments and groups. In good terms, there is no more prominent effect than the
damage showed by personal accomplice savagery on ladies’ lives the end of such viciousness has
turned into a commitment of all governments. In respect of the brutality against ladies, we must
take a day out to judge investigate and wipe out any brought on viciousness on them. Also
universally, it is praised on 25 Nov consistently as “white lace day “additionally. The conclusion
from the World History, it has dependably been demonstrated that a woman is dependable been
tormented physically, rationally and sexually. Continuously, she is dealt with as an issue that
looks decent when being indoors and throughout and does everything according to the
instructions given to her. It’s the time to structure such society that promises women that
brutality is inadmissible and that no lady should be beaten, sexually ill-used, or made to endure



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