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Training and Development

Case Study: Transfer of Knowledge in Oki

In case study: Transfer of Knowledge in OKi � Training and Development

  1. What are the main mechanisms employed by OKi (Scotland) to create and strengthen its knowledge


  1. What are their major external and internal sources of knowledge?
  2. How successful or otherwise has the subsidiary been in implementing parent company practices: What

factors have helped or hindered the process?


Case Study: Transfer of Knowledge in Oki

Knowledge is one of the most important resources that organizations depend on to
achieve their set objectives. If an entity has enough individuals that are knowledge, it becomes
easy to innovate and take the organization to the next level (Iva & Havlicek, 2000). Transfer of
this knowledge is also very important to ensure that the organization continues to thrive and to
achieve its goals. This paper is based on a case study of Oki Electricity industry.

Oki is one of the leading companies that operate in more than 120 countries across the
world. Oki is a Japanese company that manufactures and sells info-telecom as well as printer
products. The company headquarter is at Tokyo in Japan. The company has continued to record
positive performance over the years and has been expanding in many countries because of the
strategies it adopts. One of the strategy investing in knowledge transfer through training and
development of its manpower.

Training and development is an important venture for any business that wants to achieve
its goals and vision. Through training, the organization allows its employees to equip with more
skills and knowledge. Training as well ensures that there is no scarcity of knowledge (Iva &
Havlicek, 2000).

OKi has employed various mechanisms in its training programs something that has
contributed to its success. OKI (Scotland) has invested in training as well to create and
strengthen its knowledge base. One ways is through the use of on the job training where new
recruits are taken through fresh training on the way to execute their duties. On the job training
equips new recruits on the practices and policies that the company adopts. Therefore, the recruits
despite their prior knowledge they are expected to learn new skills on the way tasks are carried
out. This training is therefore important in enabling the recruits to be efficient and operates in the
context of the culture and organization practices at Scotland. The organization as well requires
the recruits to have specialized in specific areas during their training. This makes it easy for them
to train them at the company.

The organization as well uses exchange programs and mentorship programmes where
experts in the industry have sessions to share with the new employees to orient them and teach
them on how certain aspects in the organization work. This training play a key role in the
knowledge acquisition among the employees at the organization (Iva & Havlicek, 2000).

There are two major sources of knowledge at the OKI. These are the external and
internal. The internal source of knowledge is gained at the organization. The recruits acquire
more knowledge on their operations through on the job training. They come into contact with the
various machines and products hence in his way they acquire knowledge to operate the same.

The second source on internal knowledge is through the sharing with the college and the other
stakeholders. This enables employees to acquire knowledge on how to relate and work together
with others, mentorship programs is a valuable source on energy at the organization.

There are as well external sources of knowledge available to the recruits and employees
as well as the owners of the company. These external sources include training institutions such as
universities and colleges. These institutions are very valuable sources of knowledge to the
employees. They impact in the employees basic skills that are important for their development
and execution of task (EC COM, 2007). Other sources of external source of knowledge is the
knowledge gained from experts outside the entity.

The subsidiary therefore has succeeded in implementing parent company practices to
larger scale. The reasons that have enabled this success is good leadership. The leadership in the
subsidiary has created conducive environment that has helped to cultivate conducive
environment that has enabled it to impact and transfer knowledge. The other reason that has
facilitated this is the commitment of the management to create a conducive working
environment. The positive working environment has made it easy for the organization to
establish cordial working relationship with the rest of the stakeholders hence facilitating their
training programs.

The organization as well has a clear vision and objectives that has enabled it to keep on
the track. The organization understands the important of providing training and development to
its employees. Investing in employees is very important if it is to achieve its objectives (Sung &
Choi, Jin, 2014). The systems as well in the subsidiary are working well and this has contributed
to his success. For instance, the human resource department is endowed with skilled and
knowledge personnel that place more emphasis on the issues that pertains to employees at the

Knowledge transfer in various entities is approached differently. Those entities that have
invested in training and development stand a chance of achieving their goals and objectives
compared to those that have no such initiatives. For IKO subsidiary in Scotland, its success is
attributed to the strategies it uses in knowledge transfer. It has put in place appropriate systems
that have seen it create a conducive environment for its employees.


Sung, S., & Choi, Jin N. (2014). Do organizations spend wisely on employees? Effects of
training and development investments on learning and innovation in organizations.
Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35(3), 393-412.
EC COM (2007). Improving knowledge transfer between research institutions and industry
across Europe: embracing open innovation, Brussels, 4.4. 1-23.
Iva, T., & Havlicek, J. (2000). Knowledge transfer: a case study approach, Applied studies in
agribusiness and commerce, 1-6

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