Evaluate potential police candidates
Evaluate the MMP1-3 Police Candidate Interpretive Reports for . and . For this discussion, you will take on the role of an industrial-organizational psychologist recently awarded a contract to evaluate potential police candidates. The purpose of the evaluations is to determine the psychological capability of the applicants to be certified as police officers in your state. The applicants you are examining are applying for certification and will be vested with a position of public trust. If certified as police officers, the individuals will likely be required at some future time to exercise significant physical strength and undergo high emotional stress. As the examining psychologist, you are required to comment on the applicants social comprehension, judgment, impulse control, potential for violence, and/or any psychological traits that might render her or him psychologically at risk to be certified. The state requires that each applicants examination include the following elements:
Interview and History: The psychologist must personally interview the applicant and provide a summary of the applicants personal, educational, employment, and criminal history.
Required Personality Test: The applicant shall be administered any current standard form of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3) by the licensed psychologist who interviewed the individual, or by a paraprofessional employed by and under the direct control and supervision of that licensed psychologist.
Other Testing Methods: If (after conducting the required test) the licensed psychologist is unable to certify the applicants psychological capability or risk to exercise appropriate judgment and restraint to be certified as a police officer, the psychologist is directed to personally employ whatever other psychological measuring instrument(s) and/or technique(s) deemed necessary to form her or his professional opinion.