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The problem with the younger generation today

The problem with the younger generation today

Speech Three is a Persuasive speech as well. In this speech you are to combine your personal opinion

with outside research to once again advocate a point of view on this topic.

Students are to present a short speech on the topic of: �The problem with the younger generation
today.� People have been making this speech for thousands of years, as citizens of any given society
express concern that the new generation does not measure up to the older generation. No research is
required for this speech, although if you find interesting data you want to include, feel free to do so.

Students can approach this topic in a serious or light-hearted way.


Title: The problem with the younger generation today

Purpose: The speech aims to provide insights on some of the perceived problems associated to
the younger generation. The speech as well aims to inform the audience about these problems to
manage the same well.
Thesis: Generation gaps drives and triggers the perception that youths are problematic
I. Introduction
A. Greeting: I take this opportunity to salute all of you and welcome you to this event.
B. Attention grabber: Do you believe that youths are problematic? Ponder about this.
C. Credibility statement: Having specialized in psychology at my master’s level, and having
worked with youths, I have taken keen interest on behaviors of youths. Have done
various researches as well on youths and have in-depth understand about them.
D. Thesis statement: Generation gaps drives and triggers the perception that youths are
E. Preview of main points: juvenoia, poor parenting and technology gaps
F. Transition: I begin by discussing on the aspect of juvenoia.
II. Body
A. Main point: Juvenoia

  1. Subordinate point: lifestyle and beliefs
    Transition: Poor parenting is the second gap that contributes to challenges youth


B. Main point.: Poor parenting

  1. Subordinate point: Alcoholic parents
  2. Subordinate point: Education value
    Transition: The last issue that I would like to talk about as I summarize is
    technology gap.
    C. Main point: Technology gap
  3. Subordinate point: Access to information
    Transition: Allow me to make my final remarks on this issue.

III. Conclusion
A. Signal closing: As I conclude,
B. Restate Thesis: I must say that to larger extend generations gaps drives and triggers the
perception that youths are problematic
C. Review main points:

  1. Main point: Juvenoia
  2. Main point: Poor parenting
  3. Main point: Technology gap
    D. Memorable statement of call for action: It is therefore high time for the society to realize
    that seasons and times change as new generations come into existence. Youths require
    good sense of direction to ensure that they uphold to good morals.
    E. Thank the audience for listening: I thank you for your patient and for listening to me. I
    hope my presentation has been of value to you.



Brendtro, L. (2014). Random Events: Lessons from a Half Century Working with Youth.
Relational Child & Youth Care Practice, 27(2): 24-27
Ferguson, C. (March 12, 2014). What’s Really Wrong With Young People Today: Juvenoia.
Time. Retrieved

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