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The instructional curriculum

Project Analysis

identified a need, such as�new equipment, expanding curriculum, change in procedures, and so
forth,�that you want to address through the instructional curriculum you will create for your class project.
You also provided a rationale why the problem or need exists. Each week is a building block as we move
through the stages for planning instructional design to address the identified need. The purpose of this
assignment is to document the planning process. Use the Internet to locate information that you believe

will assist you with your project.



This paper intends to present an analysis for the need of expanding a curriculum.
Notably, when expanding curriculum various learner characteristics need to be identified.
Moreover, when expanding curriculum, consideration should be made regarding cognitive
objectives, behavioral objectives, and the affective domain objectives. Therefore, this paper will
discuss the various learner characteristics identified, and the different objectives regarding
expanding the curriculum.

Need Analysis


Notably, in the class in consideration, it has been identified that students need to improve
on their self-direction (Dent, & McChesney, 2016). The students should learn how to take
responsibility for their life and the decisions they make. Secondly, it has been identified that the
students need to improve on being practical and oriented to results (Dent, & McChesney, 2016).
A practical student is likely to dislike theory. Thirdly, it has been identified that students need to
improve their motivation according to Huang (2012) since learning is in most cases a voluntary
thing. Fourth it has been identified that students need to improve on being less open-minded
according to Huang, (2012). When a learner is less open-minded, they are likely to show more
resistance to change. Fifth it has been identified that students need to improve on slower learning
according to Sayer, (2015). Furthermore, it has also been identified that students need to improve
on having integrative knowledge. Sixth it has been identified that students need to improve their
use of personal experience as a form of a resource according to Sayer, (2015).

Learner Characteristics

Among the characteristics of the students in the class in consideration is that a majority of
the students are adult students. Secondly, the students in consideration are practical students.
Thus, the students tend to be more focused on information, which may be instantly applicable to
the needs of their profession. Furthermore, the students focus on the practical knowledge they
can use in improving the skills they have, facilitating their vocation, and boosting their
confidence according to Dent, & McChesney, (2016). In addition, the students in the class in
consideration are, attending school as a personal choice, since attending school is aimed at
improving their skills in their job and influencing the achievement of professional growth. The


students in the class in consideration are mature and have also gone through profound
experiences in life thus becoming rigid, which discourages learning.
Notably, as an individual grows old, learning is affected. Thus, the students in the class in
consideration have a tendency of gaining knowledge less rapidly according to Dent &
McChesney (2016). Additionally, the students in the class in consideration have seen a lot of
things in their lives and done a lot of things too since they are adults. Thus, the students tend to
link the experiences they have gone through in the past to everything new. Moreover, the
students tend to corroborate new concepts by referring to prior learning.


There are various objectives of expanding a curriculum. However, when expanding a
curriculum consideration should be made regarding cognitive objectives, behavioral objectives,
and the affective domain objectives. Cognitive objectives are associated with the mental skills of
an individual, while affective objectives are associated with the emotional development of an
individual. Behavioral objectives, on the other hand, are associated with the things students are
anticipated to do as opposed to things teachers are anticipated to do. Therefore, the first objective
of expanding curriculum is helping learners to understand, which forms a cognitive objective
according to Dent & McChesney (2016). A curriculum is expected to help learners comprehend
the things they are taught. Furthermore, a curriculum should enable learners to understand
relationships with their inferiors, their equals, and their superiors. Thus, a curriculum should be
able to help learners have a meaningful learning and remember paraphrased information.
Consequently, through a curriculum learners should understand how to define a concept.


The second objective of expanding curriculum is helping learners gain personal
development, which forms a behavioral objective according to Huang (2012). A curriculum
should aim at helping students to recognize the strengths they have. Furthermore, a curriculum
should reveal to students their own needs along with their individuality. Through an appropriate
curriculum, students should develop skills necessary in achieving their potential as they make a
meaningful contribution to the society. The third objective of expanding a curriculum is to help
learners gain thinking skills, which forms the “affective” objective according to Sayer (2015). A
curriculum should enable students to connect the knowledge they already have, and the new
information they get, different materials, or the media, and the environment. Through an
appropriate curriculum, learners should be able to identify premises accordingly, analyze
relationships with ease, and authenticate conclusions.

Expanding curriculum is one of the competent ways of helping students to learn.
Moreover, expanding of a curriculum also creates ease for instructors in their role of teaching.
The essay above has thus, provided an analysis for the need of expanding a curriculum. The
essay has gone further to describe various learner characteristics, identified to necessitate
expanding the curriculum. In addition, the essay has also discussed objectives of expanding the
curriculum, which is based on consideration of cognitive objectives, behavioral objectives, and
the affective domain objectives.



Dent, W., & McChesney, J. (2016). The changing landscape of one primary school’s
mathematics curriculum. Teachers And Curriculum, 16(2).

Huang, S. (2012). The integration of ‘critical’ and ‘literacy’ education in the EFL curriculum:
expanding the possibilities of critical writing practices. Language, Culture, And
Curriculum, 25(3), 283-298.
End Result
Students demonstrating
improvement in

Phase 1: identify Needs
 improve on
 improve on
being practical
and oriented to
 improve on
 improve on
being less open-

Phase 2: Establish
 helping learners
to understand
 helping learners
gain personal
 help learners
gain thinking

Phase 3: Procedure
 The teaching
introducing new
goals to
 The teacher
new techniques
 Comparing
through tests
 Modification of
instructions in
reference to

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