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The basic iconography of Shiva and Parvati

There are at least six artworks (paintings and sculptures) in the Southeast Asian galleries at LACMA that
depict the subject of �Shiva and Parvati.� One of these artworks, �Shiva�s Family� (circa mid-

�?10th century) we have looked at extensively in class.

Shiva and Parvati

The basic iconography of Shiva and Parvati is in the form of yoni and linga. Yoni symbolically
means womb and a place to give birth. Yoni Linga is the origin of power. The two implies
source of power and life in terms of regeneration. In some temples, the two are represented in
various stages of life in their sexual orientation and unity.
Both sculptures and paintings are used to describe the nature of both Shiva and Parvati. There are
similarities and differences in the way the two characters are depicted using both sculptures and
paintings. To begin with, sculptures portray Parvati as being a very beautiful woman with a very
dark skin. She is presented sated on a wild animal like a lion or tiger. Seating a lion symbolizes
her ability to rule nature. In most instances, she is portrayed seated on mountains or near
mountains. Seating on mountains reminds people of her earlier role as a goddess. Other
sculptures represent Shiva wearing silk clothes with bracelets. The sculptures show her with her
son who she is feeding.

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On the other hand, the sculptures present Shiva as a limitless person who never changes. He
comes in different forms which are very scaring. Shiva is the main God in Hinduism. He is
among the five Gods who are very influential. He is therefore regarded as a destroyer and also a
transformer. He is regarded as being present everywhere and lives on the mountain. In addition,
the sculptures depict him as being a family man with a wife and two children. So as to portray
his fierce nature, the sculptures show him with a sword trying to cut demons. He is therefore
recognized as the leader of god of yoga. The sculptures show Shiva as having a third eye on his
forehead with a snake tied around his neck (Brown,20).
Paintings are equally used to describe the nature of both Shiva and Parvati. Paintings describe
Shiva and Parvati together. They both form a relationship which is referred to as Sira-Sakti. The
illustration of the two characters is found both in the wall paintings and in the miniature
paintings. The paintings display Shiva and Parvati as great lovers who are always seated
together. The two lovers are shown seated together on a bull or together with a bull.
Similarly, the paintings have portrayed the two as people who enjoyed each other’s company. In
some instances, they are shown in their respective attires. The paintings show Shiva with his
common characteristics like the crescent of the moon, snake. Furthermore, the paintings show
them in love positions seated on top of an elephant.
The similarities in both artworks are the fact that the theme is the same. Both sculptures and
paintings portray the two characters as great leaders. However, paintings portray the two as great
lovers. Sculptures portray Shiva as being a fierce leader and Parvati as being a very beautiful

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The artworks describe Shiva and Parvati as being different. Parvati represents the important
virtues in the society which are respected by the Hindu community. Some of the characteristics
of Parvati which are portrayed in the artworks include fertility and dedication and also being
very holy. The art work main theme is Parvati’s main significance in terms of her relationship
with the husband. She is described as a householder. Her character attracts Shiva who is a lonely
man without a family. Shiva is attracted into the world of giving birth. Both artworks therefore
describe Shiva and Parvati as being different. Shiva is a fearless leader who is very unruly and
destroys everything. On the contrary, Parvati is portrayed as being very humble and corrects the
unruly character of her husband. Moreover, in both artworks, Parvati stands for a very civilized
person in the society. This is contrary to the mountains and wilderness which are used to
describe Shiva. Despite the fact that she is brought up in this environment, she is able to
withstand all the challenges and cope up with the husband. This is done through convincing the
husband to marry her. Parvati prevents the husband from engaging into controversial activities.
Therefore, the couple represents the power of a woman and the blessings that come with
marriage. This is especially when both the husband and the wife are held together by love.
Parvati’s dedication to serving her husband is outstanding which attracts her husband (Sanderson
&Alexis, 349-492).
In both artworks, Shiva and Parvati are not portrayed as being equal. Shiva is portrayed as a
leader who is very fearless. This is clearly described through use of physical features like the
mountain. Shiva is described as being a supreme being who is after destroying. On the contrary,
Parvati is portrayed as a house maker. She is described as a life giver who respects the husband.
Her character attracts her husband who decides to marry her. She eventually becomes the source

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of blessing in Shiva’s life. The artworks portray them as being dissimilar so as to convey the
message to the people (Haag 15-24)

Works cited

AnandaCoomaraswamy, Saiva Sculptures, Museum of Fine Arts Bulletin, Vol. 20, No. 118
(Apr., 1922), pp 15-24
James W. Haag (2013), The Routledge Companion to Religion and Science, Routledge, ISBN
978-0415742207, pp 491-496
Robert Brown (2012), Ganesh: Studies of an Asian God, SUNY Press, ISBN 978-0791406564
Sanderson, Alexis (2004), “The Saiva Religion among the Khmers, Part I.”, Bulletin de
Ecolefrangaised’Etreme-Orient, 90-91, pp 349-462

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