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Sustainable Solutions Paper (SSP) Proposal

Sustainable Solutions Paper (SSP) Proposal

Order Instructions:

This will be the beginning of a very long paper that will come in parts every week, it is important that the
writer stick to the instructions and read carefully every detail. For this week the writer will just be preparing
the (SSP) proposal which will have to be approved first before other parts of the paper can be added. The
writer may use the same company that was use in the paper with reference #112472 of my previous
paper. The writer must detail respond to all the points raise below in the questions. Also take note that
they will be a template for this paper that the writer will follow strictly, written directly on it following the
instructions that are clearly giving. For this week the writer will not need the template as we are still in the
process of approving the proposal.

Sustainable Solutions Paper (SSP) Proposal.

There is little question that the global business landscape in the 21st century is different from the
landscape of the 20th century. Companies that have been in existence for nearly the entire 20th century
are now out of business. Camera maker Eastman Kodak was one of many such companies who did not
develop a sustainable business model that would allow it to adapt to a changing environment.
Modern consumers are increasingly demanding that organizations not only meet the needs of those they
serve today but also the needs of future generations. In order to survive, organizations must develop a

sustainable model that incorporates social responsibility. Studies, such as those by Kanzah (2013), show
that companies who adopt sustainability practices that address environmental issues, societal issues, and
workforce development positively impact short-term efficiency and operations management. These
organizations also reduce risk. Such results indicate that developing an organizational sustainability
strategy is not a moral obligation but also a business imperative.
To prepare, begin by thinking about the organization you have chosen that could benefit from applying
both the concepts of sustainability and strategic thinking for which you would like to create a sustainable
solution. Review the Senge course text. Identify an issue that interests you that may provide an
�opportunity hook� into exploring the underlying systemic relationships and business models that
Senge argues may be unsustainable.

Prepare and submit approximately a 2-paragraph SSP proposal. In your proposal,
identify the organization you have selected and provide background on its history and present position
within its industry.
Be sure to identify two of the organization�s main competitors.
Then specify its relevance for study, place the organization in the context of the course, providing
supporting evidence/reference(s). Use proper APA citation(s), grammar.


Sustainable Solutions Paper (SSP) Proposal

Apple Inc., is one of the most world influential and popular company. The company
deals in production of computers and communication gadgets such as iPhone, iPod, Smartphones
among many others. The company pioneer and founder Steve Jobs started the company together
with Steve Wozniak. (Apple Case Study, 2012). The company has grown and expanded over the
years to its status. The leadership was visionary and valued its customers. Creativity and
innovation of the leaders and employees as well contributed to its success (Millar & Porter,
1985). The position of the company is to meet the needs and tastes of the customers. The
company ensures that it produces products that are of high quality and innovative. Furthermore,
the company has invested more in training and development and research and development to
ensure future sustainability.
The company has a number of competitors that compete for the same markets.
Competitors as well deal in similar products hence reducing the market share of the company.
Some of these competitors include, Nokia and IBM (Sahoo, 2012). Therefore, this company is
important in this study, as it will help to understand the strategies employed to remains
sustainable in this competitive markets. It will also provide insights on how it creates its values
and how it can even do better by adapting to other strategies



Apple Case Study (2012). Apple Inc.: The Steve Jobs Effect. The Steve Jobs Effect, 1-16

Millar, V., & Porter, M. (1985). How information gives you competitive advantage. Harvard
Business Review, 63, 149–160.
Sahoo, D. (2012). Strategic Change of Campaign at Apple Inc. The Indian Journal of
Management, 5(2), 38-48.



Apple Case Study (2012). Apple Inc.: The Steve Jobs Effect. The Steve Jobs Effect, 1-16

Buciuni, G., & Mola, L. (2014). How do entrepreneurial firms establish cross-border
relationships? A global value chain perspective. Journal of International
Entrepreneurship, 12(1), 67-84.

Cravens, D., Piercy, N., & Baldauf, A. (2009). Management framework guiding strategic
thinking in rapidly changing markets. Journal of Marketing Management, 25( ½), 31-49.
Millar, V., & Porter, M. (1985). How information gives you competitive advantage. Harvard
Business Review, 63, 149–160.
Sahoo, D. (2012). Strategic Change of Campaign at Apple Inc. The Indian Journal of
Management, 5(2), 38-48.

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