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Strategic HRM in Practice


Identify the pros and cons of removing personal information, such as age, gender, ethnic origin, and
family or marital circumstances, prior to the screening and shortlisting of applicants for employment. Take

a position for either removing or retaining such information.


It is critical to mention that one of an essential human resource management practices is
staffing. According to sources, the functions of management involve the prospect of retaining an
organization’s structure through an accurate selection, appraisal and development of the human
labour meant to fill the roles required within a work environment (Baert, Cockx, Gheyle, &
Vandamme, pp. 467-500. 2015). In this case, the process of staffing involves an appropriately

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structured recruitment, selection, development and compensation of the workers within an
Additionally, human capital remains an essential element in the growth of an employing
organization since it offers the workers the opportunity to exercise their collective skills, abilities
and competencies that would spur the organization to gain successfully a competitive advantage
(Baert, et.al). The recruitment process at times become a challenging experience to the recruiters
since it becomes difficult to determine the best choice of staff to recruit and how to go about the
process. This paper, therefore, seeks to synthesize the pros and cons of neglecting personal
information of an applicant during the process of screening for employment.
Pros and cons of removing personal information

The selection process remains a critical aspect of the staffing function of an organization.
An ineffective selection has the capacity to affect the decisions of the hiring and placement of
workers within an organization (Corell, Benard & Paik, pp.1297-1338.2007). Staffing, therefore,
involves an approach geared towards placing the right men and women at the good job. This
process can, therefore, be effectuated through a thorough recruitment approach that determines
the best suitable candidate for a position.
During the selection process, there are some biases that need to be avoided. The removal
of personal information remains an essential element in reducing or eliminating discrimination
prior to the short listing and recruitment process. Sources reveal that several incidences of
discrimination have been noted in recruitment processes where people are judged based on their
nationality/ethnicity, gender, disability and equality in authority (Corell, et.al).

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These factors clearly depict the fact that removing personal information prior to the short
listing and recruitment process will maintain the processes equality, a factor that clearly spells
out that fact that all the applicants will be treated fairly, with the best taking the job irrespective
of their ethnicity, gender, social status (Corell, et.al). These factors are known to stereotype
several recruitment processes thus removing personal information prior to the process of
recruitment ensures equality in recruitment.
Some schools of thought allege that the recruitment process should not only rely on how
the applicants are recruited but who fits a job position for selection. The primary idea in this
remains the fact that applicants should be in their right mental, physical and psychological state
for the positions declared vacant within an organization (Corell, et.al). An instance of this can be
determined by the fact that certain jobs require men as compared to women. Women are known
to fit in particular job positions since they have not the strength needed to handle some jobs.
Men, on the other hand, are better placed in carrying out hard labour such as building houses,
drilling, and driving trucks.
In support to this, some particular cultures impact the nature of jobs that both these sexes
should partake. An instance of this is a case of Saudi Arabia where men are not allowed to
engage in the sales of female lingerie. It is through this that the removal of an applicant’s
personal information prior to the process of short listing and recruitment may result in the hiring
of wrong personnel (Corell, et.al). It is also essential to determine where an applicant comes
from, their gender, physical conditions among other factors that can assist in the process of
recruitment. This information’s remain pertinent in ensuring that the personnel’s hired are

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suitable for the job thus removing them would give the Human Resource functions difficult in
determining the appropriate employees.

My Stand in either Removing or Retaining such Information
According to the findings stated in this analysis, it is essential that the applicants detail
their personal information in their applications to aid the recruiters with the right information
during the process of recruitment (Fratričová, & Rudy, pp. 149-155.2015). Employers should,
therefore, request for this information since the hiring of wrong applicants may lead the
organization into incompetency, a factor that would affect its production immensely.
From an experience I have personally had, there are several factors that are required to
get a job with a government institution. The recruiting agencies need to ensure if an applicant is
of the right age and has the capacity to perform the duties delegated appropriately (Fratričová, &
Rudy, pp. 149-155.2015). The government has also set a retirement age bracket, a factor that
typically requires an individual’s personal information. In an incidence where the personal
information is removed, the recruiters are more likely to recruit the wrong personnel to fill the
job positions.


According to the findings detailed in this research it is critical to note that the removal of an
applicant’s personal information during the recruitment and selection process has several adverse
impacts that may affect the operations of a company. It is therefore essential to determine that an
applicant’s personal information should be included during the process of recruitment.

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References List

Baert, S, Cockx, B, Gheyle, N, & Vandamme, C 2015, ‘Is There Less Discrimination in
Occupations Where Recruitment Is Difficult?’, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 68,
3, pp. 467-500, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 3 September 2015.
Corell, S.J., S. Benard and I. Paik, 2007. “Getting a Job: Is There a Motherhood Penalty?”,
American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 112, No. 5, pp.1297-1338. 

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Fratričová, J, & Rudy, J 2015, ‘Get Strategic Human Resource Management Really Strategic:
Strategic HRM in Practice’, International Journal Of Management Cases, 17, 4, pp. 149-
155, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 3 September 2015.

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