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Strategic Analysis of Dell

Strategic Analysis of Dell

1- I have read the case study, and did the analysis (you will see my findings under the attached document

called “Strategic Audit Format DELL”. Please use my findings to write the report.

2- Please use the attached word document called “Dell Strategic Analysis Report” to write the REPORT,
when you open this document, you will see what are the exact requirments highlighted in yellow.


Michael Dell is the founder of Dell Inc. and this was done Austin, Texas in 1984
whereby, he had an unparalleled thought concerning the organization. Dell needed to offer PC
frameworks to clients specifically by conveying the most solid registering answers to address
individual issues at the obliged time with no mistake to their clients overall. Dell is a company
that is majorly based in the US which does the business of selling hardware and other services
that is spread all over the world. The Dell Company specializes in the production of computer
systems for example, various software’s, hardware, mobile devices for networking and other
electronics. The Dell Company does not only sell its products to personal consumers, but also
sell its product to the institutions like the government, healthcare institutions and eve to the
education sectors (Theobald, 2010). Through its very many segments, it gives its customers a
wide spectrum of solutions as far as their services are concerned so that it can widen its scope of
distributions to global markets. Some of the solutions that it gives to its customers range from a
series of configured IT and even networking and storage of the products through embracing
infrastructure technology that is done through consultation and applications. For the dell
company to carry out its business effectively, it must develop a well framed business strategies
and plans.
Dell is an organization that conveyed change to its immediate model of offering and in
the year 2007, the organization wound up making the first stride towards a worldwide retail
methodology. This method involved taking off issues by including retail as a new channel and
growing its administration offering to fulfill its clients and fulfilled. Dell began to offer its two
models of PCs at more than 3500 stores of Wal-Mart in United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.
In 2003, the administration of Dell chose to change the name of organization from Dell

Computer Corporation to Dell Inc. This was finished to the point of perceiving the quickly
expanding expansive product offering offered by the Organization. Keeping in mind the end goal
to lessen the general cost that it used to bring about, the organization reported to offer most or
every last bit of its assembling offices inside 18 months. This was until January 31, 2007, Kevin
Rollins leaves because of the poor monetary execution and negative NEWS scope of the
organization that prompted the arrival of Michael Dell as the CEO of the organization.

About the industry

The PC industry is mainly dominated by big players such as Microsoft, Apple, HP, IBM,
Samsung, among others. In 2007, Dell was taken over by HP in terms of the market share and
the condition has remained the same to date. Currently, Apple is the largest technology company
due to the size of their shares and their huge sales in various places in the world. The Launch of
the Windows 3.0 changes the computer market industry in favor of Microsoft such that some
players were locked out of business. The launch of smartphones has destabilized the market
forces in the PC industry, since such phones have almost similar capabilities like the PC.

Company Background

Dell is an organization that works comparable with Microsoft windows that changed plan
of action and elements of the business. Dell is dated to be one of the biggest innovation
organizations of the world regarding aggregate estimation of its impacts that are so colossal and
alarming to numerous financial specialists who are intending to venture in a PC based business.
The organization’s Netscape gave the first open to all online worlds Browser, which was of
incredible utilization of a large number of the individuals who are keen on its operations all
inclusive (Dell, 2015). Dell is an organization that drove the business sector until Microsoft

entered the business sector with Internet Explorer that brought any changes into the
technological world. In the year 2007, HP took the first opening as far as a piece of the overall
industry from Dell. Notwithstanding, the dispatch of Window 3.0 in 1990 and Windows 3.0
changed the plan of action of the Dell business to the Microsoft’s Advantage over Apple, IBM,
Atari and many different frameworks. This was so much felt yet because of the way that clients
weren’t bolted into one seller’s item things were conceivable and well operational. The dispatch
of the iPhone acquired Genuine made changes the cell phone industry and was the first notion of
versatile that could in the long run destabilize the PC area of DELL Company. It never took so
long that the organization chose to present iPad that later denoted the start of the end of the PC
business, which had been a huge business foundation of the Dell organization. Dell is an
organization that has contenders like Apple II that was framed in the year 1977and IBM PC that
was shaped in 1981. They have all been attempting to try their hardest and coach clients in the
business sector in their procedure of contending to be the best. There has been high upgrades
made on the nature of generation as this is the key part that will help DELL as an organization to
hold its old clients and get new ones in the business.
The organization encountered a VR “Virtual Reality” Announcement by Microsoft in
2015 in blend with the “visualization Glasses”. Different organizations, for example, Samsung
Oculus and velvet are said to have experienced the same Virtual Reality declaration by Microsoft
that served to hone their abilities the way it accomplished for DELL. The VR Innovation that is
utilized for utilization by Dell is going to lead the world and a decent substitution to numerous
different gadgets that are exceptionally required and needed in the figuring business.

Past Problems in DELL

Dell is an organization that was confronted by issues in the past and they incorporate the Poor
monetary conditions all through the world and the end of web air pocket that meddled with its
operations. For as far back as 10 years, a great piece of the Personal PCs (PC) deals were for
tablets and PCs in the $799-$999 territory. If the organization utilizes a PC or Laptop 20% of the
time, the most astounding value they need to pay is $599 and this was recorded to be too low as
they thought things could be on their side. In 2002, the general interest for the PC frameworks
and administrations declined on account of the world monetary shortcoming. This turned into an
extraordinary test for the DELL Company to manage as it couldn’t make to deal its items to its
clients and achieve its objective according to its arrangements. There was the ascent of minimal
effort equipment PC makers in China and numerous individuals because of the falling economy
needed to get the modest equipment’s so they redirected their regard for purchase them in China.
This turned into a downside to the organization that wound up losing the greater part of its
clients because of the failing economy. Regardless of purchasing the PC equipment’s in China,
they also understood that they were not up to the norms that they wanted and couldn’t help make
quality PCs as needed by their clients along these lines they lost numerous clients to their rival
Apple who was currently best in quality generation of items. Numerous clients who were in the
wake of getting a quality items occupied their business with DELL and went to Apple. Dell
stood up to a test due to the rapidly changing advancement that it was not used to. It fails to
handle the conformities in development in the blessed time in this way, its opponents had an
unassuming time of telling in the business division. The failure of getting a handle on the
changing advancement in incredible time made Dell to be directly in its operation while
customer required now to buy extraordinary online and they were without further ado urged to
oversee Apple who had used the usage of the new development on a helpful reason. The

Increasing Unit Sales and Volume however Sales salary kept decreasing as a result of contention
in the perspective of esteeming. This provoked DELL not making incredible arrangement as a
result of the high expenses top it put in its stock. Customers fled away as a result of the high
expenses that they stood up to in DELL. Customization of Desktop “Less extravagant Price” was
another test that DELL expected to face. This is because, the association now had low
arrangements that couldn’t entirety to the hungered for formal level as it expected to hold its
customers appropriately encountered an adversity. New associations that created were a danger
in view of the fulfillment felt by Dell. These associations were arranged in – Chinese, Korean
republics and in the United States of America. There was Slowed enthusiasm for the ranges of
the association in view of the nonappearance of enough supports to finish the procedure. The PC
business felt some shivering issue due to reality that development had not been handled,
especially in DELL and this incited directed examination that made it to fall behind. In spite of
their being numerous issues previously, the organization is as of now encountering some
different issues that are as an aftereffect of the quickly changing industry drifts that are felt in the
PC business. In the late the DELL’s PC business slammed in the first quarter of 2013 with the
new PC shipments falling 14% contrasted and the same period a year ago (Dedrick, 2008). This
has been as an aftereffect of the organizations that give best PC because of innovation that is
utilized in their premises. They have utilized individuals with best brains who can help in
changing the world with the innovation that they have within their reach.
There is another challenge that is being confronted by DELL Company in the later. This
issue is presently connected with the way that PC Users now have significantly more decision
than anytime recently, which influence what they purchase and they can choose to purchase cell
phones or even iPads, tablets that perform comparative parts with PC’s. Notwithstanding this,

they can secure them frame other reason at a less expensive cost as they are delivered by
numerous organizations like Samsung, Apple among others. Dell is encountering a huge test that
is connected with Industry Convergence and Domination of Larger Players who have now
commanded the business sector. A portion of the enormous player in the PC’s business who have
commanded the business are similar to Apple who are currently extremely overwhelm because
of the fat that they give the best of items needed by their clients because of their brilliant and
practical measures that given the offer of the organization’s items. Another test that is confronted
by DELL is the way that most PC creators do little item advancement all alone. This has driven
the organization to depend for the most part on their suppliers for item advancement, and on
Microsoft and Intel for new advances that they will use in their creation. All things considered
individuals have discovered they can do as much as 80% on a tablet that they used to do on a PC
and they have turned structure, acquiring PC’s to the purchasing of tablets that are not delivered
by DELL. This implies that they need to make low expenses as they don’t create tablets, which
are presently needed by customers in the business. Because of the issues of advances and also
advancement propelling consistently, the PC business has now been made fiercer and DELL as
Company is feeling this extraordinary effect; since it doesn’t grasp innovation with its moving
pace. This implies that a long time from now risks are there will be a couple of PCs at home.
Furthermore, DELL is very tested with this exploration discoveries. Around then individuals will
be wearing PCs (embedded) for instance, in eyeglasses and this will imply that if DELL does not
change its line of creation it may endure enormous misfortunes. Exploration demonstrates that
Future is anticipated that individuals will like a wearable PC or gadgets like savvy, Google
glasses, VR and numerous more items, which are not made by DELL Company accordingly, an
enormous test for them. This is an unmistakable sign to the organization that it’s truly

experiencing a genuine test that if the right measures are not imparted set up it will have high
issue. Hence, the administration of the organization ought to wake up and gaze grasping new
changes in the innovative world at the earliest opportunity.
Company’s Vision & Mission

Dell is an organization whose vision is to be the best in matters to do with data
innovation Systems that must be utilized in the Company on a worldwide level by conveying the
best client involvement in all business sectors they serve (Burns, 2011). The mission of the
organization is to be much focused and try their hardest to inspire their clients who are
exceptionally needing their backing.

Company’s Goals and Objectives

Dell Inc. As of late set an objective for the year 2020, known as legacy of good, which is
a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity and also intended to build up a maintainable
planet in the whole environment. Dell Inc. has a set goal, which is to give great quality support
of its client at the least cost conceivable. Dell has done a few Improvements in client
productivity that will help avow its goals that it cravings to work with (Dell, 2015).

Company’s Structure

The structure of the company is based under three strategies that it has employed for use
in its premises. These strategies are inclusive of the corporate strategy, business strategy that
works hand in hand with the human resource department to ensure that all functionality of the
company are in the right place. The third strategy that is employed for use is the functional
strategy that ensures that all the functions of the company are well done according to all the
plans that were set aside and ensures that all the workers in the company are given all the desired

privileges together with being encouraged to worked harder to the success of the company. The
company has structured their products in a desire way that really impresses the customers by
ensuring that they simplify their products and services in accordance to the desires of their
customers who will be more impressed if they obtain what they want. DELL Inc. The structure is
in a way that impresses their customers and this enables them to be in a better position of even
attaining more customers. The structure ensures that the company has a good management from
top managers up to the lowest mangers and that they carry out their duties accordingly. This
ensures that the industry gives a win with industry-leading end-user computing solutions that
enhance the scale of alternative computing solutions.

Company’s Range of Products

Dell center business level technique is easiest method; the organization is themed to lead
the business by promoting the pattern of minimal effort and lean assembling. Dell’s online form
to request and Just in Time stock framework is a reasonable evidence that dell seeks after Low
Cost Strategy as its Business Level system. Dell likewise seeks after Differentiation method, its
aggregate customization alternative and building your own PC is an exceptional idea which no
other Computer maker takes after. The main product of this company is personal computers.

Computer Platform

The significant highlight of the practical level procedure of Dell is that the organization
concentrates on utilizing its solid abilities as a part of direct deals, minimal effort assembling,
store network administration capacities so as to build the classification of its items through which
the organization can convey increased the value of its purchasers at lower cost. Utilize the
focused abilities of organization in servers and PCs to seek after chances of income

development. Dissimilar to the contenders that take over the customary model of worth chain,
Dell does not keep up in-house supply of completed product inventories.

Corporate structure/culture

The Current corporate structure includes groups and group administrators who report
specifically to senior directors or venture supervisors. The hierarchical structure is level and
power is assigned to representatives. Administration in Dell has confidence in engaging its
workers, Dell has some essential rules and winning with respectability is a piece of it, it makes
Dell’s way of life aggressive. Dell’s way of life is developmentally focused; it is intended to
incite advancement and innovation in representatives.
SWOT analysis

Strengths of the Dell Company may include the following market leadership, direct sales
strategies, price on the basis of performance, most updated technology and many other more.
Weaknesses include over reliance on the institutional and corporate sales, non-
acceptability in the retail sectors. Lack of technology in the company is a weakness that brings
operations down. Production of one product of the company is a weakness as people need a
range of products that they can be able to choose from.
Opportunities: markets that are unexploited enhanced usage of the internet that results in
increased demand for the laptops and even technological modernization. The Partnerships that
are evident with local manufacturers in researching the market insight and the Favorable
situation that come as a result, in safeguarding the green field investments is a strength to Dell
Company. The exchange rate is to the advantage of the company, together with low labor costs
and tax rates that they are now experiencing.

Threats may include: impulsive trends in the market places, a financial crisis that is a
great challenge to the whole world and the price wars. There are high sanctions that have been
experienced by the company and they have resulted in high weakness in the company. There are
restrictions that deny the multinational companies like Dell to be able to move their profits to
certain percentage and this becomes a weakness.

Societal Environment Analysis (Pest Tool)

Political factors: various aspects of the politics have great impacts almost in all parts of
the world. They may range from the government directives and even the institutional policies. In
the case of the Dell Company there is one big threat of politics or the legal environment this is
mainly seen as a threat because political factors involve government regulations that define terms
and conditions that any business must operate within. Therefore, it is very important to consider
this factor since many countries are still restrained by some of these policies which are put to
defend domestic manufacturers and producers.
The economic environment may include the nature of the economy in which various
companies compete. Some of these economic factors are like company directives, restrictions
that are put in the budgets and even the income generation measures of the organization. The
main challenge for the Dell Company as far as the economic environment is concerned is the
degree of piracy.
Social factors which include the culture of the society and in some cases it may include
attitude and the values, especially the change in the lifestyle of the people, change in the
consumption patterns, attitude towards work and even to some great extent in the education and
health. These external social factors may affect the way the company provides solution to the

problems so that they can meet the demands of the customers since customers can decide to work
with one vendor that serves all their interests. The major social factors are inclusive of the
increased global target audience, effects of the brand name that may or may not be liked by the
customers. Other factors are inclusive of the literacy rates of a region and the factor that
determines how a customer finds an easier way of shopping online to save time and money.
Technological issues: the most important technology issue for the computer industries is
the speed and the rate of adoption of the newly introduced technology that can greatly affect the
effectiveness of the organization. There are factors that influence the technology that is supposed
to be used in the industry and they are inclusive of; the ease of access to new technology, decline
in technology cost and the global production factor all aimed at enhancing the functionality of
the new technology.

Industry Environment Analysis (Five Forces)

The most important tool that can be selected as a way to be used to analyze the situation
of the company as far as control recline is concerned is the porter’s five forces model. This is
mainly because it helps the company to understand its strong points against its competitors in the
market places. According to this model, competition in the industry can be as a result of five
forces that are combined together for example the competition, rivalry within the organization,
possible entry of new competitors in the market, possible growth of the alternative products, and
bargaining powers of both the suppliers and the customers. For the rivalry against its existing
competitors, there are many players like the Toshiba, HP, Gateway and many other companies
that offer cost and competitive benefits. Threats of new entrance into the market: Dell Company
has the obligation to do better so that they can beat their competition through producing using the
most recent technology and then put their prices in a way that they will compete favorably. The

bargaining power of the buyers: for many computer industries, customer bargaining power has
been very soaring this is mainly because of the very little reliability of the brand in the market
places and also due to the products of many producers look like. The bargaining power of the
suppliers: because of the fact that there are very few vendors who are capable of supplying the
major components of the computer, the bargaining power of the trader in the computer industry
has also elevated.
The availability of substitute products in the market places has greatly impacted on the
sale and productivity of the computer elements. They have the oligopoly kind of the market
structure since most of the producers of the computer parts produce similar products.

Internal environment

Corporate management and management team

Dell is a company that is majorly based in the US which does the business of selling
hardware and other services that is spread all over the world. Dell Company specializes in the
production of computer systems for example various software’s, hardware mobile devices for
networking and other electronics. Dell Company does not only sell its products to personal
consumers, but also sell its product to the institutions like the government, healthcare institutions
and even to the education sectors.

Corporate culture

Through its very many segments, Dell Company gives its customers a wide spectrum of
solutions as far as their services are concerned so that it can widen its scope of distributions to
global markets. Some of the solutions that it gives to its customers range from a series of
configured IT and even networking and storage of the products through embracing infrastructure

technology that is done through consultation and applications. For the dell company to carry out
its business effectively, it must develop a well framed business strategies and plans.
TOWS Analysis outcomes TOWS analysis outcomes

Basically, TOWS has been just SWOT which is spelled from behind if we are keen to
observe and SWOT is an acronym of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The
results of the SWOT analysis can be represented in a matrix which contains the Strengths and
Weaknesses as the internal pieces intersecting with Opportunities and Threats as the external
factors. Appendix A shows a representation of TOWS analysis outcomes. ST (strengths-Threats)
considers making use of the internal strengths in order to run away from the external threats. An
example is when the company faces a threat of its funds decreasing at an alarming rate; the
company will be posed to a challenge of finding other methods of obtaining funds like making
use of volunteer management software so as to increase efficiency and effectiveness (Burns, P.
WT (Weakness-Threats) which is a defensive position in the matrix and functions to try
and avoid threats while minimizing on weaknesses and is considered most of the time when the
organization in question is in a really bad position. For instance, the company may be facing the
threat of losing funds and the company reacts by merging some of its programs with other
organizations to save on resources and wait until its funding becomes stable.
External Factors Analysis Summary

The external factors analysis summary illustrates an automated version of organizing
external factors in terms of both threats and opportunities and looking at how an organization
makes response to these factors basing their arguments on the importance of each of the two

factors. In this case, the sum of the weight is not supposed to go beyond the weight give to each
factor, that is, 1.00 is the most important factor while 0.0 is not important. Moreover, a rate is
assigned to each factor whereby 5 stands for outstanding and 0 is poor. The weighed score is
calculated by finding the product of weight and rate of each factor.
Internal Factor Analysis Summary
The internal factor analysis summary consists of a spreadsheet provision that is relatively
easy to use in an attempt to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities in a
particular organization. Once again, the rate and weight are used in the analysis. In this case, the
total sum of weight must not be more than the weight of each factor as given in the summary and
1.00 weights refer to the most important factor while 0.0 factors are not important. When a rate
of 5 is assigned to a factor, the factor is outstanding while that which is assigned 1 is a poor
factor. Nevertheless, the weighted score is calculated by obtaining the product of weight and rate
of each factors.
TOWS analysis: Strategic factors analysis summary
Strategic factor analysis illustrates a combination of some of the most essential factors of
both the internal factor analysis summary and external factor analysis summary. This strategic
factor analysis also outlines an overall outlook of an organization based on its strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The rate, which implies how well an organization
responds to the factors, and also the weight which stands for the importance of the factor are
some of the issues that are taken into account. Weight for each factor is assigned whereby 1.00 is
very important while 0.0 is not an important factor. Nevertheless, all weights must total to 1.00.
A rate of 5 to a factor is considered as outstanding while that of 0 is considered to be poor. The

letter X is typed to each factor to imply the significant amount of time each factor will take. The
weighted score is established by finding the product.

TOWS matrix and strategic alternative summary

The TOWS matrix is helpful when it comes to visualization of the analysis whereas it is
very vital to understand how the elements of the matrix work together for positive results. When
any particular company or organization manages to match the internal strengths to external
opportunities, it gets the advantage of increasing its competency towards its customers.
SO (Strengths-Opportunities): This implies using the internal strengths to maximize on
opportunities available for instance spending more time and focus on writing grant proposals if
there is a lot of grant money availed.
WO (Weakness-Opportunities) which implies an improvement of the internal weaknesses
by utilizing the external opportunities available. For instance, if there are lots of grant monies
available and the company does not have grant proposal writers, the company may consider
hiring or employing an expert or consultant, or better still send an employee for training on grant
proposal writing.
ST (strengths-Threats) considers making use of the internal strengths in order to run away
from the external threats. An example is when the company faces a threat of its funds decreasing
at an alarming rate; the company will be posed to a challenge of finding other methods of
obtaining funds like making use of volunteer management software so as to increase efficiency
and effectiveness.
WT (Weakness-Threats) which is a defensive position in the matrix and functions to try
and avoid threats while minimizing on weaknesses and is considered most of the time when the

organization in question is in a really bad position. For instance, the company may be facing the
threat of losing funds and the company reacts by merging some of its programs with other
organizations to save on resources and wait until its funding becomes stable.
Review of the mission and vision
The company should review their IT system manufacturing in order to enhance
automation of their services. The implementation of IT in their operations will see the realization
of low cost production and a subsequent increase in profits realized by businesses.
Review of the goals and objectives
The company should review that goals and their objectives and make them be in tandem
with the lowest possible costs as they strive to enter the untapped computer market and increase
their productivity. Provision of good quality goods and services to the customers and offering
cheap computers should form part of the company goals. The overall objective of all these goals
should be focused at improving the market share of the computer market and to improve on their
Strategic Alternatives (Corporate, Business, Functional)
In order to ensure a brighter future with fewer uncertainties, the company must begin to
diversify their portfolio and opt for vertical integration in their business operations. Focusing on
one product alone is risky business since the business can be struck by unforeseen circumstances.
Corporate Strategy

In terms of corporate strategy, the company should focus on internationalization of their products
in order to reach untapped market.
Business Strategy
In terms of business strategy, the company should focus on implementing proper structure of
business operations to enhance their overall presence in the computer industry. Moreover, the
company should develop their business competency to enhance their competitive advantage as
they strive to increase their market presence and to gain a big market share.
Functional Strategy
The company should capitalize on the latest advances in technology and streamline their
operations in line with Information Technology to improve on their efficiency and reduce
operational costs. Another functional strategy that the company should consider is to expand
their operations into new markets in order to increase their sales and their overall revenues. Since
the production costs at the company are still relatively high, a cutting costs strategy needs to be
implemented by implementing a costs effective value chain in the organization.
Strategy Implementation
For Dell to move forward, the company needs to come up with the strategy information
across the organization that will increase overall business performance. Another form of strategy
implementation is that the company should withdraw from some of the activities that can
perform well at lower costs in the value chain in order to maximize their profits. This is because
such activities are very expensive and would make the company avoid expensive costs related to
the cost of production. The management at Dell should ensure that the critical and core
competency issues are kept in house with the aim of ensuring that the company moves forward.

Since the company is determined to make profits, the company should explore the alternatives of
selling their products through retail outlets and devise a plant to reward sales people on direct
commission. This will ensure that the sales people work hard to meet their target and the
company stands to benefit through increasing their sales. Moreover, the company should focus
on high revenues and market share by putting more focus on the product development and
market development.
Keeping in mind the end goal to improve their game changer, the organization ought to
proceed with their internationalization arranges and guarantee that their organization works in all
sides of the globe. This can successfully be accomplished by securing nearby and promising PC
organizations. Moreover, the organization ought to move to a bio-comparable business to help in
items broadening to enhance the general danger of overreliance in one item. The organization
can likewise change their assembling areas to empower them diminish expenses and make more
benefits. Because of headway in innovation, Dell ought to exploit online stages to enhance their
corporate distinguish by dispatching forceful showcasing in the online stages.
The organization needs to search for little however encouraging PC organizations and
converge with them so as to avoid future rivalry and grow their regions. The assembling focuses
likewise need to be moved into territories with shabby assembling expenses to diminish the
organization operations and build their general benefit. The organization ought to likewise
contract their advertising methodologies and to build their center to the individuals who need
PCs. Dell has kept up their emphasis on the business with the point of turning into the business
sector pioneer. The organization has enormously put resources into HR to empower
advancement and imagination required in the association. Furthermore, the organization likewise
has a key center that is gone for using the assets in zones with most extreme effect to the

association and their clients. The organization has likewise profited the physical assets, for
example, the hardware, offices, and account to backing their operations without diversions. The
organization has additionally been fruitful in gaining and keeping clients through their quality
items and corporate brand substance.
Strategic Evaluations and Control Standards
Dell should focus on their future strategy to enable them know exactly what they are
looking for as part of their future strategy. In this regard, the company should decide on what
they are looking for to measure the things that is likely critical to their business model. Dell also
needs to put specific business performance measures that are established on the expected
performance and actual performance. Constant evaluations must be carried out to ensure
maximum control of the specific business performance with the aim of improving on the
company operations. In the case where the company performance measures that fails to meet the
company objectives, the management at dell should come up with specific correction strategies
that are directed to areas with shortcomings. Moreover, the company should look towards further
improving on its performance with their aim of becoming the market leader in the computers
market. In this regard, the management at Dell should ensure that they work hard in the three
forms of organizational controls such as operational control, strategic control, and management


Burns, P. (2011). Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Palgrave Macmillan.
Cooney, M. (2011, May 11). A potted history of the IT industry: 25 years of milestones.

Dedrick, J. (2008). Globalization of Innovation. Boston: Alfred foundation.
Dell. (2015). Dell 2020 Legacy of Good Plan.
Theobald, W. F. (2010). Internet Resources for Leisure and Tourism. Dunsmore: British library

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