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Speech on Banning Capital Punishment in Prisons

Speech on Banning Capital Punishment in Prisons

Speech Two is designed to be a more formal Persuasive Speech. You should pick a side of the issue and
work to persuade your audience, through outside research, why they should support that side of the


Students are to research the topic of the death penalty and are to choose a side to argue. If a student
decides to argue for the continued application of the death penalty they should argue their points and
their reasoning for the death penalty, pointing out the positive aspects and the benefits of such a
sentence. If, however, students decide to argue against the death penalty they should argue their
reasoning for abolishing the sentence and the negative aspects of the punishment.

Speech on Banning Capital Punishment in Prisons

Purpose: I want to essentially make you understand the need for governments globally to ban
capital punishments, in judicial courts and prisons.
Thesis: globally, death penalty has contributed to mass loss of lives, and this practice should be
stopped and controlled.
I. Introduction
A. Good morning good people,
B. I am here to walk with you into this journey of capital punishment.
C. I am an established lawyer specializing in criminal justice, and so I understand deeply the
implications of allowing capital justice to continue in our courts of justices.
D. The recommended policy demands that the judicial systems should carry out a thorough but
independent investigation to establish the grounds of any capital offense and whether the culprits
were genuinely involved or not.
E. Preview of main points (what the main points are that you will go over)
I will mention these three points that support why capital punishment should be abolished:
enacting proper protocols in establishing the guiltiness of the suspects, capital punishment is
irreversible and this discourages wrongful convictions, and death penalty affects the life of
victims and their relatives as well.
II. Body


A. Main point 1
The gravity of rampant deaths witnessed in prisons across the world when
suspects are innocently and unjustly exposed to prosecution through death penalty is of a
great concern. Governments can use various methods and enact considerable policies to help
in banning the capital punishment, which has contributed to the mistaken executions of
innocent people. One such provision is to enact proper protocols in establishing the guiltiness
of those who have been charged with capital offences and are yet to face the controversial
death penalty.
B. Main point 2
It is arguably true that not everyone deserves death, but some should just die. It is
believable that capital punishment restraints criminal activities; nonetheless, it is irreversible and
this discourages wrongful convictions. It is recommendable to enact proper policies to streamline
the execution of death penalty (Perry, 2007; Bohm, 2011). The death penalty policy is crucial
since it affects the lives of not only the convicted individuals but also the relatives and the nation
at large.
C. Main point 3
It is justifiable when the rightly accused is punished. Judicial courts should not impose
capital punishment for everybody but only on definite cases where the culprit is proven guilty
beyond any reasonable doubt and pleads guilty of the offense. For instance, thieves of petty
commodities definitely do not merit capital punishment (Bohm, 2011). Conversely, a determined
murderer, engaged in killing others deserves death penalty; however, this should be done under
strict laws, federal policies, and set procedures that establishes the guiltiness of the accused and
eliminates the killing of the innocents (Perry, 2007).
III. Conclusion
As I conclude, I would stress that the recommendation that governments should enact a
policy that requires thorough independent investigations and multiple trials to establish whether
one is truly involved in a capital offense, and if so, other punishment alternatives should be
prioritized rather that rush into the death penalty, will stop the mistaken executions of innocent
D. Memorable statement/call for action-As I conclude I call upon governments and concerned
state agencies to ensure there is no capital punishment in prisons and judicial courts today
henceforth. Activists bodies can also engage into creating awareness to the public about this evil,
and launch campaigns that would create pressure to those governments that are still practicing
death penalty.
E. I greatly thank all of you for your attention and time to my speech. I hope that this speech
would bring the necessary remedy to all and sundry, concerning this prevalent issue.


Perry, M. J. (2007). Toward a theory of human rights: religion, law, courts. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Bohm, R. M. (2011). Deathquest: an introduction to the theory and practice of capital
punishment in the United States (4th ed.). Amsterdam: Anderson Pub./Elsevier.

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