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Research methods and data collection

Week 3 Discussion one &2

You must always consider the research method you plan to use when collecting your data. This can have
an impact on how you proceed. The five research approaches can vary in the variety of information
collected, the scope of the issues, and the invasiveness of the data collection effort.
�Locate a qualitative DBA doctoral study from the Walden library. Review the methodology section and
compare and contrast the design and the method with the information you have learned from the Creswell

course text.

�Analyze and discuss the recursive relationship between research methods and data collection

techniques and how that can help to bring focus to your study.


Week 3 Discussion 1 &2

Discussion 1; Analyze and discuss the recursive relationship between research methods and
data collection
Research is mandatory in our world today so that we can understand our world and its
surrounding environmental factors better. Things are changing daily; new species are being
discovered in large numbers due to research (Devers & Frankel,1999). In research, there are
many methods that can be used so as to conduct the studies required and one of the most used
methods is qualitative/quantitative research methods. These two words are often confused with a
study; qualitative methods involves the studying of reasons behind the problem, the opinion of
people about the problem and what encourages the problem to pursue. While quantitative
approach implies the study of how big the problem is and it uses statics, formulae, etc. this
method should be used together for better results of analyzing a given problematic in the society.
The qualitative method mostly involves open questions that allow each to give their
opinion, and, therefore, the researcher has a broad range of information from the different point
of views. The quantitative method deals with numbers and data collection is important since
when \collecting of information in an area, the information should be accurate so that a solution
can be obtained efficiently for the betterment of the society. In quantitative some of the methods
used to collect data are face-to-face interviews, online survey, telephone interviews, just to
mention but a few. After a problem is identified using the qualitative method and it is measured
using quantitative method then data analysis is done and solutions strategies are aligned
(Merriam 1998). Data analysis involves tables and charts, and then there is the summary of the
study and with this information the world, is becoming better and solutions to arising issues are
arrived at using the focusing methods and analysis in the field actually.


Discussion 2; determining methods for leaders to motivate a multi-generational workforce
The current working industry has different generations working in them, and the truth of
the matter is that all the generations are essential for all activities to flow well. So far, four
generations have been identified by the organization depending on the age group. These are; the
traditionalist (born in the year 1945 and below), baby boomers (born between 1946-1964),
Generation X (born between 1965-1980) and the final group is the Millennial (born between
1981-2000). These groups have very distinct ways of doing things that includes their culture,
ethnicity, tolerance, ideas, among others. However as a leader one has to bring all these groups
together since a company grows by linking the past success and failure with the present and
future (Cassell, et al. 2009).
Traditionalists are defined as employees who are loyal, dedicated, respect authority and
value their families. These individuals are as a result of growing up in economic crisis and are,
therefore, experienced firsthand of what financial crisis can lead to and would do anything to
prevent it. Baby boomers are more optimistic, want growth and world like to fulfill personal
gratification. They are as a result of difficult childhood and hence they would like to fulfill for
themselves what their parents were unable to. Generation X is more involved in their work and
tends to have self-drive to make an organization better than they found it and tend to value the
results more than the route of achieving the results. They also have value for their families. The
final group Millennia’s also referred to as Generation Y are the children who were born and
raised with technology, and therefore they create so much expectation for themselves and the
work they do.

As earlier reported a leader has to find a way to make all these generations work together,
and this is achieved by implementing particular strategies (Neumann 2005). Telecommunication
is highly regarded so as to merge the generations because it allows workers to communicate,
have a plan and ensure that all areas are flowing smoothly whether from a junior to a senior or
vice versa. Education is crucial since it allows training of employees to understand their work
and the work of others to avoid blame games and eventually failure. Flexible schedules allow the
employees to have a work life and personal life without having one take over the other. In
addition, the programs make the employees feel independent. Measures to merge generational
groups should be implemented by leaders to have greater successful organization.

Cassell, C., Bishop, V., Symon, G., Johnson, P., & Buehring, A. (2009). Learning to be a
qualitative management researcher. Management Learning, 40(5), 513-533.
Devers, K. J., & Frankel, R. M. (1999). Study design in qualitative research–2: Sampling and
data collection strategies. Education For Health (Abingdon, England), 13(2), 263-271.
Merriam, S. B. (1998). Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education. Revised
and Expanded from” Case Study Research in Education.”. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 350
Sansome St, San Francisco, CA 94104.
Neumann, R. (2005). Doctoral differences: Professional doctorates and PhDs compared. Journal
of Higher Education Policy and Management, 27(2), 173-188.

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