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Principles of Public Service Broadcasting

What are the principles of the ABC and SBS? Are these roles or purposes important in a new
media context?

  • Discuss the principle of public service broadcasting in the case of ABC and SBS
  • 10 references: mix of journals, book and media sources
  • Double Spacing
  • Please inform me earlier if the writer cannot finish the essay within today

Principles of Public Service Broadcasting in the Case of ABS and SBS
There are emerging confronting arguments as to whether ABS and SBS have evolved to fit
the present media context. For instance, SBS has been heavily criticised recently due to its
funding models, commercial operations, and the continued relevance of publicity-funded
media Sabir (2013). Another reason why the roles of these media broadcasts are questioned
as to whether they are relevant to the present media context is the crisis of
legitimacy/independence. This is mainly drawn from the rising digital migrations, globalising
media, and rejection of traditional forms of media use. Therefore, the following discussion
will engage in discussing some of the principles of PSB (Public Service Broadcasting) in the
case of ABC (Australia Broadcasting Corporation) and SBS (Special Broadcasting Services).
In addition, the paper will critically analyze whether the functions and roles of ABS and SBS
are indispensable to the new media context.

Part 1
In the Australian context, SBS and ABC are the two main known sources of many radio and
television stations. Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Australia gives that ABC is mandated to
air programmes that have educational importance (Janssen & Crompvoets 2012). He mandate
also extends to informing and entertaining people in Australia. In addition, ABS is given the
function of promoting national cohesion through enhancement of cultural diversity (Ratkovic
Njegovan & Sidiani 2014). Therefore, ABS authorises its stations to preach cultural diversity
in all aspects ranging from sports, business, and religious matter. On top of these principles,
such considerations given by ABC have its programmes have and aim for diversity agendas
as well as important concerns addressing the country’s citizens. This principle should be
followed to the later as failure to observe it has legal consequences (Janssen & Crompvoets
2012). It is being assured that a media house can be punished thorough legal penalties of
revocation of licences or closure.
In the same Chapter 6 of Australia constitution, Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991 (SBC
ACT) is found to give the legal roles of SBS. One of the distinguished functions given by this
Act is that SBS is mandated to give radio and television services that are focused in the
provision of entertaining and providing education to the citizens in Australia. In this regard as
portrayed by Janssen & Crompvoets (2012) and Moe (2011), SBS has a role in establishing
and fostering multicultural society. The contribution to meeting the communication demands
of Australia’s multicultural society falls under the principles under PSB to promote diversity
(Sawer, Abjorensen & Larkin 2009). According to Moe (2011), ‘SBS is more practical in
Australian context, in that it has a role to promote deep understanding and acceptance of the
cultural and linguistic diversity of the country’s people’. What this point indicates is that, the
people of Australia will appreciate their cultural aspects when they see that those cultural
aspects are aired through the media houses.
Another outstanding principle of PSB is that broadcasting is to be made available to all
citizens. More importantly, the SBS Act that gives that SBS is mandated to preserve and
continue to facilitate the progression of language as well as on the platform of cultural skills
(Sawer, Abjorensen & Larkin 2009, p. 224). Therefore, this broadcasting service maintains
this role by making sure that it aims for geographical diversity. Even the minority group in
Australia constituting of the Aboriginals enjoys SBS’s services. Thus, all citizens receiving
the benefits from SBS is one of the stated principles of PSB to ensure that it does not
discriminate based on religion, race, skin-colour, or lifestyle (Moe 2011). To ensure they are
proficient in following this principle, SBS strive to address the tastes and attentions of all
diverse groups as well as providing them with opportunities, not only as consumers, Sabir
(2013) but also as content providers and citizens.
Notably, provision of quality broadcast quality is another principle of Public Service
Broadcasting. Provision of quality content is a decisive principle even in the international
platform. Thus, provision of quality reports and news is the mandate of SBS and ABS(Sawer,
Abjorensen & Larkin 2009, p. 256). SBS and ABS do know that it is punishable under the
laws to bribe a source of information or threaten a source of information in the move to get
information. To this matter therefore, they try as much as possible to provide news and
reports that have legitimate sources. In addition, it is expected that SBS and ABS do provide
news coverage and reports that are fair, believable, and objective. Therefore, (Sawer,
Abjorensen & Larkin (2009) and Ratkovic Njegovan & Sidiani (2014) unanimously attest
that SBS and ABS work down to earth to ensure that it furnishes present creative content,
newer and fresher reports, which ethically are derived from a different and sundry perceptive.

On top of that, the report and the news broadcasts should strive to holistically appeal or
delight, attract advertisers and audiences (Sabir 2013). Moreover, in giving quality content,
ABS and SBS broadcasts programmes that are quite unrelated to other players in the media
Financial independence is another crucial standard principle of PSB. This principle is source
of debate to many future analysts (Sawer, Abjorensen & Larkin 2009, p. 268). Some of the
analysts argue that when independence of the media houses is limited to the government, it
makes SBS and ABS to offer the broadcasts that are of low quality. This is because
apparently they are economically guaranteed to get money from the government. In Australia
to be specific, the government prohibits ABC from broadcasting commercial advertisings to
make it rely wholly in the government’s funding. Ironically, Sabir (2013, p. 227) and
Ratkovic Njegovan & Sidiani (2014) argues that the government guarantees ABS with
freedom of expression, but diminishes its (ABS) other prospective sources of money. SBS
also feel the same experience. SBS receives its funding or money from public grant, which is
passed annually. However, as Ratkovic Njegovan & Sidiani (2014, p. 346) contends, SBS
enjoys commercial broadcasting unlike its counterpart ABS, in that it enjoy a five-minutes
broadcasting of commercials per hour. This becomes one of its supplemental avenues of
supplementing its budget.
Another principle that is quite debated in most media houses in Australia is whether PSB’s
practices have editorial independence. Another standard principle is that PSB must enjoy
editorial independence, that is, to be legally recognised as an autonomous entity
(Ranganathan & Rodriguez 2010). Editorial independence is quite crucial to ensure that
freedom of expression and those of journalists are protected. According to Cunningham &
Turnbull (2014, p. 267), PSBs should provide ‘authority of voice’ and not the other way
round. Taking ABS into context, the federal government has legislative rule over ABS to
ensure it air quality broadcasts. Opponents of editorial independence argue that editorial
independence exists in theoretical forms. In practical form, it is not exhibited (Ratkovic
Njegovan & Sidiani 2014, p. 350). They place their argument on the fact that since ABS has
the limited source of funding, in fact, from the government alone; it has a high affinity to
broadcast some broadcasts that are political influenced. Inadequate funding is more likely to
compromise the integrity and quality of the services given by ABS on the point that the
federal government has a massive supremacy on the public grants on which ABS is
dependent (Sawer, Abjorensen & Larkin 2009). When SBS comes to focus, it has much
editorial independence compared to ABC. However, it solely acts on the minister’s guidelines
and statements (Meier 2008). The minister may have political affiliations, which makes the
critics of editorial independence fear the future of broadcasting of ABS and SBS in Australia.
Another formidable principle of PSB as given by Moe (2011) and Perisin (2013) is that it
should stick to sturdy accountability traditions. Therefore, PSB has a mandate to formulate
and implement an open and transparent accountability. This practice enables to appraise
whereby performances as objectives are given in details. Apparently, ABS and SBS strictly
know the constraints posed to them and respect them. It is liable to be punished by the law
when ABS and SBS lacks a transparent accountability system (Janssen & Crompvoets 2012).
ABS and SBS have been engaging in formulating policies and updating them, as well as
giving feedback on their productivity. This is in together with providing recommendations of
how improvements can be realised (Cunningham & Turnbull 2014, P. 240). In Australia,
ABS and SBS have well-established controls to augment accountability. This control ranges
from provision of incentives, effectual training, and communication, as well as the
endorsement of ethics and values.

Part 2
Based on the function and roles given above, some are either important or non-important to
the new media context. One of the principles, which are important to the new media context,
is provision of quality broadcasts. Generally, innovation of the media houses is motivated
(Sawer, Abjorensen & Larkin 2009). Notably, provisions of quality broadcasts aim at making
media house to become competitive in the media industry. This is not forgetting that ABS
and SBS do struggle to give quality contents by consciously promoting scientist researches,
being ethical towards human rights, promotion of gender equality, as well as becoming a
solid entity to mediate conflicts of political and economic grounds. Another function that is
important to the new media context is adherence to all citizens. SBS, for instance, in
provision opportunities to all citizens has a role towards building a media literate audience
with the ability to participate vigorously in the advancement and sustainability of the
services, as well as the appreciation of its contents. Some of the functions that are non-
important to the new media context are editorial independence and non-independence in
When ABS and SBS are brought into the realm of this discussion, Sawer, Abjorensen &
Larkin (2009, p. 287) their functions, not only do they not match the present media context,
but also on future one. This is because freedom of expression is currently electrified in many
societies, not only ranging from freedoms on human rights, but also from funding and
editorial independence. Media analysts contend that, provision of freedom of expression and
limiting the source of money to be one supply can make ABS close its radio and television
stations in the future. This is apparently because they are being threatened by disastrous
changing economic realities. This digital era is having the proliferation of commercial
broadcasting posing an unquenchable threat to publicly funded broadcasters such as ABS and
SBS (Cunningham, S., & Turnbull 2014, P. 267). The ongoing development of cable and
satellite networks has a dramatic impact on access to broadcasting to the whole world.
Therefore, citizens in Australia will prefer to tune to independent broadcasters than to a
national broadcasting entity, which they view it as a government’s mouthpiece (Chab”Juk, &
Kops 2011). Thus, the functions of the ABS and SBS can fit in the new media context if it
enjoys economic and editorial independence.
In summary, the principles of PSB do strive to see that freedom of the press is adhered to the
latter. However, when it comes to the ABS and SBS’s contexts, it is another case as their
source of funding is constrained to the government’s sources. Therefore, editorial and
economic independence are two pillars of broadcasting. This will at the end enable and
motivate media house to broadcast quality programmes to the people. When this tradition is
sustained, the functions of ABS and SBS will have importance in the new media context, as
people will stop viewing them as being puppets of the government.



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