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Policemen of the World

Policemen of the World

� Summarize and discuss the ways that formal policies of government have influenced the direction of

historical and social development in the United States.

� Recognize the major turning points in American history since the Civil War.

� Use technology and information resources to research issues in contemporary U.S. history.

� Write clearly and concisely about contemporary U.S. history using proper writing mechanics.



The United States is known to be watching all the countries of the world, a role that is
termed as the policemen role. There are many operations that the American police have
constantly been involved in their amending with the interest of promoting the states national
interest of remaining as a world super power. The United States government has encountered a
lot of controversies that were as a result of their military operation that took place both in the
country and abroad. The United States military action as the world police is a success but it
has always become an issue of controversy both within and outside their country.


I. Three International Events from the past five years that can be traced back to a
foreign policy created after the Civil War
II. Three Aspects of U.S. history since 1865 that has led to the U.S.’s rise as a world
super power police
III. Five ways international incidents since World War II where American has taken on a
policing role.
IV. Five driving forces that fueled international policy decisions involving the
international incidents you outlined previously (consider treaties, exit strategies,
elections, wars, etc.)


Recently, the United States also used military action abroad in Somalia when they were
attacking the Al-Shaabab terrorist. This is a terrorist outfit in East Africa that also has links with
Al-Qaeda. The Pakistan government became furious with the American leadership of their role
in meddling with their internal affairs without their involvement especially in the killing of the
Osama bin laden who was under the protection of the Pakistan government. According to
(Herring, 2011) the Pakistan government, felt rejected by the Americans who penetrated their
territory in search to kill the most wanted criminal of the world without even seeking their
consent to carry out such an operation. This was because; the Pakistan government saw it as
against the international laws to penetrate their territories so deeply and inconspicuously without
even seeking their permission to do so. The Americans being the biggest policemen of the world
attacked Osama contrary to the Pakistan military expectations who were caught off guard despite
them being amongst the best trained in the Middle East region. The act of the American
policemen proved that Pakistan military failure in their intelligence following such a shocking
raid which they could not stop it. The Ukraine government wanted all its citizens who were in
other countries and voted for the former president living in Russia to be killed, hence, the US
government had to intervene so as to stop the massacre from taking place. The US government
wanted also to stop the fake Ebola flag epidemic that was said to be taking place in the country.
After the civil war, there was a high growth of industries whereby, this led to US
emerging as the best industrialized country and at the same time it became the super policeman
of the world. The Americans politics are at a high level and this has made the United States to

emerge as the super policeman of the world. The state has advantageous geographical position,
high population enough to defend its territory, government with the influence and inclination to
dominate the sea territory, have a society with aptitude for the sea, commercial enterprise and an
extent of territory (Herring, 2011). This makes the state to be geopolitically positioned which is a
factor to it being the world’s biggest super power. The United States was the strong hold of the
Christianity, a factor which made it to be termed as the greatest policemen of the world having
led in the Christian faith.
The United States government encountered a lot of policemen action that made them to
be a super policemen power. According to Brian (2008), there was the evidence of tussle in the
Obama government and even the European government over Libya in the attempt to oust the
Libyan strongman. Therefore, the American president had to read the public mood before the use
of military force in a case like this which had to take place outside the country. Harold Koh
worked hard to defend the Obamas administration deployment of the operation that was carried
out by the military in Libya since he was the legal state adviser of the state defense department.
The adviser argued that the states operations did not warrant sixty-day withdrawal rule as
suggested by opponents of the same move since Libya did not encounter a lot of hostilities. The
Americans have been the superpower policemen of the world since the second world war, since
they took the policing role in the gulf war by establishing stability in that region. The American
government has recently taken a big role in Arab springs to ensure that dictator are prevented
from using civilians like in the case of Syria or even removed from power. The Americans being
the super power police of the world they normally watch the election process all over the world
to know how the process is carried out (EngeLhardt, 2014). The crisis in Syria brought a lot of
controversy on the American role as the global policeman. The Obama administration was

determined to act and end the reckless killing by the Al-Assad government on the civilians by the
use of weapons of mass destruction. However, most Americans were not comfortable with
military action against Syria and this put the Obama administration on a very complicated
situation. Therefore, in order to avert the controversy, the American government entered into a
treaty with Russia to help destroy the Syrian weapons of mass destruction. The tussle between
the Crimea and Russia also put the Americans of the tight rope as the policeman of the world.
The Americans were determined to end the conflict in that region but some members of the
American public and leadership were unconformable with such a move.
In the US military driving force there was the involvement of the Iraq and Syria who
fought and dissolved the global terrorist by sending 750 military Special Forces. The fight of the
Ebola epidemic in the West Africa made the Obama administration to be termed as the
policemen of the world since they really fought to stop the epidemic (Brian, 2008). When the
Syrian government violated the international rules by deciding to use the chemical weapons, the
US government intervened to ensure the weapons were not made as planned since they are the
world super power. When Qaddafi violated human rights in Syria, the US government intervened
to help promote a future built on foundation of dignity, freedom and opportunity to all citizens in
the country. The US has really been committed to the reduction of nuclear weapons as well as
nuclear materials which are highly dangerous to human life.
Due to their superpower position, the united states have positioned themselves as the
policeman of the world by watching and intervening in any injustice that takes place in all the
corners of the world. The ouster of Muammar Gadhafi, the conflict in Syria, the killing of Osama
bin Laden, the tussle between Crimea and Russia are some of the events in the past five years

that have demonstrated their global policing role. However, this comes with challenges due to
criticism from their citizens as well as other foreign countries.


Brian, M. (2008).Woodrow Wilson: United States of America: Makers of the Modern World.
Haus Publishing
EngeLhardt, T. (2014).Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security
State in a Single-Superpower World. Haymarket Books.
Herring, G.C. (2011).From Colony to Superpower: U.S. Foreign Relations since 1776 (Oxford
History of the United States).Oxford University Press; 1 edition

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