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Perceptual discrimination works in the brain

Perceptual discrimination works in the brain

In chapter 9 in the text (Carey, 2014) presents the idea that we are still learning about how
perceptual discrimination works in the brain and what it might mean for learning in the classroom setting.
Many of the examples shared in the text focus on what we have learned from studying experts in different
fields such as chess and flying.

Consider how this work can inform your understanding of your teaching by answering the following:
How does this work impact what you are doing with your students as learners?
Apply your critical thinking skills and imagine how this might come into play for your students.
What potential do you see to use what you have learned from this material in your classroom?

The issue of perceptual learning and discrimination has been addressed in the book that
offers crucial information about how learning occurs. Perceptual learning takes place when there
is the imagination of the stimuli by a particular person. The concept presented in the text by
Carey is essential to me since crucial information regarding perceptual learning is provided
which can be useful in tracking the learning habits of the students as learners (Carey, 2014). The
idea and concepts of perceptual learning would impact the teaching process by allowing the
students to get involved in the performance of specific sensory tasks, which allow for the
perceptual learning (Carey, 2014). The tasks would let the students learn a crucial concept that
practice and experience something is essential in improving the ability of the sensory systems to
respond to stimuli.
The issue of perceptual learning or the perceptual discrimination might come into play
with the students in various ways. The task or assignment provided to the students where they
are required to distinguish between two different musical pitches or the different odors are a
similar practice as the one explained in the texts through examples. The issue might also come
into play when the students are given the tasks to discriminate between different shades of
colors. These scenarios represent perceptual learning and how it enters into play in a classroom
setting. The information acquired and learned after reading the book is crucial for application in
a classroom setting as an instructor to the students. It would allow me to identify the changes that
take place in the perceptual and sensory system of the students as a result of the occurrence of
perceptual learning occurring at different levels of physiology and behavior (Carey, 2014). Such
scenarios also inform coming up with the most effective learning methods for the students based
on the concept of perceptual learning.



Carey, B. (2014). How we Learn: The Surprising Truth about When, Where, and Why It
Happens. Publishers Weekly, 261(20), 58.

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