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Part one -access PCAP data using netwitness

part one -access PCAP data using netwitness

part one -access PCAP data using netwitness , identify hosts within the corporation, identify
protocols in use within the corporation. develop a list of hosts and services provided by each.
then create a professional report detailing the ifnformation above , for development of the network
security plan, write the network survey results as detailed in the instructions above

Corporation Techs’ Network Survey.
Hosts within the Corporation Techs’ network.

POP3 (Email)

HTTP (Internet Traffic)

IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

Running Head: Corporation Techs’ Network Survey


Protocols in use within the Corporation Techs’ network.

  1. HTTP
  2. POP3
  3. IRC
    List of hosts and services provided by each.
    Pidgeon- Multiplatform IRC Chat from AIM to Yahoo, frequent bug reports and patches.
    Gmail can be configured for POP3 hosting storing the email on a server (per the settings) to meet
    government standards.
    eHost offeringa free domain name and Unlimited Disk Space for only $2.75 per month
    Professional report detailing the information above as the initial document for development of
    the network security plan.
    Network security is an essential part of company infrastructure. This is because the
    information is always at risk and therefore security must be a priority. Hardware that can assist in
    this attempt includes a border router and firewall to filter inbound and outbound traffic.
    Authentication measures can be added to a group policy to allow for only authorized members.
    Providing employees with access to just what they need to do their jobs and locking workstations
    due to inactivity can be helpful. Lockout policies can be a useful measure as well. When an

Running Head: Corporation Techs’ Network Survey

employee tries to log in using an incorrect password, an administrator should be informed
immediately (Revathi, Rodrigue, & Raja, 2017).
Educating employees is another great way to minimize security breaches in Corporation
Network. A trained employee is an armed employee when it comes to network security
measures. Passwords must confidential, and emailed links should be verified and scanned by
antivirus software before opening. Company data should never be disclosed to outside sources.
Server security is of ultimate importance and must be taken seriously. An administrator password
should not be shared and must be changed often to thwart attackers. Servers should be kept
behind a Strong locked door to keep physical attacks to a minimum. Keycard access is the safest
way to keep track of the employees that get access to this secure area (Kim, & Solomon, 2016).
Security is an important measure that should not be taken lightly and must be reinforced strictly.
All employees should work as a team to keep security a top priority (Arunkumar etal, 2017)
Network survey results as detailed in the instructions above
After thorough research, I have outlined a possible choice for the three listed hosted
services used by Corporation Tech’s network. These are HTTP, POP3, and IRC. I have chosen
hosted environments that best fit the needs of this company. First, Pidgeon is Multiplatform IRC
Chat from AIM to Yahoo streamlining ease of access and allowing for simple one-click
messages, frequent bug reports, and patches. Second, POP3 hosting, for this Gmail can be
configured which enables no-fuss email storage on the email server (per the settings) to meet
standards of the government. Finally, for the HTTP/Web hosting, I chose to support eHost since
it offers a free domain name and unlimited Disk Space for only $2.75 per month (Arunkumar et
al, 2017).

Running Head: Corporation Techs’ Network Survey


Arunkumar, S., Pipes, S., Makaya, C., Bertino, E., Karafili, E., Lupu, E., & Williams, C.
(2017, August). Next generation firewalls for dynamic coalitions. In 2017 IEEE SmartWorld,
Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computed, Scalable Computing &
Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation
(Smart World/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Kim, D., & Solomon, M. G. (2016). Fundamentals of information systems security. Jones
& Bartlett Publishers.

Running Head: Corporation Techs’ Network Survey

Revathi, A., Rodrigue, P., & Raja, J. (2017). Securing Shared Data in E-Learning Using
Three Tier Algorithm of Compression Combined Hybridized Encryption. Journal of
Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 14(10), 4655-4663.

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