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Operating management systems goals

Operating management systems goals

Operations management systems (OMS) is a centralized integrated collection of related
technology that generally provides a two way effective communication between the available
data generated on the operating floor and the operating software systems used by the senior plant
management to oversee the performance of the multiple facilities. The key reason for this choice
is that OMS addresses the major challenges like the shortage of timely and reliable data, lack of
cohesion and visibility over several plant processes. OMS further provides consistent, well
organized and coordinated approach to the general performance of the management material,
movement and the adherence to standard production processes and the environmental
Operating management systems goals are very important to the overall effective business
operation information system. Operating management systems relates to the specific systems of
controls and communication and the general activities that are utilized to achieve the company’s
aims and objectives. The operating management system is in mostly in written form and it’s

Accounting 2
applied during communication with stakeholders and how the company intends to achieve its
objective. (Krajewski and Ritzman, 1993)
Whatever the type or system of organization, the major functions of management are in most
cases are the same i.e. organizing, planning, directing, controlling and designing. Management
makes the final decision concerning the company’s goals and objectives and formulates the plans
on how to achieve them. All these functions are interactive and they must be coordinated and
controlled by skilled managers. All these functions are critical to the overall achievement of the
company’s objective. In an operating management system of a manufacturing corporation, the
following will be part of the operating management systems process. The input of a system
depends entirely on its objective. In a production company the input includes the raw materials,
labor and other products. (Weiss and Gershon, 1989)
Operations management systems are mainly limited to directing and controlling the major
business activities of the company. It’s important and very effective in implementing the
company’s policies and objectives. The operation management systems or the technical
management is made up of departmental heads and managers who are professional in technical
competence. Operations management systems are literally found in all business setup.
The inputs are then transformed into desirable output. This transformational process is very
important in the products life circle. The output is where the products have finally been received
in the final stages of the production process. In an operating management system, the feedback is
very important. When a primary input is basically received in the operating system the results or
the output is then analyzed and compared with other standards and if there is an anomaly it’s
quickly checked.

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A company’s organization with a lot of operating systems may be complex or simple. Complex
systems require well designed feedbacks. Information must always be directly or indirectly
communicated by word of mouth.
OMS also provides the following benefits i.e. the decision and reporting is highly accurate, very
consistent and provided in real time data. Production and the quality of control are basically
optimized. OMS creates a workforce that’s accountable and standardized alongside consistency.
Health and safety are maintained above the standards and the environment is protected.

Krajewski, L.J. and Ritzman. L.P (1993) Operations Management: Strategy and Analysis.
Addison-Wesley Publishing,
Weiss, J. and Gershon, E. (1989) Production and Operations Management. Allyn and

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