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Music-Goralski Dance

Music-Goralski Dance

Required text: Jeff Todd Titon et al. Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World?s
Peoples, Shorter Version/3rd Edition. Belmont, Ca.: Schirmer, 2009, ISBN: 978-0=495-57010-3 (includes
3 audio CDs).
Listen to the Goralski dance suite from the rural Podhale district of Poland, recorded in 5 short sections
on CD 1:25-29, textbook pp. 154-163.
A. Each of the five dances is different, but how are they similar? (minimum 250 words)
B. Is there a contemporary American equivalent to such a set of dances? (minimum 250 words

Music: Goralski Dance Analysis
A. Each of the five dances is different, but how are they similar?
The first similarity that one notices as he or she listens to the dances is the instruments that are
employed. The members of the band use a variety of violins which produce distinct sounds that
then make up the music. The second similarity is the presence of voices that are distinctly or
ideally male and female with the respective voices dominating the dance at selected times during
the song. The third similarity of these dances is the language that is used by the members of the
band. All of the songs are sung in the same traditional Polish dialect. Last but not least, the
dances had a similar arrangement enabling a listener to predict when the climax of the song will
be (Titon, 2009).
B. Is there a contemporary American equivalent to such a set of dances?
A possible contemporary American equivalent to such dances is the collection of dances
performed by ‘cowboys’ from the Western Parts of the country. These dances include line
dancing and the cowboy boogie. The reason why this can be considered to be a contemporary
equivalent is the fact that the American version always features one or more acoustic guitars and
a lead vocalist. During the dance, men and women take up different dance moves at select
moments in the duration of the song. The dances can involve a minimum of two people while the

upper limit can only be restricted by floor space. The arrangement of country music which is
favored by line dancers also follows a predictable arrangement pattern.

Titon, J. et al. Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World’s Peoples, Shorter
Version/3rd Edition. Belmont, Ca.: Schirmer, 2009, ISBN: 978-0=495-57010-3

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