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Mindset in business

World View: Responses

Listening to Dr. Michael Patton’s video and reading through your personal worldview and research
mindset in business, my mind recalls the fact that theory sounds like there is no evidence to prove the
point otherwise. When you talk about ethics, one thinks of the systems of moral principles and rules of
conduct recognized in respect to a particular group which sound very much theoretical. The question

then is how do we prove these theories?

Research is about testing a theory about something which is referred to as deductive theory and in
your post my follow up question seeks to find out that theory in the real sense that you intend your

research questions to address.

Just like in your post, James Simon passionately talks about values and beliefs and he indicates that

he follows these up with a questioning process.


Response to Simon

Several theories have been proposed by scholars in a bid to explain various occurrences and
behaviors in the society. In fact, the very foundation of must scientific researches is based on
theoretical perspectives, which do not have any basis or evidential proof (Newborn, 2001).
As an individual, I have been fixated on theories that explain social phenomena, otherwise
referred to as worldviews. For instance, I have personally grown to like Abraham Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs theory, which provides logical view of the various needs human beings
have in a chronological order. This is the theory I would like to prove.
Ordinarily, If I were to prove Maslow’s theory, and provide evidence that it works, I would
engage in an actual study, involving live participants. Basically, conducting a research is the
best way to establish the truth about an hypothesis. I would involve participants in a study
with detailed questionnaires, augmented with a systematic study of behaviors. Of course, my
research will be guided with specific questions, addressing the salient points that would
facilitate the establishment of proof of the hypothesis proposed by the theorist (Newborn,
2001). Using general connotations such as societal ethics does not hold any evidence, but
identifying real life examples of the application of the said theory does.
I beg to differ your perspective that is instigated by Dr. Michael Patton’s video, that theories
have no evidence to prove them. I, on the other hand, believe that theories and worldviews
are actually the only logical explanations to the various phenomena in a unique society.

However, to ensure that this claim is substantiated, it is imperative that one engages in either
a qualitative or quantitative research, summing up into a deductive theory.


Newborn, M. (2001). Automated theorem proving: Theory and practice. New York: Springer.


Response to James

Several theories have been proposed by scholars in a bid to explain various occurrences and
behaviors in the society. In fact, the very foundation of must scientific researches is based on
theoretical perspectives, which do not have any basis or evidential proof. As an individual, I
have been fixated on theories that explain social phenomena, otherwise referred to as
worldviews. For instance, I have personally grown to like Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of
Needs theory, which provides logical view of the various needs human beings have in a
chronological order. This is the theory I would like to prove.
Ordinarily, If I were to prove Maslow’s theory, and provide evidence that it works, I would
engage in an actual study, involving live participants. Basically, conducting a research is the
best way to establish the truth about an hypothesis (Gao, Goto, & Cheng, 2014). I would
involve participants in a study with detailed questionnaires, augmented with a systematic
study of behaviors. Of course, my research will be guided with specific questions, addressing
the salient points that would facilitate the establishment of proof of the hypothesis proposed
by the theorist. Using general connotations such as societal ethics does not hold any evidence,
but identifying real life examples of the application of the said theory does.
I beg to differ your perspective that is instigated by Dr. Michael Patton’s video, that theories
have no evidence to prove them. I, on the other hand, believe that theories and worldviews
are actually the only logical explanations to the various phenomena in a unique society.

However, to ensure that this claim is substantiated, it is imperative that one engages in either
a qualitative or quantitative research, summing up into a deductive theory.

Gao, H., Goto, Y., & Cheng, J. (2014). A systematic methodology for automated theorem
finding. Theoretical Computer Science,5542-21.

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