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Methods for Leaders to motivate a multi generational workforce

Qualitative Research Question

My topic is “Determining Methods for Leaders to motivate a multi generational workforce !

***all interview questions has o be based on my topic mention above.

For this Discussion Question, please be sure to visit the Application 2 area before completing this

Discussion posting.

Most research questions begin with an interest, a question that has been piqued by some observed event
or phenomenon. In fact, interest is a necessary factor in research, as it serves as a continuous source of

motivation for completing a study.

For this Discussion, you will be posting for peer review your initial qualitative research question which you
will have completed in this week’s Application 2 assignment. You will first want to review the strategic
choices and steps involved in developing a qualitative research design. Specifically, pay attention to the
steps necessary for conducting interview research and provide discussion of APA requirements for clear,

scholarly writing.


Week 2 discussion 1

Interview Guide
Primary research phenomenon under study
Determining Methods for Leaders to motivate a multi-generational workforce
Primary research goals that the researcher would like to achieve from the Interview
To find out the perception of that older generation of employees have on generation Y
employees within the workforce.
To establish the challenges faced by generation Y employees in their interaction with other
generations of employees within the workforce.
To determine the level of performance of generation Y employees in relation to the achievement
of the overall organisational goal
To establish strategies that can be used to ensure a better working environment for all
generations of employees in the workforce.
Initial Probe Questions (Context, credentials/background, interest and knowledge of topics)
Please share with about yourself.
Why did you choose to work for this company?
For what period of time have you worked for this company?

What is your highest level of academic achievement?
Could you provide a summary of your duties in this company? How you interact with other
colleagues who are either younger or older than you?
What do you understand by having a multigenerational workforce?
Targeted Concept Questions (link these to what you intend to learn about the topic)
Do you think the young generation of employees can work better with other older employees?
What challenges do young employees face in this multigenerational workforce?
How do you gauge the productivity of young employees in relation to other employees?
What strategies need to put in place by managers to create a good working environment and
improve the performance of young employees?
Targeted Follow up Questions
Having worked in this company for a while, do you have any plans to develop your profession?
How would you wish the management of this company behave in terms of enhancing the morale
of this diverse workforce?
In your opinion, what solutions can you suggest for leaders in dealing with conflicts within a
multigenerational workforce?



Roulston, K. (2010). Considering quality in qualitative interviewing, Qualitative Research, 10,

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