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Marketing Business research

Marketing Business research

Design and implement a marketing research study.

Analyze the findings of a marketing research study and make appropriate


Marketing Business research can be defined as a systematic and organized process
that attempts to investigate a particular problem encountered, business opportunity or
experienced in a work setting that requires a solution. It consists of a series of steps
that are formulated, designed and executed with the sole goal of finding the solution
to the issues raised by the interested party, management or client. Identifying the
business opportunities available in a particular area is the first step in business
research methods. Information is gathered, analyzed and factors connected with the
opportunity available are determined. The issue is solved after taking the necessary
measures to address the issues raised. (Shostak, 1977)
The whole process of attempting to solve or address the issues raised is
known as research. It involves a series of structured, well thought out and well
executed activities that assist the concerned to solve all the necessary questions in the
research activity. Research is therefore the processes of enquiry, definition,
investigation, examination and finally experimentation. The processes are systematic,
diligent, critical, objective, and logical. The result would finally be a discovery that
assists the concerned to deal with the challenges facing him. Gathering the relevant

information, critically analyzing the data in ways that facilitate decision making and
implementation of the right decisions and courses of action all help in understanding
the marketing research processes. (Sekaram and Bougle, 2009)
Decision making is just a process of making a choice between alternative
solutions in resolving problems while research generates suitable and viable
alternatives for an effective and final decision.

Target Market
Birmingham City Business School (BCU) is one of the most reputable and respected
universities in the United Kingdom. The business school is situated near the city
centre at the City North Campus. The faculty of business studies has slightly over one
hundred staff and a student population of more than three thousand two hundred. The
gender balance is equal and it can be placed at the 50.50 ratio of male to female
students. The target market will assist in designing marketing principles and product
differentiation. (Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, 2007, Kotler, 1991) Most of the
students are regular students on full time programmes with about two hundred forty
post graduate students who are on part time programmes.
Research proposal
The initial survey identified the full time students as the target market for the primary
patrons of the BCU Cafeteria that is being proposed. The use of questionnaire was
utilized to conduct a one-on-one personal interview to evaluate the probability of
success and the general reaction of the students to the whole concept of establishing
the cafeteria. (Diaz-Ruiz, 2013)


Research Methodology
The proposed cafeteria was to adopt a standard menu consisting of regular snacks
mostly takeaway and fruits. Other meals included hot and cold beverages,
sandwiches, French fries, hot dogs, fish, chicken, pizzas, cakes, sweets and
hamburgers. To differentiate the BCU market students were allowed to suggest any
other service that they would have liked to be included on the income generating
activities of BCU. (Booms and Bitner, 1981) To establish the potential of the BCU
cafeteria projects, the critical questions concentrated on the vulnerability of the whole
project. These would also help create a powerful brand which would target the
growing number of students and also the academic staff. (Chernatony and
McDonald, 1996) For example if most of the students preferred to carry packed meals
while coming to college then it would be unprofitable to establish a cafeteria at the
students campus. (Sekaram and Bougle, 2009)
Data analysis
The market analysis critically examines and analysis the major options that were
generated from the survey. The following is the design of the questionnaire which is
targeting 1000 students for its survey; (Bradley, 2010)
The total numbers of students interviewed were one thousand. The target was to
identify the main group of students that should be particularly targeted that’s the
survey was divided among the students level of education at the university. Each year
of sturdy was allocated a maximum of 250 students that’s the first year, second year
and the third year together with post graduates.

Among the first year students, the survey revealed that 40% carry their meals to
school while only 10% of the second years carry meals.

Market Analysis of the Student Population


Carry meals
Don’t eat
Eat outside
BCU pref
More $10
Less $10

First years
Second years
Third years

The figures continue to decrease as the students continues with her education and
finally the third years and the post graduates class each has 5% and 1% respectively.
The average number of students who carry meals to school averages to 14% of the
total population. Currently the highest numbers of students who don’t take any meals
while in college are the post graduate class, 80% stay in school without taking any
meals while the least number is the first years at 3%. 65% of first years eat outside the


campus while 90% of the second years do the same. An average of almost 80% of the
student population eats outside the campus. (Marder, 1997) On the preference of the
BCU cafeteria, an average 82% of all the students would prefer to eat within the
campus should the project be implemented. On average more than 70% of the total
number of students in college spends more than $10 dollars every day on regular
meals while only 23% spend less than $10 dollars per day on regular meals. (Knox
and Macklan, 1998)
On the preference and the expectations of the students on the BCU cafeteria project,
90% of the interviewees said they would prefer a self service system within the
cafeteria.(Gronroos, 1990) This was argued mostly on the basis of saving time and
the convenience of the self service as one orders directly at the counter while making
the payments. Waiters were least preferred by the students and it was only supported
by only 13% of the student population. The Buffet method of serving food was also
supported by only 18% of the students. The content of the Menu also played a keyed
role on the preference of the BCU project. 90% of the students preferred a menu
which is rich in natural juices and fruits. 48% of the students preferred extra services
like typing while the provision of high speed internet connectivity was highly rated at
an average of 91% of the total number of students. These are the basis of the services
that when implemented will attract the clients or the patrons. (Payne, 1993)
The response to the whole project of the BCU cafeteria was highly encouraging. The
number of students who are eagerly waiting for the whole project is very high. The
basic provision of reliable and high speed internet services is a demand that’s not

being met at the campus, these must be the reason why most students prefer to go out
of campus to get most of the facilities that are not directly available in the campus.
The establishment of the cafeteria is a potential project that can be profitable if it’s
managed properly. The requirements of the students that range from the provision of
high speed internet facilities and the self service systems of operations are the critical
components the management of the BCU cafeteria should incorporate in their
decisions. The menu should also include fruits and the natural juices as suggested by
most students. (Lovelock, 1983)


Bradley, N. (2010) Marketing Research. Tools and Techniques. Oxford University
Press, Oxford,
Booms, B.H. and Bitner, M.J. (1981) ‘Marketing Strategies and Organizational
Structures for Service Firms’ in J.H. Donnelly and W.R. George (eds) Marketing
Services, AMA Proceedings Series, Chicago, p.48
Chernatony, L. and McDonald, M. (1996) ‘Creating Powerful Brands’, 2nd edition,
Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, pages 214-222
Diaz-Ruiz, C. A. (2013). “Assembling Market Representations”. Marketing Theory 13
(3): 245–261
Gronroos, C. (1990) ‘Services Management and Marketing’, Lexington Books,
Lexington, MA
Knox S and Macklan (1998), ‘Competition Value: Bridging the gap between


branding and customer value’, F.T. Pitman
Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, (2007) Gary Principles of Marketing Pearson, Prentice
Hall, New Jersey
Kotler, P. (1991) ‘Marketing Management: analysis planning and control’, 7th
edition, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Lovelock, C.H. (1983) ‘Classifying Services to Gain Strategic Marketing Insights’,
Macquarie, E. (2005), The market research toolbox: a concise guide for beginners (2nd
ed.), SAGE, ISBN   978-1-4129-1319-5
McDonald, M. (2007), Marketing Plans (6th ed.), Oxford, England: Butterworth-Heinemann,
ISBN   978-0-7506-8386-9
Marder, E. (1997) The Laws of Choice—Predicting Customer Behavior (The Free
Press division of Simon and Schuster,
Payne, A.F.T. (1993) ‘The Essence of Services Marketing’, Prentice Hall,
Cliffs, NJ.
Shostak, G.L. (1977) ‘Breaking Free from Product Marketing’, Journal of
41 (4), pages 73-
Sekaram, U., Bougle, R. (2009) Research Methods for Business; A Skill Building
Approach, 5 th Edition. West Sussex, UK. John Wiley & sons.

Marketing Research 9


Marketing Research 10
Part I. Personal details of the interviewee.
a) Name
b) Level and Year of sturdy
c) Residence
d) Contacts.
Part II – Business Market

  1. Do you think BCU needs a cafeteria?
  2. What would you like to eat?
  3. What other service would you like to be offered at the cafeteria?

Marketing Research 11



  1. Do you carry your meals e.g. Lunch, snacks or fruits?
    If yes, would you still carry your snacks or meals when the cafeteria starts operating?
    If No, where do you eat currently?
    Would you prefer to eat at the new BCU cafeteria if it starts operating?
    Part III – Type of service
    What type of service would you prefer?
  2. Self service
    a) Convenient
    b) Faster
    c) Comfortable
  3. Buffet Reasons
    a) Convenient
    b) Faster
    c) Comfortable

Marketing Research 12

  1. Waiters
    a) Convenient
    b) Faster
    c) Comfortable
    Cost of food average (Amount available to spend)
    More than $10 dollars per day
    Less than $10 dollars per day

Market Analysis


First years 40% 3% 65% 98% 70% 30% 10%
Second years 10% 30% 90% 90% 60% 10% 5%
Third years 5% 40% 70% 98% 80% 20% 1%
Postgraduates 1% 80% 90% 40% 70% 30% 50%
Average 14% 38% 79% 82% 70% 23% 17%

Marketing Research 13

Market Analysis


Buffet Waiters Menu Internet Typing
First years 90% 30% 10% 90% 90% 40%
Second years 92% 20% 2% 90% 90% 30%
Third years 90% 10% 10% 90% 90% 50%
Postgraduates 88% 10% 30% 90% 92% 70%
Averages 90% 18% 13% 90% 91% 48%

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