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Marketing Activities Industry research

Marketing Activities Industry research


Table of Contents
Organisational Structure…………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Demographics of the Area surrounding Chadstone campus……………………………………………………


Holmesglen is one of the leading providers of vocational as well as higher education in Victoria.
The institute is designed in a manner that reflects the emerging competitive and friendly
environment for vocational learning (HOLMESGLEN INSTITUTE, 2014). It also offers a focus that
is directed toward raising new strategies such as e-learning, business development, and higher
Holmesglen was founded in 1982. At the moment, it offered 90 programs and had 7,000
students. Apprenticeships and Construction industry courses were the primary reason for the
establishment of this institution. It has since grown to offer several courses over a wide range
of subject areas. In 2008, Holmesglen widened its range of higher education courses to ten and
introduced new degree programs as well as Associate degrees. In 2009, one of the most
significant courses in Holmesglen, Bachelor of Nursing, was introduced (KOUTOUKIDIS,
STAINTON, HUGHSON & TABBNER, 2013). Holmesglen is a very crucial institute in Australia
since it is the only one that offers vocational, upper secondary, and higher learning in the
country (HOLMESGLEN INSTITUTE OF TAFE, 2010). Some of the former names of Holmesglen
include Hemisphere Hotel, Hemisphere conference centre, flooring technology training centre,
and Holmesglen Institute of TAFE.
Recently, there has been an introduction of legislation that has encouraged Holmesglen to offer
Higher Education courses at Degree, certificate, and diploma level. The number of courses
being offered in Holmesglen increases rapidly day and night. Some of the programs offered

 Business Finance
 Art and Design
 Education and Training
 Fitness and Well-Being
 Computer and IT
 Community and Health Services


 Higher Learning
 Vocational Learning
 Horticulture and Environment

Holmesglen has five campuses that are, City, Glen Waverley, Moorabbin, Chadstone, and
Of the five, Chadstone is the largest and the most popular. This campus has housed traditional
trades and many other course areas. The Moorabbin Campus was obtained from Chisholm
TAFE. Initially, it was a member of Barton TAFE after which it started offering services in 2002.
This campus is also Holmesglen Vocational College’s sit. On the other hand, the Eildon Campus
is a rural campus that has specialized in providing unique staff training, as well as student
opportunities (FRICHOT, 2011). Holmesglen’s City Campus was established in 2012 and has
specialised in offering courses on IT, language, building design and fashion programs.
Currently, Holmesglen has 50,000 students and offers over 600 programs to these learners. The
institution has invested widely so that the students may gain access to quality education and
Organisational Structure
Holmesglen’s leadership is made up of an executive team, five faculty Deans, it has two
specialist Deans, Associate Directors, and international directors (HOLMESGLEN INSTITUTE OF
TAFE, 2009). The faculties aim at offering excellence in vocational training using advanced
facilities of the ever-changing human workforce. This leadership team meets regularly to come
up with best practices of Holmesglen’s management and communication throughout the
Institute (WATTS, 2011). This organisational structure has a dynamic model that is directed
toward leading the Institute in its next stage of its exciting journey of becoming a provider of
tertiary education.
Holmesglen has state of the art facilities that aid students acquire the best in their learning
process. Some of these facilities include;


 Computer laboratories
 Engineering and Construction workshops
 Design Studios
 Dental, nursing, and biomedical laboratories
 Well-equipped hospitality kitchens
 Accommodation and Airport reception
 Training restaurants

Demographics of the Area surrounding Chadstone Campus
Chadstone Campus is located in Melbourne, Victoria. According to the 2011 census, the areas
surrounding Chadstone had a total population of 7, 821. Of this, majority were male.
Holmesglen is devoted to a vigorous course profile that aims at meeting the demands of the
industry, students, and the community (SCANNELL, 2011). Holmesglen’s faculty strives to
provide quality education in the competitive environment of education.



SCANNELL, D. (2011). SISXCCS201A Provide customer service: assessment resource.
HOLMESGLEN INSTITUTE OF TAFE. (2009). Holmesglen courses in hospitality, tourism &
recreation. [Chadstone, Vic.], Holmesglen Institute of TAFE.
HOLMESGLEN INSTITUTE. (2014). Copyright quick reference guide. Chadstone, Vic, Holmesglen
KOUTOUKIDIS, G., STAINTON, K., HUGHSON, J., & TABBNER, A. R. (2013). Tabbner’s nursing
care: theory and practice. Chatswood, N.S.W., Churchill Livingstone.
WATTS, M. (2011). SISXEMR201A Respond to emergency situations: assessment resource.
FRICHOT, N. (2011). SISXCAI306A Facilitate groups: learner resource.
HOLMESGLEN INSTITUTE OF TAFE. (2010). Holmesglen courses in applied & health sciences.
[Chadstone, Vic.], Holmesglen Institute of TAFE.
(2011). Team 2006: my workbook. Melbourne, Melbourne 2012 Commonwealth Games

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