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Mantis Network Solutions

Write about Mantis Network Solutions


The name of my organization is Mantis Network Solutions (MNS). MNS main line of
business is to strive to lead in the creation, development and manufacture of the industries most
advanced information technologies, including computers systems, software, networking systems,
storage devices and microelectronics. In addition, they provide adequate products and superior
technical assistance to customers that are in need of implementing an e-business solution to
better assist their business.

Supplier Power

MNS knows e-business strategy, implementation, and infrastructure. Using strategic
alliances with the world’s top software companies; they offer better solutions, greater choice, and
faster turnaround. This affects MNS by reducing expenses because suppliers are area experts;
which the company uses to outsource skills that are unfamiliar. By suppliers knowing their role
with MNS, they can use their authority to demand higher rates and better opportunities.

Competitor Products

The Internet has virtually eliminated traditional procurement barriers, providing instant
access to thousands of buyers, suppliers, and marketplaces around the world. With e-
procurement solutions, consumers can enable their purchasing needs via a single Web-enabled
access point. Other companies have revolutionized the supply chain by providing consumers

2Module 1: Session Long Project
with dynamic solutions that provide instant access to the most current data and applications that
allow them to plan, schedule, analyze, and make appropriate decisions. In addition, they will
link together manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and customers without regard too functional,
geographic, or enterprise boundaries that normally affect business. Finally, the usage of
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), which originated in 1982 and gave MNS much of its market
growth, has enabled consumers to communicate with trading partners faster, securely, and less
expensively. With such a large demand for e-business, MNS was able to expand its current
products and develop a more affordable and economical substitute version that incorporated the
Internet. This has affected MNS product line sales since it derived from the high cost of such
traditional tool and the demand of usage from smaller, less financially stable companies.

Project & Operation Management

Project managers have a large impact within the “learning solution approach”. The
MNS Learning Solution can help users benefit from the latest distributed technologies.
Employees can improve new associate productivity through:

 More effective, hands-on learning.
 Faster access to people, processes and information through pervasive or Web-enabled
 Modular e-learning and development opportunities.
 Sharing of global best practices.
 Better communications.

In addition, retail enterprise can enhance customer service to increase revenue through:

3Module 1: Session Long Project
 Just-in-time training and knowledge acquired by access to Web-enabled devices.
 Faster response to customers and more time spent with customers.

 Associates who understand the company-its values, products and customers.

Another dynamic of MNS Learning Solution is demonstrating how technology can save training
time and expense to the company. Employees are trained on the sales floor, with their products in
front of them:

 Each retail sales employee carries a wireless handheld pervasive device, with the device,
the employee can scan item barcodes to learn more about a particular product or take a
training module on it.
 While they go through training modules, they can experiment with the product itself and
learn through interaction with the product rather than just reading through a manual or


Project Managers can influence Productivity in many ways. Managers must have job
knowledge by demonstrating to their workers the knowledge requirements, methods of the
operation, techniques and skills involved in doing the job and in applying these to increase
productivity. They have to have the ability to select, train, to appraise personnel, set the
standards of performance, and provide motivation to grow in their capacity. Leaders are
responsible to set the example at any given time. As we state in the Army, “Lead from the front”.

4Module 1: Session Long Project
In closing, I have addressed my organization for this course as well as the main line of
products. In addition, I discussed specific types of operations processes that take place within
the company, and also highlighted the services and products we provide. The operation
managers of my organization play a vital role by directly influencing productivity of the

5Module 1: Session Long Project

Computer Consulting Business Plan. (n.d.).
IBM. (n.d.).
Network Solutions. (n.d.). Retrieved January 15, 2015, from www.networksolutions.com

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