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For this essay (entry) it is required to maintain a weekly journal, documenting important aspects of
leadership they encounter over the duration of the module. Entries into the journal may include examples
of leadership personally witnessed or insights gained through readings or class discussions.

1)I want 2 entries each one is around 100 words, and each entry is in separate word document.

2)Entries should be placed in a journal.

3)Entries should be based on your learning experience after reading the attached files.

4)You are free to follow your own format as long as it is logically structured.



Leaders like any other people have personalities they possess and which can affect the
way they lead. Nowadays, one of the important attributes that leaders should possess is humility
(Malcolm, 2002). This model has enabled me to understand the concept of humility among
leadership in depth. Humble leaders understand who they are and where they want their
organizations to go. They are intelligent, with good communication skills and are good decision
makers. They are also good problem solvers and involve others in their leadership styles. These
leaders mostly use participative and servant leadership styles to lead others. Even though
humility may seem not to matter, it is very critical in determining the level of success of a leader.



Malcolm, G. (2002). The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. Boston:
Back Bay Books.

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