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Leaders to motivate a multi-generational workforce

Determining methods for leaders to motivate a multi-generational workforce

As part of your Doctoral Study Proposal, you will articulate the potential ways in which your proposed
research project will positively affect social change. Keeping your goals in mind, and thinking about
the literature that you have reviewed, you should be able to formulate a clear statement of the
problem you have identified for your doctoral study research. Recall that a research problem worthy of
a doctoral study must be broad enough to be significant to others outside your immediate school
community. It must also be specific enough, however, that a research project can be designed to

examine it.

�Discuss how your research problem is sufficiently significant to be of interest to leaders who have a

goal of positive social change.

Determining methods for leaders to motivate a multi-generational workforce

Research problem
In America today, 4 different generations in the place of work are working side by
side. The existence of multi-generational labour force in business organizations presents
unique challenges to business leaders of today. It is worth mentioning that a lack of
understanding with regard to generational differences basically increases employee turnover,
lowers productivity, and contributes to conflict in working relationships (Marston, 2010).
Younger employees could become disenfranchised with well-established and ingrained
hierarchical structures. Older employees could become aggravated by an apparently aloof
younger generation. In addition, the leaders who have the responsibility of leading this broad
labour force could become frustrated with everybody.
An important way of thriving in this intermingled labour force is to raise one’s
awareness regarding the members of the other generations. Workforce of different
generations can be classified as follows: (i) The Bridgers or Geneneration Y or NeXters are
those aged twenty-five years and below. People in this group are confident and the most tech-
savvy than any other group. In addition, they are early adopters of any online sharing
platforms and technology. They have a more relaxed way of working which their more
experienced workmates may interpret as disrespect (Hillman, 2014).
(ii) The Busters or Generation X are aged between twenty-five years and forty-five
years. They are keen on using the most recent technology and utilize online information
sharing sources in getting their work tasks done quicker and better. They often seek
immediate esteem and recognition from their workmates. Their senior co-workers may
consider them as arrogant and impatient (Hillman, 2014). (iii) The Boomers make up the
biggest cohort and are aged between 45 years and 65 years. Individuals in this group are
service-oriented and focused. Their weakness is that they could be easily left behind on

technology. (iv) The Builders or traditionalists or veterans or the Silent Generation are aged
between 65 years and 85 years. They are loyal and dedicated, which is their strength. Their
weaknesses are their resistance to workplace changes and technology (Hillman, 2014). In
essence, each of the aforementioned generation is characterized by different commonalities.
Each of these generations is motivated by a different set of values, rewards, communication
preferences, and work styles.
Therefore, it is important to determine ways in which leaders can motivate these
multigenerational workers. Managers and business leaders should make decisions which are
consistent with the culture of their organization and develop a work environment which
engages staff members of dissimilar life experiences, education, goals, work styles, and age
(Marston, 2010). Researchers have reported that individuals who are contented at the
workplace are more productive and remain with their business organizations for a much
longer time. Furthermore, individuals who are happy at the workplace have less sick days and
utilize less healthcare services. Employees who are happy are also more satisfied in their
personal lives compared to their work-weary counterparts (Pitt-Catsouphes & Matz-Costa,
2009). Therefore, it is clear that happiness at the workplace seeps into life outside of the
Each generation – Y, X, Boomers, and Traditionalists – usually exhibits diverse work
ethics, learning styles, and communication styles, and has a dissimilar approach to decision-
making and problem solving. The leader/manager should identify every sub-group so as to
recognize these dissimilar needs as this would result in a happy and motivated team and a
productive place of work (Pitt-Catsouphes & Matz-Costa, 2009). All in all, every generation
has a specific way of working and seeks dissimilar things.

Hillman, D. R. (2014). Understanding Multigenerational Work-Value Conflict Resolution.

Journal Of Workplace Behavioral Health, 29(3), 240-257.

Marston, C. (2010). Motivating the ‘what’s in It for Me?’ Workforce : Manage Across the

Generational Divide and Increase Profits. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Pitt-Catsouphes, M., & Matz-Costa, C. (2009). The multi-generational workforce: Workplace
flexibility and engagement. Community, Work & Family, 11(2), 215-229.

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