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Leaders to motivate a multi-generational workforce

For your selected doctoral study, evaluate the methods used for establishing quality. Incorporate
appropriate references to this week�s media resource as well as the course readings about establishing
quality. For all the questions below, remember to explain how you came to your conclusions. Support
your answers with explanation or evidence drawn from the doctoral study and from course readings.
�Were the methods for establishing quality used appropriately for the qualitative tradition or research
design (e.g., case study, ethnography, grounded theory, etc.)? Why or why not?

�Were all aspects of the methods for establishing quality described or justified sufficiently? If not, what

could have the author said and why? If sufficient, explain why you think so.

�Do you think the author should have used additional methods to establish quality? If so, what other
methods would you recommend and specifically why should they have been used in this particular study?
If not, why not? This includes the methods of establishing quality as well as how they were conducted or


�Add any additional comments for evaluation not addressed above.


Determining methods for leaders to motivate a multi-generational workforce

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Determining Methods for Leaders to Motivate a Multi-Generational Workforce
A case study has been used to determine the best method for leaders to motivate a
multigenerational workforce. The author has used a case study with the main focus being on a
specific organization. According to Yin, (2011), a case study is an empirical inquiry that studies
a contemporary phenomenon within a specific context. According to Mugenda and Mugenda,
(2013), a case study promotes comprehension of an organization by focusing on very specific
variables. The author therefore opted to adopt case study since it gives detailed analysis of issues
at hand. The study therefore focused on the specific variables that can motivate a
multigenerational workforce by leaders. So as to achieve this agenda, the author used both
qualitative and quantitative methods of collecting data (Kouzes & Posner, 2012).
So as to capture all the opinions of the entire population, the author used a representative
sample. More emphasis was on the staffing structure of the target population. According to

Mugenda and Mugenda et al (2013), population under study ought to have features that can be
seen easily upon which the researcher can generalize the outcome of research work. Sample is a
fraction of the entire population. The researcher used random sampling technique to select the
subjects of the study. According to Saunder et al. (2012), sample size represents the entire
population. Out of the entire target population, a representative sample was arrived at using
Stratified random sampling technique.
Stratified sampling technique is more appropriate for studying a diverse population since
it is able to highlight specific categories of employees. The sample size comprised of various
strata representing different categories of employees. The views of all the employees are
addressed at all levels within the organisation. Mugenda and Mugenda (2013) states that,
stratified random sampling technique ensures inclusion of all aspects of a given population.
Thus, stratified sampling technique is the best procedure for data collection since it enhances
inclusion of all aspects within a society.
The authors adopted both primary and secondary data collection procedure during the
sampling process. According to Saunders et al., (2012) questionnaires are the most appropriate
tools for descriptive research analysis. Questionnaires provide data that can be quantified so
All the aspects of the methods for establishing quality have been described. Each method
used for the study has been clearly analyzed in terms of its advantages and relevance. However,
the author could have used other additional methods to establish quality. For instance, when
collecting data, the author could have used purposeful sampling. Purposeful sampling has a very
specific sample size hence addresses different aspects of the population. In addition, the author

could have adopted directional sampling so as to avoid problems experienced during
stratification. Directional sampling ensures that all the subjects are described from within the
population and within the organization (Kouzes & Posner,2012).
There are various methods used to determine quality in terms of a mixed generational
workforce. However, the best method should be able to represent the entire population in terms
of its categories. This ensures that the measures taken to improve the situation within an
organization reflect the aspiration of each individual.


Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2012). The leadership challenge: How to make extraordinary
things happen in organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Mugenda, O.M and Mugenda, A.G. (2013). Research methods – quantitative and qualitative
Approaches. Nairobi- Kenya Africa, Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS).
Oaks, California Sage Publications,
Saunders, M., Lewis, P., and Thorn hill, A. (2002).Research Methods for Business
Students.2 nd Edition, London: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Yin, R.K. (2011), Case Study Research: Design and Methods, 4th edn, Thousand

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