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Job satisfaction

Research ways in which Job satisfaction affects an employee’s quality of work ?

Job satisfaction affects an employee’s quality of work in different ways. Several research
methods can be adopted to shed light on the nature and effect that job satisfaction has on a
company’s productivity. In this research, qualitative method has been preferred in order to find
out the nature of relationship that exists between job satisfaction and productivity.
The qualitative research study will assist in the acquisition of the necessary information
that would determine if a relationship between job satisfaction and productivity exists (Feldman,
2015). The effect of productivity and employee satisfaction would be investigated. The
qualitative method adopted provides the foundation and the research methods that will be
utilized to show if the relationship that exists can influence job satisfaction in other companies
(Hair et al, 2015). The qualitative research methods to be adopted include observation research,
focus groups, reflective journals, depth interviews and direct story telling.
The objective of the qualitative study identified relates to the provision of the best
strategies to be adopted in order to ensure that employee productivity and the factors that affect
job satisfaction are monitored. To measure the effects of promotions, remuneration perks,
demotions, close relationships and bonuses on employee job satisfaction are critical in the
qualitative study method. The study would also identify the greatest barrier to employee job
satisfaction and the critical issues that must be addressed to improve productivity. The qualitative
research study also seeks to identify the different ways and methods of enhancing employee
satisfaction besides monetary gain and also ways of improving employee retention. Identification

of different methods of enhancing extra job satisfaction that would ensure high employee
retention in companies and adoption of effective company strategies. Employee attitudes towards
high productivity at work would also be critical to the study. The research would also identify
the most effective strategies to adopt and which has the strongest effect or increase in employee
The qualitative study chosen relates to the given topic necessitates an organized and well-
planned survey. The qualitative study adopted methodology that’s well defined and since it’s a
qualitative research survey only a few selected employees would be allowed to take part. But
they would be selected from a wide range of firms each providing at least two employees from
the lower cadre job positions while another two from the management level. The questions
would be thorough and employee’s response would also include determination of employee
reflections on the job, their feelings and general observation to ensure a thorough analysis of
employee reactions. In this case only 250 respondents would take part in the exercise. Their
responses would be compared with the hypothesis already formulated for the study. Both the
employees and managers would be selected randomly. Observational research and depth
interviews would be used to collect the required data for the study. In the qualitative study, the
response was rated at 75% hence it would be good for the research (Feldman, 2015).
The summary of the results were carried out and later analyzed using the standard
statistical correlation method. The qualitative method provides the empirical measurement and
the levels of employee’s job satisfaction concerning the relationships at work. The responses
clearly indicated that the closer and better the relationship between employers and employees the
higher the levels of satisfaction and the more productive employees became (Hair et al, 2015). A
good relationship between employers and employees results in improved performance among the

employees. Innovation and autonomy provided more opportunities for workers to be more
productive and the managers were also pleased to register good performance hence a spiral effect
resulted in more production, improved working environment and better terms for the employees
(Choudhury & Friedman, 2015). To improve productivity, employee training and mechanization
of the production was recommended.
The major purpose of qualitative study adopted for more research on the topic is the test
of hypothesis, studying effects and making predictions (Hair et al, 2015). Qualitative research
helps to identify the real issues that underlie individual behavior. Most of the behaviors are
difficult to recognize and they have to be observed closely to make final recommendations. The
study provided deep insight into the relationship on employee job satisfaction and productivity.



Choudhury, S., & Friedman, M. (2015). A study of employee satisfaction with HMO services at
a historically black university. In Proceedings of the 1996 Multicultural Marketing
Conference (pp. 81-84). Springer International Publishing.
Feldman, K. J. (2015). A Quantitative Study on Faculty Workload, Compensation, Retention, and
Job Satisfaction (Doctoral dissertation, NORTHCENTRAL UNIVERSITY).
Hair Jr, J. F., Wolfinbarger, M., Money, A. H., Samouel, P., & Page, M. J. (2015). Essentials of
business research methods. Routledge.

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