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Government and Economics

Write a 2–3-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) providing at least 1 example of how
government has overstepped biblical principles in some form of economic policy.
Options include the following topics:

A specific piece of legislation relating to business regulation or taxation

Economic Analysis

The Scripture, in Romans 13: 6-7, categorically states that the institution of government has the
right to impose taxes on the citizens in a given nation. Similarly, in the Gospel of Matthew (verse
19 to 21), some of the adversaries to Jesus, in an attempt to trap Him, asked whether or not it was

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lawful for them to pay taxes to Caesar. In response, Jesus took a Denarius (Roman coin) and
remarked about the image of Caesar on its face by saying that people should render to the latter
(Caesar) the things that belong to him and God the things that are His (Drollinger, 2019). As
such, the two passages serve to accentuate the principle of taxation, and for public servants, the
right to impose taxes. Nonetheless, the readings thus highlight the question of how the
government should impose charges on its people. Therefore, the current paper seeks to
underscore the various ways in which the government has overstepped biblical principles in
some of the economic policies, the taxation legislation as it relates to business regulation.
Government’s Role in Business Regulation and Taxation
In most nations, government regulation of the economy involves making policy changes
as a way of responding to economic conditions, which ultimately leads to engineered growth or
the prevention of adverse consequences. On the one hand, periods of weak growth necessitate the
adoption of policy changes such as lowering the interest rates, thereby encouraging borrowing
and the restoration of economic growth (Pear, 2011). On the other hand, governmental responses
to inflation concerns occur through the increment of interest rates or tax incentives aimed at
directing economic conditions. Nevertheless, the active use and adoption of these strategies
indicate the government’s interest in the preservation of particular financial circumstances that
endeavor to safeguard the welfare of relevant stakeholders and the public.
In the United States, taxes are levied based on the state in which an individual lives or
works. As such, the local and federal governments impose taxes on the individual’s income,
property, payroll, imports, sales, and estates. However, due to external events that influence the
economic activities within the United States, the government has used different economic means

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in the enactment of changes. More precisely, akin to the legislation of businesses, the taxation
policy entails one of the strategies frequently used in directing economic action (Drollinger,
2019). However, the actions taken in response to these economic conditions lead to situations in
which the government oversteps the Biblical principles through policies that either oppress the
citizens or discourage potential investors from venturing into the market. For instance, following
the harsh economic conditions in the U.S. economy in 2011, Democrats called for the
introduction of legislation that allowed a 5% tax deduction on all individuals classified as
millionaires and the affluent Americans based on their properties and wealth (Pear, 2011).
According to Pear (2011), the Democrats’ standpoint, supported by some Republicans
and the Tea Party, argued that the proposed surtax on income levels exceeding $1 million per
annum would subsidize actions orchestrated by the government towards the creation of
employment opportunities. On the one hand, the Republicans were expected to oppose the
proposed measures as disputes emerged between them and the Democrats with regards to the
amount the affluent and wealthy Americans ought to pay in assisting other people in coping with
the harsh economic conditions. On the other hand, Harry Reid, Nevada’s Democratic senator,
pointed out that the imposition of the surtax would lead to a significant increase in the average
collection of levies by $445 billion over the next decade (Pear, 2011). Consequently, it would
further fund activities such as the creation of more jobs, thereby spurring increased economic
activity by jump-starting the dormant economy.
Conversely, most of the Republicans opposed the tax increment citing the harsh
economic activities faced throughout the country and that most of the millionaires comprise of
small and medium business owners who were struggling to sustain and grow their businesses. As
a result, the Republicans claimed that the imposition of additional taxes on these individuals

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would culminate in their discouragement to invest in companies for future expansion or create
employment opportunities (Pear, 2011). Most fundamentally, the proposal contributed to the
generation of intense debates regarding the motives of the president in supporting the creation of
jobs at the expense of wealthy individuals.
Arguably, the imposition of additional taxes to the wealthy in the nation indicated an
instance in which the government overstepped the Biblical principles. Although the initiative
endeavored to benefit the poor and further support the country’s welfare, Biblical principles
maintain that individuals who do not work should not eat. In the United States, most of the
individuals on the welfare program entail the jobless people who rely on the government for their
upkeep and welfare. In turn, the government, through the welfare program, provides food for the
millions of Americans who do not have other dependents (Drollinger, 2019). However, the
majority of these people include fit individuals who can carry out different meaningful tasks.
Still, due to reluctance, they turn down the overly menial jobs as they will be paid and classified
as unskilled workers.


Despite the intended goals to improve the welfare of its people, the United States
government has continually violated Biblical teachings that all individuals should work for six
days and rest on the seventh. Moreover, the formulation of the economic and financial policies
leads to the government overstepping the Biblical principles, although such measures are
genuinely intended to boost the welfare of the people.

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Drollinger, R. (2019, July 16). Government and Economics: Five Principles for Tax Policy.
Pear, R. (2011, October 5). Democratic Leaders Propose Millionaires? Tax to Pay for Jobs Plan.

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