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Evidence Based Training ( EBT ) in airline training

Evidence Based Training ( EBT ) in airline training.�

  • Explaining EBT �
  • Benefits of EBT�
  • EBT and its differences with ATQP (alternative or advanced training qualification program)�
  • EBT in airlines specially in Middle East airline ( as far as I know Emirates uses ATQP in training and
    Etihad uses EBT)�
  • main topic is critical thinking about EBT weaknesses or disadvantages of EBT in training.�
  • benefits of EBT �
  • Steps to implement EBT preparations, development, implementation.�

    What I need at the moment is a proposal for my master project or dissertation.�
    If it will be approved I’ll go ahead and ask for project itself which is about 14000 words and It must be in
    Harvard style.


The writer is to only continue if the proposal gets approved.There he will wait for the approval first before
carrying on.

Air travel has gone through tremendous changes from what it was in 1960s and 1970s. Aircraft
manufacturers have in recent years made a lot of progress in aircraft design and reliability. This
has been done in the face of rapidly changing operational environment, increasing number of
aircrafts and increased realization among industry players and regulators that not much has been
done to address human factors that lead to aircraft accidents. Evidence Based Training (EBT) is
a pilot competency-training program based on evidence collected. Evidence Based Training
(EBT) was developed after a strategic industry review by industry players and regulators to
address human factors that cause accidents; respond to the fast changing operating environment
and as an improvement to the existing training programs used by airlines worldwide.
I certify this project dissertation is either my own work or suitably referenced where sourced
from other data and information. This project complies with the Project Regulations and

Guidelines in effects at:


Word count: 15536

1.0 Introduction 4
1.1. Conceptual background of Evidence-based Training 5
1.2 Contextual background of Evidence-based Trained 7
1.3 Description of U.S. advanced qualification program (AQP) 9
2.1. Brief history of AQP 11
2.2 Weaknesses 12
2.3 Benefits 14
3.0. Description of the ICAO advanced training and qualification program (ATQP) 16
3.1. Brief history 18
3.2. Training Data (AQP ATQP) 20
3.3. Weakness 21
3.4. Benefits 23
4.0. Description of the Evidence Based Training 25
4.1. History 27
4.2. Weakness 28
4.3. Benefits 30
5.0. Competence based training 33

6.0. Training organization of CBT 35
7.0. Implementation process of EBT 38
7.1. Preparations 42
7.2. Development 44
8.0. Human factors 48
9.0. IATA safety report 50
10.0. Recommendations 52
11.0. Conclusion 53
12.0. References 56
13.0. Appendix: Abbreviations and Acronyms 62

1.0 Introduction
Air travel is the safest means of transport in the world as compared to other forms of
transport that people use to move from one place to another. Recent advances in modern aircraft
design; reliability and implementation of competency-training programs such as Evidence-based
Training (EBT) are credited for this record of safety. However, air travel accidents have
continued to occur even though relatively less in number as compared to accidents recorded in
other methods of transport used in the world (Learmont, 2013). Factors that have contributed to
air traffic accidents in recent years are mainly due to challenges brought about by the rapidly
changing operating environment and a slew of unforeseen human factors. Training programs
used in the past did very little to address human factors that contribute to airplane accidents
(Learmont, 2013). Before the emergence of Evidence-based Training programs, many prominent
industry players and regulators had for many years agitated for a review of training programs
used in pilot training arguing that pilot competency training programs were outdated as they
were trapped in aircraft experiences and incidents of 1960s and 1970s (Anonymous, 2014).

A comprehensive strategic industry review of pilot training was consequently undertaken. It is
that strategic industry review exercise that designed and developed Evidence-based Training
(EBT) (Learmont, 2013) to address human factors that lead to accidents and challenges brought
about by rapid changes in the modern aircraft operating environment among others. Pilot training
programs used prior to introduction of Evidence-based Training (EBT) program were designed
to address threats that existed in the 1960s and as such did not take into consideration challenges
brought about by rapidly changing operational environment and human factors that arise during
flights (Learmont, 2012). These pilot training programs include the U.S. advanced qualification
program (AQP) and ICAO’s advanced training and qualification program (ATQP). Evidence-
based Training is a dynamic program that requires incorporation of new evidence and thus keeps
on evolving based on continuous feedback provided by industry players, regulators, critics and
other stakeholders (Anonymous, 2014; Moorman, 2015).
Evidence-based Training (EBT) is a process that enables aircraft operators to
restructure pilot training programs to address the real risks that are prevalent in modern operating
environments and human factors that could cause accidents. As the name suggests, evidence is
built into pilot competence training program in Evidence- Based Training program (Evidence-
based Training methods: toward a professional level of practice, 2010). During design and
development of Evidence-based Training program, information and data from more than 1,000
pilot surveys, several thousand reports from AQP and ATQP programs, three million flight data
records and more than 9,000 line operations safety audit observations were synthesized.
Evidence-based Training implementation program is contained in guidelines produced by
International Air Transport Association (IATA), International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) and International Federation of Airline Pilots “Associations (IFALPA). These guidelines

are used by airlines to design Evidence- Based Training programs for their pilots (Evidence-
based Training methods: toward a professional level of practice, 2010).

1.1. Conceptual background of Evidence-based Training
Evidence-based Training was designed and developed by industry stakeholders to address
challenges brought about by the growing volume of air traffic, rapidly changing operational
environment, progress in design and reliability of modern airplanes and a realization that not
enough had been done by past training programs to address challenges in air travel brought about
by various human factors that pose a risk to air travel (Evidence-based Training methods: toward
a professional level of practice, 2010). A strategic industry review was carried out and it is that
review that designed and developed Evidence Based-Training for use in pilot competency
training programs (Moorman, 2015). Evidence- Based Training programs arose from a
consensus within industry-wide stakeholders that there was a need to reduce airline accident
rates by developing a new safety improvement initiative in form of a new revolutionary pilot-
competency training program. Evidence- Based training was developed after a review of
recurrent and type-rating training for pilots of commercial airlines (Evidence-based Training
methods: toward a professional level of practice, 2010).
Pilot training was previously governed by international standards and national regulations which
were based on evidence of accidents mainly involving early generation jet aircrafts of the 1960s
and 1970s(Moorman, 2015). Trainers hoped that repeated exposure to “worst-case” events was
sufficient in enhancing pilot competence during training (Solomon, 2015). This previous
training program kept on adding novel events as they occurred overtime which eventually led to
a training program that was crowded and hence mirrored a “tick-box” or inventory training

program. The resultant training program was crowded with activities which were difficult to
implement and track effectively. Evidence- Based Training (EBT) is a paradigm shift from the
inventory type of training that characterized previous training program (Evidence-based Training
methods: toward a professional level of practice, 2010).
Evidence-based Training (EBT) is a new paradigm for competency-based training and
assessment of airline pilots that is based on evidence collected or gathered in flight operations
and training of pilots. Evidence- Based Training (EBT) program collects evidence in flight
operations and training of pilots which aid in managing the most relevant errors and threats in
modern air travel (Moorman, 2015). This information and data is used to develop and evaluate
the key competencies required by pilots to operate safely, efficiently and effectively in a
commercial air transport environment (Evidence-based Training methods: toward a professional
level of practice, 2010). The design and development of Evidence- Based training program was
facilitated by the marked improvement over the last twenty years in availability of data covering
both flight operations and training activity (Moorman, 2015). The implementation guide for
Evidence- Based Training was developed by the joint collaboration of International Air
Transport Association (IATA), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and
International Federation of Airline Pilots “Associations (IFALPA) and was touted by industry
stakeholders as a significant milestone in modernizing pilot training (Evidence-based Training
methods: toward a professional level of practice, 2010).

1.2 Contextual background of Evidence-based Trained
Demosthenes and Oliver (1991) suggest that today’s pilot training can be split into the
implementation of two experience-sets that are important to learn the needs and requirements

placed upon a pilot, permitting him to become a safe and confident aviator. These proficiency-
sets consist of the technical aspect handling hard-core skills and the non-technical part
concentrate on the aviator’s proficiency, which is equally significant to work productively in a
crew environment. The technical experience is allotted to a particular stages and processes of
flight training and build on each other. It is difficult to place the non-technical experience in a
linear development operation as they tend to be more interrelated and their advancement
surpasses the whole training syllabus. Available narrow context needs effective completion of a
flight regulations test at the end of every training stage and when carrying out periodic training.
The concept of Competency-based Training and EBT and periodic is to train effective and ease.
Any type of periodic training must concentrate on finally improving the pilot’s experience via
training as opposed to basically accomplishing a stereotyped cluster of flight regulations.
Depending upon a pilot’s technical knowledge and proficiency is not adequate to safely operate
sophisticated aircraft in today’s flying atmosphere. Acknowledging that safety relies upon the
harmonization of chief individuals in the whole program and not only the actions of pilots, Crew
Resource Management (CRM) training must be carried out by flight operations crew recruited by
an airline who possess crucial understanding of the culture, standards, processes, and training of
that specific airline. Evidence suggests that a combined CRM course for flight personnel, cabin
staff, and other operational crewmembers can advance the rate of understanding and
coordination within the whole team. Airline Industry predicts that the aviation will require
almost more pilots over the next two decades. The potential of the flight training industry
provided the present training paradigm and syllabus, to achieve that demand is the topic of much
assumption regarding new regulations and standards. The forecasted shortcomings in the
populations of the experienced pilots conjoined with new, and crucially more restraining needs to

serve as a pilot cause the flight training industry to be pragmatically concerned about its
extended potential to supply pilots to achieve the expanding requirement. If the ability for
training is not capable to achieve these requirements, there is potential for critical threat to the
practicality of domestic air transportation. Essentially exacerbating the problem is historic yearly
reductions in pilot certification levels. With the respect to new regulations, it is impossible that
the flight training industry will be capable of providing constant supply of experienced pilot to
achieve the requirements of commercial airlines. Examination of available problems in
accomplishing educational sponsor, contribute to deeper reduction of the pilot population.
Results indicate that the shortage between individuals wanting to pursue a profession as a pilot,
the requirement for skilled pilots, and the ability of the flight training industry to take in the
number of applicants that will be required to sustain a minimum operability of local air
transportation is increasing. Current proposed rules promise just to worsen this condition and
potentially lower the appeal of aviation as a career path. There is permanent solution to the
foreseen pilot deficiency. The air carrier, for instance, the Federation Aviation Administration,
and flight training industry recognize the challenge, but regulators seem to overlook it (Glines,

1.3 Description of U.S. advanced qualification program (AQP)
Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) integrates an organized methodology for
creating the content of training programs for air operator. AQP replaces the outdated training
program with a talent-focused training and the assessment program. This talent-focused program
is derived from an in-depth task evaluation that includes Crew Resource Management (CRM). It
seeks to encourage innovation in the techniques and technology that are utilized at the time of
training and evaluation. AQP also encourages the professional management of training

mechanisms. A key goal of AQP is to offer professional training that will improve certified
qualifications that exceed the present standards. The objective of AQP is to accomplish the
maximum possible standards of personal and team performance. It incorporates several training
and assessment techniques which are focused on enhancing performance relative to conventional
training programs. An AQP is a methodically designed, constantly sustained, and experientially
authenticated talent-focused training program. It also makes it easier for air operator to
methodologically create, conduct, analyze and sustain a training program that at the end will be
self-mending. AQP is an intended program that asks for a willed devotion from the air operator
to go over and above basic training programs in the bigger interest of safety. To establish a
corresponding degree of safety in contrast to a conventional training program, the whole AQP
should be analyzed as a detailed whole as opposed to considering any one element in isolation.
The improvement and implementation of an AQP is a five-stage procedure. This procedure
offers a systematic foundation approach to program advancement. It amounts to a program with
entirely documented curricula, supporting rationale and improvement plan. The utilization of this
standardized AQP enhancement procedure in conjunction with a training and analysis program
founded upon evaluated and authentic requirements. The citations from this five-stage procedure
will then serve as the regulatory source for disseminating the AQP-enhanced training and
analysis programs. Both segments are sanctioned successively and comprise of certain activities
and include the citation of those activities. The utilization of a methodical curriculum enhanced
plan called ISD has been integrated into the AQP process. Applicants are required to use any of
an all-inclusive assortment of recent ISD programs. Whilst all candidates should meet the
minimum requirements of the ISD tactic, the amount of effort every candidate ought to invest on
every phase of their training evaluation and enhancements relies on a various aspects. The AQP

values should be executed across the design of the program. To achieve the already established
standards for a specific duty position, an individual will obtain job-specific ground training. This
training naturally involves overall operational topics, technical mechanism, system and process
incorporation and also emergency-kind coaching. Normally, in AQP rationalization is a resolve
that the training results in the specified results as found in the Qualification Standards and the
person has achieved the performance goals of the training curriculum. The assessment is
evaluation of a person to confirm whether the values laid for a particular level of proficiency has
been successfully met (Federation Aviation Administration, 2006).

2.1. Brief history of AQP
In 1975, the Federation Aviation Administration started to deal with two concerns:
Hardware necessities required for whole replication and the redesign of training programs to
handle the mounting pressure emanating from human factors difficulties. As call for change from
air transport industry, FAA dealt first with the hardware problem. This endeavor resulted in 1980
in creation of the Advanced Simulation Program. Ever since, the FAA has carried on to pursue
tactics for remodeling of training programs to raise the benefits of improved simulation and to
deal with the growing sophistication of cockpit human factors. In 1987 a Joint Government-
Industry Committee on Flight Crew Performance was formed. The committee converged at the
Air Transport Association’s (ATA) head office to establish and talk about flight crewmember
performance worries. In June 1988, the suggestions of this committee were handed over to the
FAA Administrator. The recommendations were all part 121 carries review previous and
periodic flight crewmember training programs. The idea behind this review was to make sure
that the training programs incorporated simulator or aircraft training implementations that
include cockpit input management and dynamic coordination of all crewmembers undergoing

training. In reaction to the suggestions from the Joint Task Force and the National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), FAA, on October 2, 1990, published Special Federal
Aviation Regulation 58 (SFAR) to jump-start the Advanced Qualification Program. AQP was as
well set up to allow a superior amount of narrow flexibility in the validation of inventive pilot
training. Going by the standard evaluation of operational requirements, an air operator under
AQP might recommend disengage from conventional practices in regard to what, how, when,
and where training and testing is implemented (Federal Aviation Administration, 2006). Nearly
60 percent of the accidents in the airline industry emanate from human error. All air carrier
training courses strive to reduce the degree of human factors connected accidents by offering
productive training that will transform personal and crew performance that will outdo present
performance standards. Creating inventive training and requirement programs that integrate the
most current improvements in training techniques can achieve this objective. AQP is regarded
the present model for such training in the air carrier industry. The AQP is a flexible training;
criterion and analyzing program that allows every individual operative o formulate its program
based upon the stipulated needs and requirements of that operative. The outstanding aspect of
AQP is expertise based training known as the train to expertise context. Improving and
conducting an Advanced Qualification Program offers an air carrier with an interchange
technique of training, assessing, validating and making sure the capability of flight
crewmembers, flight attendants, instructors, evaluators amid other operatives. The objective of
an air carrier’s Advanced Qualification Program is to create and conduct expertise founded
qualification and training. AQP motivates inventiveness in the techniques and tools that are
utilized at the time of instruction and assessment. Federal Aviation Administration’s goal of
creating and utilizing SFAR 58 is to accomplish the utmost likely standards of personal and crew

performance, without adding more strain on the cost of maintaining training resources. The
moment an airline obtains authorization of their AQP program from FAA, it becomes the
training principle of that airline. When the AQP becomes accredited and functional, the program
is systematically approved using the information coming from Proficiency Evaluators at the time
of (LOS) Line Operational Simulation (Department of Transportation, n.d.).

2.2 Weaknesses
Recent research has showed that task force is a key weakness of the AQP. Oversight
takes place at two levels: at Federal Aviation Administration headquarters that is mandated with
the task of monitoring the activities of its field officers, and at FAA officers that are directly
supervising program designees. On the other hand, the recognition that AQP has received in the
airline industry during a reasonably short time shows that it represents consequential tools for
present work with creating and enhancing flight safety. Although AQP can by no means still be
regarded as new technology, there is still significant criticism with respect to numerous elements.
This criticism is discussed here because it can contribute to improved knowledge about the
limitations and weaknesses of the Advanced Qualification Program. According to critics, AQP
only contributes to the conceptual model that all air crew have practiced since the early days of
aviation. This obvious minimalism of the program is conflicted by the more sophisticated flow
chart for which has been denoted in scientific documents. Advanced Qualification Program is
also protracted and resource-exhaustive technique of gathering information from ordinary
functions. More so the dissection between threats and errors in the Advanced Qualification
Program is not always easy to merge with daily use of technology. Since all explanations of
actual events are simplifications, the ultimate finding is not really based upon whether AQP is
ideal, because no program denotes all the elements of actual events. The finding that should be

made is whether the AQP program improves knowledge of risks in airline operation and whether
it is more productive technology for sustaining and enhancing airline safety that other programs
or techniques can be put into use for this purpose (Department of Transportation, n.d.).
Participation in Advanced Qualification Program is voluntary; therefore only committed
individuals will sail through the whole process. Conversely, airlines selecting to participate will
continue to be regulated by the appropriate existing provisions of 14 CFR, sections 121 and 135.
Nevertheless, almost all major U.S. are currently participants. Many of the unsafe acts and errors
documented in aviation industry can be credited to AQP failures. When taking into account this
fact, the utmost human factor rate relates to landings. This has been credited to control inputs
being opposite of takeoff controls. This normally amounts to loss of situational understanding.
For Advanced Qualification Program to succeed, each candidate should pay specific attention to
general program quality assurance (Federal Aviation Administration, 2013). The other weakness
of AQP is that it requires careful data gathering, evaluation and reporting. Normally it is the air
operator is expected to gather and evaluate performance data on its flight crewmembers,
instructors and evaluators. This information enables the air operator and FAA to establish
whether the type and content of training and assessment practices are adequately achieving the
general goals of the curriculum. AQP requires that the information gathering carried out by the
air operator for its utilization in supervising curricula will support more systematic detail and
analytical operations than the information gathered for submission to FAA. Another weakness is
that the process is clearly rigorous since once the information is gathered and entered into the
data management system, an evaluation must be conducted on the aggregate information.
Statistical assessment of the expertise data makes it possible for air operators to make an internal
evaluation of their performance.


2.3 Benefits
Air carrier involvement in Advanced Qualification Program is exclusively voluntary.
Airlines choosing not to engage may continue to function under the conventional FAA standards
for training and checking. The diverse series advantages to participation, nevertheless, are varied.
The dogmatic principle of AQP provides the flexibility to modify training and documentation
situation. They inspire inventiveness in the creation of training plans. They include wide ranging
in choice of training techniques and media. They allow the utilization of flight training
techniques and keeping in touch with tasks that historically have achieved in aircraft simulators.
They provide a certified mode for the candidate to replace FAA-authorized standardized
qualification principles with carrier-projected options airplane. They allow the candidate to set
up a yearly training and checking schedule for all the staff, including the chief-pilot, and offer a
base for increasing that interval under specific conditions. From a Federal Aviation
Administration context, the overarching benefit of AQP is quality training. AQP offers a
methodological foundation for harmonizing technology to training necessities for certifying
training program content on the basis of significance to operational performance. Federal
Aviation Administration objective for this program is to enhance safety by way of improved
training. The previous objective of the SFAR crewmember performance by offering optional
mode of adhering to specific present standards in the federal aviation regulations that may
prohibit inventive utilization of current technology advancement that could facilitate the training
of crewmembers. The SFAR has inspired carriers to support inventiveness in their approach to
training. Operatives on the other hand have found AQP to be a significant mode for achieving
the requirements for air carrier training programs. Even though Advanced Qualification Program
is a voluntary, FAA encourages air operators to be involved (Federation Aviation

Administration, 2013). AQP provides for improved course development and information-based
methodology to quality guarantee in conjunction with the flexibility to target important tasks at
the time of flight crew training. The AQP technique directly supports FAA’s objective for safety
improvement. The chief objective of AQP is to accomplish the utmost likely standard for
personal and crew output. For it to accomplish this objective, Advanced Qualification Program
aims at minimizing the likelihood of crew-related faults by lining up training and assessment
needs more closely with the distinguished cause of human errors. For instance, most accidents
result from crew issues. Conventional training program concentrate upon personal training and
assessment. Under AQP, concentrating on crew performance in both training and assessment is
crucially improved. Most catastrophes result from errors of judgment, communication and crew
harmonization, whilst conventional programs concentrate on flying expertise and structure
insight. Under Advanced Qualification Program, proficiency in flying skills and systems insight
are incorporated with CRM skills in training and assessment right in the course of the
curriculum. Conversely to determine an equal level of safety with a conventional training
program, the whole Advanced Qualification Product is expected to analyze in entirety as
opposed to singling out one factor in isolation. The key goal of AQP is the classic integration
CRM and technical training. Textbook incorporation doe not, however, mean that just those
features of CRM can be proceduralized are dealt with in flight functions scientific and

3.0. Description of the ICAO advanced training and qualification program (ATQP)
In a groundbreaking event that had not been expected for decades, the International Civil
Organization has certified principles for evidence based training (EBT) in ICOA Standards and
Recommended Practices. ICOA is a specialized organization of the United Nations. It acts as a

haven whereby state members work together towards the safe, secure, and sustainable
improvement of civil aviation. Evidence based training here builds on programs like the U.S.
Advanced Qualification program (AQP) and the ICOA advanced training and qualification
program (ATQP). As the name would assert, this is a program based on evidence. The aviation
industry has merged and created a unique set of baseline information. This baseline data
contains the information needed to overhaul the training program the airline industry training
program. The availability of developed technology has allowed better utilization of airline
stimulators for training and checking of crewmembers. The sophistication, costs and operating
atmosphere of modern airlines also have inspired greater use of improved simulation. Flight
simulators can offer more detailed training than can be achieved in airlines and offer a safe and
appropriated training environment. An ATQP makes it possible for flight operatives to offer
more proficient and operative-detailed recurrent training and checking package for its crew. The
system ensures the uppermost level of civil aviation safety by using enhanced training and
assessment over the present program. The system is an organization and the kind alternative to
conventional training. The recurrent information gathering can be improved into a responsive
system that can adjust to an operative’s requirements such as new technology, new tools or a
divergent method program. To make the most of productivity, an operative’s training program
requires to be aimed at areas that are pertinent to the operative’s type and theatre operation.
Moreover the program should have the capacity to respond to weakness in performance
whenever they are established. The present training and testing prerequisites for flight crew
needs the training and testing of particular items covered in Part ORO.FC and subsection E
Annex. Whilst focusing upon these particular items make it possible for the basic principle to be
accomplished and thus minimizes the flexibility contained inside the training program.

Consequently the present standards create a reasonably firm system that offers the operative a
limited scale for starting initiative to accomplish the real operational atmosphere and settings
significant to that operative. To accomplish the objectives of an ATQP the operative will need to
create a task focused training program that is impartially based. To create the program the
operative should carry out a task assessment to offer rationalization and a basis for the programs
configuration and content. The Advanced Training Qualification will offer an operative an
encouragement to improve inventive training approaches that benefit both training regulations
and training productivity. For every airline class to be incorporated with ATQP a systematic
analysis must be completed that explains the numerous tasks to be undertaken by the
crewmembers when operative that class. The assessment of particular tasks to the airline class
which are consequently rationalized and permit the identification of event-based analysis and
expertise-based training. Event-based analysis is an occurrence that takes place during LOE
which has detailed regulations that should be accomplished by the flight crew and is the
technique utilized to show crew expertise (RFID, 2013).

3.1. Brief history
The outcome of the research initiated by the United States and resultant conferences
between the Major Allies was that the U.S. administration extended an invitation of 55 States to
attend. The International Civil Aviation Conference took place November 1944 in which 54
States attended this Conference. As a result of this meeting an International Civil Aviation was
authorized by thirty-two States, establishing the lasting Civil Aviation Organization as a way to
secure international collaboration and the uppermost likely extent of consistency in regulations
and values, processes and configuration pertaining to civil aviation concerns. Subsequently the
International Services Transit Agreement and Internal Air Transport Agreement were authorized.

The most essential work achievements by the Chicago Conference was in the scientific area
since the Conference established the basis for a series of standards and regulations air navigation
as one which resulted in flying a huge leap forward and create the way for the function of one
universal air navigation program across the globe. The organization is based in Montreal,
Canada. Later ICAO adopted the model of Regions and Regional Offices based upon the
knowledge that any regional events would just be carried out given they did not contradict the
global undertakings of the Organization. Nevertheless, it as well acknowledges that such
undertakings could range from Region to Region in respect to the common economic, scientific
or social setting of the Region involved. The overarching goal of ICAO, which has one-ninety
member States, is to offer incentive to the methodical development of international civil aviation,
setting up general regulations for aircraft manufacturing, airworthiness, and licensing of pilots.
After the historical analysis, presently there are various standards in respect to pilot training. The
primary regulation was Annex 1to the Convention on International Civil Aviation: Staff
Licensing (ICAO Annex 1) sets the foundation for each post-war staff licensing program. Annex
1 was formulated in 1948. The chief standard is that Annex 1 isn’t utilized directly instead it is
usually reshaped into state regulations. Nevertheless, all deviations from principles in contrast to
Annex 1 can be proclaimed to ICAO. For quite some time ICAO Annex varied from the present
form it has assumed. It passed through many significant transformations. At present there is only
Annex 1 10 th edition. History suggests that most changes took place in the 8 th and 9 th edition. The
8 th edition of ICAO Annex 1 saw the modification of SARPS tackling the licensing of flight
crewmembers. The 9 th edition introduced human factors understanding prerequisites,
modifications of explanations and new requirements requiring language expertise for aircraft and
helicopter pilots, navigators utilizing radiotelephony, air traffic controllers and aviation station

operatives. Majority of European nations, apparently JAA members utilize JAR-FCL 1 for
aircraft licenses and JAR-FCL 2 for helicopter licenses. The other countries utilize Annex 1 and
state policies. However Annex 1 in this case isn’t used directly. Instead it is changed into state
policy and all divergence from original legislative text should be declared to ICAO. The JAA
members as well utilize state policies for kinds of licenses that are not considered by (JAR FCL
Manual of Evidence Training, 2013).

3.2. Training Data (AQP ATQP)
The Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) is an intended alternative to the conventional
narrow under the FARs for pilot training and supervision. For instance under the AQP the
Federation Aviation Administration is mandated to validate considerable take off from
conventional needs, subject to validation of an equivalent. Certain information was offered for
this project, from available and developed AQP system. Advanced Qualification Program
systems are exceedingly advanced, complicated training programs that share many objectives
identified by EBT. The benefits of gathering information on these systems are clear. Airlines are
offering data on curriculum paradigm and content, flight process data and also metrics upon
training program performance. Furthermore, all Advanced Qualification Program systems have
the potential to offer knowledge into persistent professional and skill decay since their recurrent
supervision and events. For instance Qatar Airways and Emirates Airlines training periods, a
histogram is designed differentiating between the PNG (Pilot Non-Proficient Grade) for the
various aircraft classes per training subject. Footprints for the various classes of airplane are
contrasted with a particular concentration on airplane generations as opposed to just classes.
Another evaluation utilizing similar numerical information phenomenon the PNG’s of the
different training operations over the time from Type Rating. This focus is simply inspired by the

need to examine the range of pilot performance with respect to detailed norms at different phases
of training process. This development is drafted for Generation 3 Jets and Generation 4 Jets.
Most evidence emanating from the information sources are then processed by the airlines and
whilst some might be cross-examined, much of it is approved at face value. The degree of data
furnished by the operatives is wide and considerably important from other sources. An analysis
has been developed by the Evidence-based Training information team with a sequence of
interviews to airline pilots pertaining to the proficiency of training they had obtained. The
assessment was made accessible through a link via the website of the International Federation of
Air Line Pilots Associations (IFALPA). The purpose for this survey probe was to fill gaps in
available Evidence-based Training information set, to investigate extra detailed subjects of
interest for this study and authenticate additional particular subjects of interest for this project
and approve and cross examine outcomes from others sources. Data is then classified by subject
and evaluated for any phenomenon. Outcomes of the evaluation are incorporated in Air Pilot
Perceptions of Training Effectiveness. The usual process of entering evidence in the Evidence
Table has been used for this source. Analysis is based on samples of populations and is subject to
sampling mistakes that mirror the effects of opportunities and uncertainty in the case operation.
The pilot evaluation attracts a reasonable number of participants from my regions of the globe
offering balance and reduces bias. Proficient opinion is especially essential as an information
source. Analyzing line pilots offer equilibrium to the training criticality survey. The margin of
error with regard to pilot opinion for the questions is unknown permitting the participants to
articulate themselves without responsibility. The strength of any analysis is its potential to
concentrate on certain particular concerns and give information that is complicated to find
utilizing other techniques of research. As a consequence of the voluntary aspect of the pilot

survey, it has to be essentially diminutive so as to appeal to an appropriate number of
participants; this can however restrict the scope (Kern, 2009).

3.3. Weakness
Overlooking change will always end up creating gridlocks to the safety conscious
aviation industry, nevertheless this modified training focuses on every pilot as a personal and
training system is created for them specifically. Analysis of the present industry pilots is
important because of the transforming technology and capabilities. Re-assessing the risks and
training techniques under acknowledged safety management program makes it possible for
today’s pilots to operate safely. For instance, after an ATQP accreditation, an ATE (Annual
Training Event) was implanted in the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), UK, in 2012. Under the
ATE all pilots were required to complete annual 4 day simulator training. As result some pilots,
especially those replacing airplane type, or those who needed extra support received extra
modified learning. Conversely, loss of control (LOC) accidents was not frequent as a proportion
of total aircraft catastrophes. However there is no sufficient proof to show the factors that
amount to LOC. Knowing why pilots do what they do involves comprehending how they collect
their data before they make decisions. More so it is not just a matter of implementing methods
such as eye-tracking to test instrument check, but as well an analysis of pilot attitudes, how pilots
supervise one another, what communication yields and whether it is productive. CAA has
previously formulated an outline of outcomes from the first stage, which has been concerned
with providing facts. The reason behind this is to communicate to pilots the facts about pilot
supervision best practice, as established by assessment of the information collected at the time of
research. According to Civil Aviation Authority standards recurrent simulator practice at
aircrafts that have taken up an accredited advanced training qualification program (ATQP).

These routines are predictable for pilots, but also about 70 percent of the simulator time
consumed is on testing and just about 25 percent on learning. As a consequence this ends up as
lost chance for improving regulations. There is essential shift in the manner in which new or
restructured standards are being put into use, by transferring the aircrafts the task for supervising
safety performance and for implementing the findings. The supervisory body continues to carry
out via periodic tests; however, with operational flight data monitoring (FDM) and safety
management systems (SMSs) obligatory at airlines, the regulators will implement their oversight
using a totally different format. Taking up an ATQP by the Civil Aviation Authority is regarded
as an essential part of the solution to enhancing the productivity of future pilot recurrent learning.
This is a modified training system that recognizes what is new about every airline. Pilot training
has to put into consideration the fact, for instance, that an airline recruits from a certain state or
regional background, or enlists a greater percentage of multicultural flight crewmembers. Each
airline’s objective for its advanced training program has to be accredited by the state aviation
industry. As of now, Civil Aviation Authority has accredited ATQP at British Airways, Virgin
Atlantic among other airlines. However this is a reasonably present improvement and ATQP has
seldom been used in continental Europe (Federal Aviation Administration, 2006).

3.4. Benefits
Traditionally the inception point for training has concentrated on applying the rigid systems
which explained the official essential for functioning. The principles are hugely fueled by
extensive experience of aircraft operation, at the period when the proportion of inventiveness
was much slower than present day. Transformations were always as a consequence of lessons
gleaned from catastrophes and occurrences, and the procedure of changing training outlines was
very exhaustive. It is a matter of documentation that 1-10 routine aircrafts go as originally

automated into the flight management system. Where pilot learning has now transformed most
significantly is that the emergent center is not just on allowing the accident/incident assessment
guide the training requirements, as opposed to utilizing the mass information from all airlines,
including the great number of successful airlines, to establish high level of practice and attitudes
at the time of routine and irregular processes. Amidst this, human performance has been
analyzed exhaustively and this can assist to improve both the selection of suitable personal
attributes wanted for operating personnel, and adaptive training focused upon improving such
traits and expertise. The recent training doctrine is carried out through the Alternative Training
Qualification Program (ATQP). The content for this is immensely explained by Evidence Based
Training (EBT). EBT gathers information from actual airline operations in the widespread route
link. This program solves all of that flight crew expertise. Conversely Multiple Pilot License
(MPL) makes it possible for airlines to train pilots adjusted to their flight class and their process
right from the beginning. Therefore the manner in which MPL curriculum is the ab initio training
equivalent of an Alternative Training Qualification Program. Inventiveness in training is not
restricted to the airline deck crew. For instance, Kellie White and Emergency Procedures
Training Management at Emirates, is committed to ensuring the training process meets the
widespread nature of safety. The emergency evacuation trainers offer an intense sensory setting
to simulate as much as likely a diverse scope of incidents. Ever so significant is the
comprehension of other cultures, therefore the cabin crew are educated about the behavior are
new to their native culture. The command that should be demonstrated by cabin crew at the time
of emergency incident might not come as expected to some, however, with the right definitions
of possible passenger and crew attitudes in difficult situations, training can assist crew obtain the
basic skills. Essential focus is put on building communication skills; therefore a lot of the

training situations involved both airline deck and cabin crew in equally important CRM
practices. The moment training kicks off, the stress is to introduce resilience. Emirates for
instance have been considered the leading example of EBT by ITQI Steering Group. Pertaining
to the productivity of the present patter, the final word rests with the Emirates pilot-in-charge.
One aspect of the training is motivating the flight personnel to develop unique solutions to
problems at the time of training. Utilizing checklist for example is an essential key tool; however
in some time crucial circumstances it might be that an action has to take up to the unexpected
happening. The invariable search for even more productive training sometimes amounts to taking
up recent and developing technology.

4.0. Description of the Evidence Based Training
The evidence-based training task is a safety enhancement program. It emerged from an
industry-extensive agreement that for flight accident rate to be minimized, a tactical assessment
of periodic and class-rating training for flight pilots was important. The international Standards
and State policies for flight pilot training are on the whole founded on the evidence of accidents
involving jet airplane of the previous production. In due time, inventive activities took place that
were greatly incorporated to the needs amounting in increasingly crowded training initiatives.
The accessibility of information dealing with both airline operations and training activities has
enhanced significantly over the past decade. Data from airline data assessment, flight
observations, for instance LOSA programs and air safety documents offer an exhaustive
knowledge into the threats, errors and unwanted aircraft conditions experienced in current airline
flight operations. Widespread detailed assessment of a scope of available information sources
has been implemented and significant variances emanated between what can be regarded as four
varying jet aircraft productions and two turboprop aircraft productions (Norman and Orlady,

2001). The procedure and outcomes of this quantitative evaluation was peer-review by a group
of globally acknowledged professions in pilot training, denoting flight operatives, pilot links,
supervisors and the unique equipment manufacturers. This permitted simplicity and also
introduced qualitative context to the information. Outcomes from the assessments represented
convergence and turned out that while there remains a gap in the fields of risk and learning
requirements through flight generations, there are also rather divergent variations in patterns of
risk in flight of the numerous productions that are presented not dealt with. Flight blueprint and
dependability has developed progressively and essentially with time, but accidents are still
experienced, although the flight and programs were functioning without breakdown. Controlled
flight into terrain (CFIT) is a perfect case of this standard, where insufficient circumstance
knowledge on the part of the personnel nearly a contributing aspect. It is unlikely to predict all
plausible accident situations, particularly so in present day aviation program where the
program’s sophistication and utmost dependability mean that the subsequent accident might be
something totally unforeseen. EBT deals with this by shifting from refined situation-based
training, to prioritizing the improvement and evaluation of definite competencies, resulting to
improved training amounts. Comprehending a predetermined number of definite competencies
will permit the pilot to control unpredicted dangerous circumstances in airline. EBT performance
includes a model shift, not certainly to change a at times-old fashioned sequence of essential
activities with a new sequence. Furthermore EBT enables the instructor to focus on assessment
of the root cause of ineffectively flown techniques so as to improve unsuitable actions. Equally
important competencies identified in EBT involve what were initially named both scientific and
non-scientific knowledge, proficiency and behaviors. They are enshrined in the threat and error
management model. EBT acknowledges the need to create and analyze crew performance in

respect to a range of competencies without inevitably differentiating between those which are
scientific and non-scientific required to make it possible to operate safely. A detailed assessment
of safety information source and training outcomes has shown significant variations in training
requirements (Parrish, 2000).

4.1. History
Evidence Based Training (EBT) model targets to establish, create and assess the
competencies needed to operate safely, proficiently in a commercial air transport setting while
dealing with the most pertinent threats with respect to evidence gathered in accidents/incidents,
airline operations and training. Evidence Based Training alongside with an operative’s safety
management system (SMS) is an essential basis for enhancement of ATQPs. An assortment of
information sources can offer a comprehensive knowledge into the threats, errors and risks found
in airline operations and their connection to unwanted outcomes. Airline crew training and test
personnel require appropriate experience of the airline and the kind of process in which the
evaluation function will be carried out. Flight crew staff ought to follow the training and
checking activities outlines in the AOC holder’s accredited training and confirming the manual.
Modern program collect and evaluate information from training and monitoring operations to
yield a model of the operational safety health of personal flight crewmembers and the airline
activities team as one. The proficiency of information collection relies upon the correctness of
the data fed into the database. This is regulated by the correctness and uniformity of the assessors
and the legality of the operations for evaluation. Flight-crew study means standard checking such
as LOSA and other equivalent techniques. The idea is non-intrusive observation of the flight
deck operation. The knowledge gleaned from LOSA Study offers the EBT focus team with
original contextual perspective of airline performance gathered from the cockpit at the time of

normal activities. Information from EBT systems must be evaluated in a manner equivalent to
that outlined in the Data Report for Evidence-based Training. In order to create this EBT system,
training information was obtained and assessed from available programs such as AQP. Under
AQP the FAA is allowed to certify essential departure from conventional necessities. Advanced
Qualification Program is greatly created, complicated training programs that have the same
objectives set by EBT. Furthermore all AQP systems have the potential for first-look assessment
of effectiveness, which offers knowledge into consistent expertise and proficiency decay.
Training metrics are significant part in supporting Evidence-based Training system but they
should be put in the perspective of operational information due in part to latter possibility to
approve the significance of a particular skill inside the actual activity. Airplane program
breakdowns for the assessment and scenario-based training stages are those, which put an
essential strain on skilled crew (Human factors crew resource management, n.d). Most
malfunctions not included by this feature continue to need analysis and suitable routine insight
training with varied means. In this case the philosophy of EBT is that proficient FSTD must be
utilized to the utmost degree likely for evaluating and creating crew competency. Similar clusters
of flight system breakdowns can be established by reference to breakdown elements and the
overlapping aspects of crew performance needed to control them. Following the conclusion of
system implementation, all accessible dimensions and tracking equipments must continue to be
used to pay way for improvements and degradations and the operation of skill (Jensen, 2005).

4.2. Weakness
Over time, there have been a lot of improvements and transformations in the manner in
which pilot training has been delivered. Nevertheless it is essentially safe to suggest that no
innovation has produced as much debate and heat as the introduction of Evidence-based Training

(EBT) and regulation. Proficiency needs integrating a comprehensive training and education
across a proficient pilot’s whole career. Developing a professional pilot’s asks for not just
training competency in particular scientific and non-scientific skills, but also a continuing
education to assist pilots to grow and sustain airmanship skills. This needs proper previous and
periodic education in piloting experiences and also continuing flight supervision by sufficiently-
trained pilots. Training and accomplishing specific flying experience alone does not make a
proficient pilot. An excellent training system will support the idea of competency and fluency.
Professionalism might be achieved after numerous repeats of various varying operations. Thus
fluency is only obtained once a maneuver can be sufficiently finished after various repetitions,
without errors (Weiner and Curry, 2005). The new training methods and regulations offer a
strong policy for aviation development deepening safety. But there is another aspect that has
been put into consideration as emergent technology growth. The human factor, the interface
between man and machines is considered important for the next generation of flight take to the
skies. The key catalyst to improving operational proficiency in the past decades has been low-
cost carriers. These operatives now control an essential percentage of the market and have been
in charge of the bigger airlines having to accomplish raises in proficiency to remain competitive.
Greater levels of proficiency in low-budget flight that crews are used to the highest degree
possible but without amounting in stress and fatigue. However this has not been what was
expected. Many pilots may fly up to eight regions in a single working day and have little or no
time at all to spend in the cruise. Airworthiness regulators have severe task time restrictions.
These duty time laws stress the contradicting needs of safety and proficiency. Safety would be
improved with more rest between flights but this many amount to economical crisis. More rest
time asks for more flight personnel away from home accommodation expenses. More recently,

occurrences of stress and depression have started to increase due to aspects such as despair about
firm stability and greater numbers of final minute flying schedule adjustments. In this case
Evidence-based Training (EBT) requires that flight crew members be trained in the skills
pertinent to finding and essentially utilize evidence. Training does not however seem to be a
problem. Conversely EBT does not mean just applying the outcomes of bigger randomized tests
conducted by others. Time still remains to be problem because those mandated with the role of
training have little time to carry out comprehensive investigation. Even though the model of the
period of time that the helping professions have existed, the tradition of Evidence-based Training
especially short. Concerns with flight control are on the other hand aspect in forty-two percent of
all accidents. This however denotes just sixty-seventy percent of catastrophes regarded to be
potentially avoidable by training (Manual of evidence-based training, 2013).

4.3. Benefits
An emergent pilot training paradigm is gradually getting recognition in the airline
industry, encouraging a fast transformation in the approach of supervisors, flight training
companies, airline training agencies and trainers. In fact IATA has come up with new ways of
enhancing training regulations in the new age of competency-based training. In the meantime,
ICAO’s report on the purpose of evidence-based training (EBT) has been effective, offering
worldwide approval to this emergent training model. The report recommends to the airline how
to adjust its periodic training administration to achieve crew training information supervision.
That differs with the present program of implementing a recurrent trail practice founded upon
prescribed techniques, designed when airlines operated piston-engine airplane. There are as well
transformations at the central training level that seeks to refine skills with respect to an
established requirement or to train for recruits (Manual of EBT, 2013). The still reasonably

multi-crew pilot license (MPL) complies with the new paradigm. In essence, the MPL’s
enhancement stage was the initiative of the Competency Based Training (CBT) philosophy.
IATA defines the MPL curriculum as substituting with CBT the conventional appliance of box-
ticking, hours-based, regulatory syllabi. Just a handle of airlines and States are implanting the
MPL for their ab-initio trainees. Currently just a couple of national aviation regulators allow the
supervisory board flexibility for operatives to take up EBT. These emergent training models ask
require more comprehensive and informed utilization of flight simulation training devices
(FSTD). Consequently demands are emerging for flight simulator firms to increase the handling
fidelity of their instruments. For airlines and training agencies, FSTDs are simply an apparatus
that makes it possible for students to accomplish the needed competences at the required level.
The whole scope of FSTD potential could turn out to be clearly a manual for which training
agencies can select solutions to achieve the results they seek as opposed to depending upon the
formal classification of individual equipments. The skills gleaned from present airline accidents
insist that new simulation prolongs its potential to simulate flight attitude over and above the
edges of the flight menu. This would permit pilots to be trained in simulators for revitalization
from the complete decayed condition that includes high-altitude stalls and other misdemeanors.
In the end simulators must as well be capable of presenting reasonable surprise situations if the
flight personnel are to be ready to deal with unusual and unforeseen combinations of operations.
Qatar Airways and Emirates for instance, Evidence-based Training (EBT) has been the
philosophy responsible for the present training for over a year now. With the publication of
ICAO guidebook on EBT, implementation of this more knowledgeable behavior toward periodic
training will nearly probably increase. Threats to the growth of EBT will emanate from the lack
of interest that is brought about by satisfaction and a failure to comprehend its goals in

conjunction with deficient instructor training. The acceptance of the modern training models
needs a detailed approach transformation agencies, it as well demands an improvement in
instructor and examiner behavior to the period training duty. Before the advent of EBT, testing
was the goal to the practical elimination of training (Weiner, 2007). This more specifically came
with a more emphatic mindset with the goal of enhancing pilot performance especially so where
evidence shows performance growth or extra qualification is required. Thus greater introduction
to Evidence-based Training (EBT) for an airline, especially within the Middle East’s regulatory
administration involves working with the State aviation authority to create an advanced training
and qualification program (AQPT). This consists of establishing an Airlines operational pros
and cons and adjusting its periodic training suitably to accomplish the qualifications required. By
doing so, the foundation of a growing EBT program will have been developed. However, if a
manager fails to comprehend EBT it may render it inessential. The supervisor’s duty is to assist a
flight configure its Evidence-based Training. The four-phase for an existing EBT program begins
by evaluating the evidence that includes the training required; training to satisfaction; training for
experience to manage recognizable threats; advance the program design and consistency; then
returning to re-evaluating the evidence. Every periodic training process would begin with an
assessment stage, then advance to techniques training stage, and proceed on to scenario-based
stage. There are two phases of EBT: the baseline phase is unique in that is uses regulations and
routines from the ICAO EBT guidebook and its appendices, and represents no assessment or
model by the operative. Advanced EBT constitutes of information gathering from internal and
external reporting, from flight class evaluation, and from a risk and training requirements.
Instead of replicating set-piece practices after six months, some practices for which competency
stages are sometimes soaring, or for which the rate of risk in current aircraft is minimal, may be

implemented after three days. This as a consequence would permit more time to offer training
for the crews the proficiency field where evidence suggests performance is dismal. The solution
is to offer more training scope by carrying out reduced checking, and the checks should be
conducted by evaluating the evident results of the training. The modern program is not restricted
to perform considerable evaluation and rating. However this assessment is judged against
definite competencies and general performance as opposed to counting errors (Manual of EBT,

5.0. Competence based training
Competency based training and analysis mean that an individual is trained and evaluated
to achieve laid out requirements that define proficiency, understanding and attitudes needed to
safely and productively get the job done. As the term implies CBT program is simply based on
the end results. More than 95 percent of the essential skills that an aviation maintenance
operative utilizes are accomplished via on-the-job training (OJT). Many factors of the aviation
maintenance setting point to the importance of a planned OJT system. However maybe the most
essential is the practice of job bidding which can produce fast turnover of technicians. The task
analytic training system (TATs), a program for creating team-focused designed OJT has been
developed. The objective of the program is not just to offer a detailed, highly structured training
system that might be used to any maintenance and inspection duty. Qatar Airways maintenance
operations for instance depend on a degenerating buddy program. Training is overall the duty of
the lead technician who could or could not be the most experienced or intelligent person. The
training is normally unplanned which means that there is no formulated reporting of the training
operations to accomplish. The training is not systematic and thereby aviation maintenance
technicians at times go through their job motions via rote. When responsibilities are difficult and

hazardous, the probability of mistakes raises and the level of effectiveness reduce. Overall there
is restricted uniformity from technicians to technician or shift to shift. By the nature of its
design, TATS offers an exceedingly outlines and devoted OJT system that is on-going. Currently
at Emirates is analyzed subjectively by the participants of the program. In conventional
educational program, the training is focused on topic contents and the delivery of instruction is
time-centered and instructor-based (Jacobs and John, 1999). The curriculum contents are
centered upon definite training goals and an implicit homologous rate of understanding from the
recipients, whose entry competencies are rare assessed prior to starting the training system. This
type of training model offers limited opportunity to deal with personal requirements. In Center-
based Training, the delivery is founded upon the training requirements to carry out definite
responsibilities and is learner focused. The initial phase in a CBT system is the evaluation of the
training requirements by establishing of the breach between available competencies and needed
competencies to accomplish definite responsibilities to a definite principle. The training
procedure needs an entry evaluation of the individuals who will be recipients of the program.
The last phase will consist of developing the training technique required to achieve the
competency breaches with respect to knowledge skills and behavior. The instructional Systems
Design (ISD) program improvement model is utilized to create CBT. Because it utilizes a
methodical plan to training progress, it consists of quality assurance that endorses adherence with
needs and sufficient improvement of training operations. In case a training program already
exists, an assessment has be conducted to find how rate of that program accomplishes CBT needs
and which items have to be enhanced to achieve the whole CBT needs. CBT systems amount in
maintenance and staff who are trained and evaluated against competency principles. They are
entitled to reports that offer evidence that these people have the definite standards. This makes it

much easier for maintenance agencies to recruit staff from other regions and companies (IATA,

6.0. Training organization of CBT
Competency-based training asks for an intense comprehension of the task in all of its
aspects. It requests knowledge of the whole spectrum of the basic understanding and the
proficiency and the framework in which these will be utilized, comprehension of the
circumstances under which responsible will carried out and the standard to which they ought to
be conducted. ICAO’s Annex 1 suggests that a pilot can achieve a tool rating time in an airplane.
Acknowledgment is offered for simulation. As in expected in the Annex, ground instruction
hours are not approved. In the CBT program these situations must be achieved. The role of the
trainer is for the student to acknowledge the environment the actual world will present to them
and expect them to fulfill these standards with confidence and competence. The flight learning
and ground training factors are always interconnected and sequenced to offer for proficient
accomplishment of the training objectives. Application for Approved Training Organization
(ATO) accreditation should offer risk profile. The risk report concentrates on precisely
established firm’s exposure to all risks are probably to greatly shape quality and safety. A
strategy for organization of risks is a stipulation. This is because the airline organization wants
the ATO to be dynamic. Additionally the risk management strategy will elucidate the quality
policies and goals. Appropriately carried out, it will make sure that procedures are conducted
constantly, that problems can be established and resolved. Personnel should be experienced and
competent. Thus the organizational training strategy will steer excellent training that will
consolidate them to the organizational wants. One of the most prevalent discoveries in audits of
training agencies emanates from methodological weakness in documentation regulation. The

regulation for the initial competency-based pilot license (MPL) was introduced in Annex 1 in
November. 2006. But since the Flight Crew licensing and Training Panel were interested in
presenting a common suggestion to the Air Navigation Commission. Consequently there is
temptation in controlling competency-based training to integrate traditional and programs
techniques together. The systems methodology is by far more robust and prescribing inputs will
upset attempts to accomplish outstanding and hinder platforms to training proficiency and
efficacy. If nevertheless the supervisory board atmosphere does not incorporate the two worlds,
then the training has to create to fulfill the regulatory aspects whilst still concentrating on the
competencies. The training could less proficient but productivity remains the objective. MPL
training needs more than an (ATPA) incorporated program. The Middle East MPL shows that
the bearer has productively went through the flight training system and has shown the skill,
understanding and behavioral competencies needed to carry out the tasks of co-pilot of a double-
engine, turbo-charged, pressurize aircraft. Robust applicant evaluation and selection is important
for success. The funding airline obviously has an interest in this and will need to look for
applicants who will turn out to be outstanding personnel. But it is essential to deeply look at
ATOs and determine whether the risks to them if they are not involved in this process.
Furthermore, ICAO Level 4 is required to hold the license but a foremost language competency
is required to start learning. A limited number of organizations have the resources to fulfill all
four stages of MPL training. In this case ATO could have the mandate to achieve Phase 1 and
Phase 2 and Phase 3 and Phase 4. However each ATO should have quality program but there
should be one advanced program that regulates the whole system (IATA, 2007).
Flight Data Analysis is an apparatus s for safety supervision and has the capacity to offer
consistent response from flight operatives. It has a lot of abilities in terms of encouraging

procedural improvement, assessing operations into particular airports and most significantly has
profound capability to establish systematic issues and offering information for remediation in
training. Flight recorder unprocessed data is routed by a flight information evaluation appliance
into an operation database. The evaluation is implemented at a statistical stage as opposed to
drilling down into individual airlines. The assessment is carried out in terms of the risk of the
member operations from especially definite sets of FDA operations as opposed to checking at
individual air travel. For it to be possible to implement a constant approach, an average FDA
flight report is developed, by all information gotten could be assessed. This means the equivalent
operations, influences and parameters are utilized to make it possible to derive all outcomes and
make reasonable judgment (Manual for EBT, 2013). All information and operations are
approved for consistency prior to being used for evaluation. The primary goal of this FDA
evaluation is study the effects of uneven methodologies on the safety of flight, especially in the
landing and go-round processes. The initial stage of the evaluation consists of establishing the
operations that may capture all flights that stopped unsteady program. The specific operations
that utilized to do this are known as combination operations since they comprise a set of detailed
individual events over a time frame and more dynamic, consistent and nuanced. In if a technique
activates any operation from this set it is explained as an unsteady approach. If a technique fails
to set off any event from the set it is explained to be a steady approach. An investigation into in-
service concentration on long body aircraft events during last approach and landing has been
reviewed and examined. The review was inspired by flight reports of operations of high speed
landings for airplane with a long fuselage. An airplane maker selected to start a wide range flight
data assessment project to deal with this subject. Six air operatives offered large mass of flight
data recordings. These information recordings were evaluated with concrete stress put on setting

up statistically produced findings from substantial number of flights. This project was focused at
offering some perspective of in-service from various events, aiming at dealing with behavior
connected parameters in the last 200ft before touchdown. The idea is to establish contributing
aspects related to high speed landings and utilization of the outcomes to make suggestions for
operatives, training and airplane model. Furthermore, the operatives who are involved offer a
statistical view of their individual events in contrast to events from the global fleet. Information
from all involved airlines is put together into one de-established database. Conversely the
principle for entering evidence in the Evidence Table is utilized for this source. The details and
comprehensive wording of the evidence statements and abbreviated the central experts in the
data-assessment working team. The evaluation for the Long Aircraft Study goes supersedes the
apparent extent of FDA analysis. More so some exact approaches that usually utilized in FDA
assessment are integrated. Thus far, the Evidence-based Training FDA Analysis uses
significantly more airplane varieties and also an extremely huge number of flights. Whilst FDA
is created chiefly for safety phenomenon supervision, it has the capacity to establish a near
accident. The information is quantifiable for comparison (IATA, 2007).

7.0. Implementation process of EBT
An operative may put into account the needs for a staged implementation of an EBT
system is clear approaches focused upon the objective of its whole implementation. Under all
conditions the basic requirements for this program should complied with. Implementation should
be achieved in one more of the following stages:
Training and evaluation with respect to EBT standards.

This means the process of implementation of training and evaluation according to
evidence-based standards without transforming available system curriculum aspects. Instructors
and pilots must be trained in these strategies.

Mixed Implementation
Implementation of a mixed EBT system asserts that some part of a periodic evaluation
and training is committees to the appliance of evidence-based training. This is a way of
accomplishing a phased implementation, whereby for instance, the Civil Aviation Administration
(CAA) regulations such an initiative as part of an operatives defined training and evaluation,
however mitigates such as system for re-approval or renewal of pilot licenses. This
implementation acknowledges the potential for such an evidence-based program to be created
and conducted prior to any future permitting regulation adjustments.
Progressive implementation
The improved EBT systems needs essential resources and some operatives might choose
to implement the baseline evidence-based training program. This strategy is applicable to those
operatives carrying out an advanced EBT program. The advanced EBT improvement approach
puts into consideration personal operational accounts and has the highest effect upon advancing
pilot training and eventually aviation safety. Nevertheless, operatives should take into
consideration progressive implementation of evidenced-based training in which previous
baseline EBT system is carried for a considerable time frame. This makes the operative can be
ushered and slowly incorporate the standards of EBT and its significant aspects.

On the contrary advanced EBT program that offers advantages in operation-related
training, the baseline evidence-based training system is a production detailed, complete program.
The program requires no specific evaluation or system design by the operative or the ATO.
Instead this program just requires modification to airplane class and to form of operation. This
methodology comprises the creation of a competency system in addition to a modification of
regulations to develop circumstances germane to the type of airplane operated. Every recurrent
EBT program must involve at least a series of appropriate qualified FSTD. This is facilitated to
allow for coherence with specific available AQP systems. The methodology of EBT is that
successful FSTD must be utilized to the uppermost degree likely for evaluating and creating
crew competence. Staff must be exposed to a wide range of circumstances that could be
experienced in line processes. Airplane program breakdowns to be regarded for the assessment
and scenario-centered training stages are those that put an essential demand upon a skilled crew.
All malfunctions not included by this attribute persist to ask for review and suitable technical
understanding but with divergent methods. To reproduce, for instance, the simple breakdowns
and utilize the FSTD situation as a process training equipments is to contradict the entire benefit
of the FSTD as a training apparatus. It is exactly this rationale that the breakdown clustering
program was designed with a view to minimizing unnecessary necessities to tick-boxed against
every given breakdown of the ATA chapters. Similar clusters of airplane program breakdown
can be established by reference to malfunction features and the underpinning aspects of crew
routine needed to manage them. Illustrated expertise in the organization of one breakdown is the
regarded analogous to established effectiveness for other breakdown in the same cluster (Manual
for EBT, 2013). While comparing and contrasting baseline EBT program and an advanced EBT
program the only difference you find is optimization. Information evaluation offers a connection

between the baseline EBT program and the advanced EBT learning system utilizing the
operative’s won airlines or the overall operation-particular information. An improved system
must characteristically amount in enhanced proficiency and productivity of the training system,
but needs the gathering of an appropriate basis of a particular data. The rationale of information
gathering and evaluation is to offer the source from which modifications to the training system
might be created with confidence that the outcome is certainly an advanced in contrast to the
baseline program. Gathering information must offer an exhaustive evaluation of prevalent threats
and establish likely weakness in the rate of the airline’s operational safety. This might be
demonstrated by airline crewmember performance. The gathering of data consist of flight
information with an evaluation of current phenomenon through the operatives or equivalent
fleets, if needed alongside Data Report for EBT (DPEBT), so as to establish and quantify
differences and particular items of threat and interest. Furthermore this needs the creation of a
training gauge program. On the other hand, with the evaluation of the operative’s safety
information from all sources with particular establishment of those threats can help reduced by
pilot education. A similar competency perspective is applied to both baseline and advanced EBT
programs. It is beneficial because it helps in developing, training and evaluating competencies
using circumstances that are germane to operations. Situations can at times be determined
through gathering of information and evaluation process. In some circumstance the information
might highlight particular competencies regarded as crucial to the organization of a
particularized threat or risk in the process (Glines, 1990). Gathering of information and analysis
overall requires to consist of numerous forms of data, both from inside the training process and
from the flight activities and safety management. Information evaluation can be as clear-cut as
examining the operative’s objective and making that operative-particular threats are accounted

for in the learning system. Otherwise the evaluation could be implemented utilizing complicated
flight information evaluation program. Additionally safety reporting systems consist of the most
traditional source of safety data (Burke, Hobson and Linsky, 1997). These systems can be
obligatory, voluntary, confidential, and at times, secretive. The details of a safety report
traditionally comprise an account and numerous descriptors for classifying the operation.
Conversely, Flight data analysis (FDA) is a robust information gathering apparatus that permits
first access to the outcomes. A restriction is that FDA can just detect pre-definite operations
founded on the programmed procedural understanding. FDA, for instance, identifies unsteady
methodologies, as the steady approach procedure can be pre-designed as a definite cluster of
quantitative cues. FDA is most productive as a current apparatus to gauge development or
degeneration in operational performance with respect to the threat activities in the particular
FDA system. From the phenomena, modification can be created in the training program to
reduce the threat demonstrated by the FDA evaluation. There are numerous methods to increase
the advanced utilization of FDA for the operative. One way is to share information with other
operatives in available existing information sharing teams facilitating lessons gleaned to be
transferred through their membership. Another technique is by benchmarking the flight
information evaluation threat operations with other operatives utilizing the equivalent software
with analogous operation set. The event can secretive whilst offering deeper knowledge into
trending requirement (Kern, 2009).

7.1. Preparations
Prior to delivering instruction or carrying out evaluation inside the EBT program all
instructors must be trained and homogeneous with respect to the regulation. Additionally before
the implementation of EBT program pilot must acclimatize themselves with the evidence-based

training standards, methodology, stages of the training module and the manner in which they will
be evaluated. Thereby instructors implementing EBT must understand the competencies so that
they capable of making proficient evaluations in order for them to offer leadership to flight
crewmembers to enhance performance and make suggestions for additional learning where
needed. Instructors must be subjected to appropriate training for them to adjust to the
requirements of training within an EBT program. Training must offer the perspective for
available instructors to create their competence to carry out EBT training and evaluation. Before
carrying instruction and evaluation within an EBT system, all instructors must successfully finish
a prescribed competency evaluation. The competency evaluation must be created at the time of a
realistic process monitored by an individual elected by the operative or the ATO. Briefings are
an essential component of a flight crew training process, and instructors must brief flight crews
behave as they might in line events handling other crew, consisting cabin staff, as if they are
available during the entire process. The operation sets utilized in the implementation of the EBT
program must help instructors to determine essential elements of flight crew performance.
Instructors must be trained in the utilities of operations sets and the connected instruments of
competency gauge. The most improved training tool and system will not accomplish training
goals sufficiently without suitable instruction. Evidence-based training needs an optimal standard
of instruction. All instructors involved in EBT should undergo particular preliminary learning to
qualify for this responsibility. Before the management approving the standard of instruction
within holistic competency-based training situation such as MPL or evidence-based training
systems, instructors must undergo a selection procedure created to make sure the individual’s
incentive and temperament are appropriate for the instructor responsibility. The EBT instructor
must show the capacity to precisely evaluate crew performance. This suggest that prospective

instructors must be capable of showing productive performance of all the said fields of
competence and must be chosen in accordance with both their performance as a pilot on top of
their appropriateness as an instructor. It acknowledges that available trainers might require extra
learning for them to proficiently carry out EBT. Instructor are further required to undergone
refresher training at definite levels and be re-evaluated in their instructor duties when offering an
EBT session. The improvement of a robust inter-rate dependability and uniformity in the step
toward EBT is of crucial significance and must not be misjudged either previously or as
concentration for periodic advancement of an EBT program. Setting strong regulations and
detailed skill boosts inter-rate dependability, granted that appropriate methodologies are placed
into greater consideration. Lucid and clear-cut instructions, precise performance gauged
explanations and peer review all improve inter-rate dependability. For an instructor to be
competent, the person requires suitable consolidation of wisdom, experience and behavior. It is
acknowledged that the function of a trainer in any field is to assist individuals develop those
needed understanding, experience and attitudes in order for them to be capable of doing their job
well. Nevertheless, in most occupations the traditional training puts stress on improving
knowledge and skills (Evidence-based Training methods: toward a professional level of practice,

7.2. Development
By utilizing evaluation as an apparatus, assumptions are deducted that the outcomes will
have robust validity even if the circumstance is persistently transforming. These challenges are
recognized since information outcomes have proven to be very successful. Outcomes from
information evaluations must periodically be applied in the context of expertise skills and
proficiency. For the development of evidence-based program, a careful methodology has been

implemented, and the projected routine of training is normally more than that recommended by
the data evaluation. A case study for this may be demonstrated in the EBT Accident/Incident
Study whereby the information suggests varying training routine in future generations. If the
information is rather supportive of a greater training routine in a generation, the training
classification in the future generation will be developed. Operational and training information
from varied sources show that pilots operating the more current generation airplanes use little
time to accomplish competence in the performance of specific maneuvers. Current generation
airplanes are as well more sophisticated, and pilots have more to gain for accomplishing a
definite level of competence to operate. Training and evaluation topics are limited in the
previous aircraft generations; the period of learning in the FSTD must be hugely equivalent.
While the EBT information evaluation is important and endorses the systems of training, this
does not suggest that it is adequate over a long time frame. There is an obvious requirement for
frequent and where obligatory, important update and development. New information will be
obtained and examines with regard to the germane standards embedded in the EBT manual.
Evidence-based training needs a new learning procedure, which emerges as a result of uniform
response and the integration of fresh evidence as turns out to be more accessible. The improved
EBT development approach puts into consideration individual operational responsibilities and
has the utmost potential for advancing pilot training and finally aviation safety. For it to possible
to develop EBT program, it is critical to first evaluate the operational features of the operative.
This consists of airplane types, route design and traditional segments lengths, unique events,
destinations needing special focus, pilot skills levels and culture. It is critical to concentrate on
the most important operational threats granted that training can illustratively minimize these. An
analogous competency perspective is put in place to both baseline and advanced EBT programs.

It is beneficial to create, train and evaluate competencies using situations that are germane to
events. Situations can at times be established via the information gathering and assessment
procedure. In some circumstances the information could highlight competences regarded as
essential to the organization of a specified risk or error in the process, which could amount to a
concentration on detailed fields of the training program. Through contributing to concentrate
upon the finished set of identified competencies, the operatives’ EBT program will persist to
prepare flight personnel for both identified and unforeseen risks and errors. The information
collection and evaluation overall requires to contain numerous kinds of information, both from
inside the training operation and from both airline activities and the operative’s SMS. Safety
documentation systems are a traditional source of safety data. These systems can be obligatory
and voluntary. Pilots must be asked to evaluate risks and errors by phase of flight with respect to
their skills and estimations founded on experience. The risks and errors utilized in the evaluation
process are defined particular to flight phases (Evidence-based Training methods: toward a
professional level of practice, 2010).
Accident evaluation has been the foundation of safety assessment for a very long time,
offering the context and perspective for all other safety evaluation and documentation. The
NTSB database comprises a comprehensive gathering of accidents/incidents spanning sixty
years, while offering historical frameworks and current information over time. This as a
consequence facilitates dimensional judgments throughout different productions of airplanes. It
is the biggest sole source of this type of information. The overlying strength of accident/incident
kind of information is its pertinence to safety and training. The essential mass of information
over a protracted time offers more often than not, statistical importance with respect to the
regularity and threat. A big pertaining to this one is regarded as important for it to offer an

adequate source for aspect evaluation. The overarching limitation in accident/incident reports is
the contradiction and lack of homogeny. Previous reports do not contain information on human
factors and also elements that are germane but not presumed as official. For it to possible to
retain reasonable principles from evaluation, a huge number of operations are required.
Consequently if the operations sample size is restricted, the importance of the evaluation
reduces. On the contrary, the EBT FDA Analysis consists essentially of more aircraft class and
also a huge number of airlines. Information evaluated only demonstrates what takes place and
offers little perspective. By the nature strictures accessible for collection, there are many flight
personnel errors and regularities what the analysts anticipates to find. Operations sets, their
interrelated strictures and catalysts are non-homogeneous across types, and the makers of flight
information evaluation program. Thus in EBT FDA study, all airlines are process utilizing the
same program, limitations, and operations sets making the investigation more dynamic than
Professionalism needs integrating a comprehensive training across a professional pilot’s
whole career. For it to be possible to develop a program that capitalizes upon the pilot’s
potential, it is essential to recognize the difference between training and education. Producing an
expert pilot needs not just training competency and education in specific technical and non-
technical skills, but as well as continuing education and sustain airmanship proficiency. This
needs prescribed previous and periodic education in airmanship skills also. Learning and
obtaining specific flying proficiency alone does not create a professional pilot. Periodic
evaluation and training is a procedure of re-approval and affirmation that the pilot persists to
show the rate of competency needed, furthermore the presenting valuable chances for consistent
advancement surpassing a definite basic principle of performance. Evidence-based training is

founded on the model that this framework has ceased to be a suitable as simple pointer. The
paradigm shift created by evidence-based training program is that evaluations, which are
essential at the time of all types of training and instruction. The EBT context persists to need the
achievement of particular roles, but competent airline personnel must be capable of finishing
duties realistically anticipated of them under achievable circumstances. The primary difference is
that evidence-based training envisions a program of competence dimension, which examines at
the whole performance through a huge scope of operations that involve some classic
responsibilities. EBT is concerned with helping pilots develop from a basic standard of
performance, quantified through a limited and foreseeable management of analyzing, to an
uppermost principle of performance through a far-reaching range of operations (Manual for
EBT, 2013).

8.0. Human factors
Human error has been reported as a key contributor to more than seventy percent of
commercial aircraft hull-loss accidents. Whilst characteristically linked to flight activists, human
error has also presently become a critical issue in maintenance operations and air traffic
organization. Both Qatar Airways and Emirates human factors specialists work with technicians,
pilots and engineers to put into use the newest technology about the interface between human
performance and commercial aircraft to assist operatives enhance safety and productivity in their
daily activities. Over time the phrase human factor has become significantly famous as the
aviation industry has accepted the fact that human error, as opposed to mechanical malfunction
underpins most aviation accidents and incidents (Glines, 1990). In spite of the progressive
improvements in technology, humans are eventually accountable for making sure the success and
safety of the commercial aviation industry. In the meantime, the industry has experienced major

investments in training, device and programs that have permanent implications. Since technology
is ever progressing faster than the capacity to foretell how humans will use it, the industry is no
longer capable of relying much on skills and instinct to guide decisions linked with human
performance. Qatar Airways has dealt with this concern by implementing human factors
professions, many of whom are as well pilots or technicians. Previously keen on flight deck
design, these specialists have focused upon much extensive scope of factors such as cognitive
psychology, human-computer interface outline, amid other things. Since increasing human
performance can assist the industry minimize the commercial aviation accident level, much of
the concentration has been put on developing human-aircraft interfaces and designing process for
both crewmembers and maintenance technicians. The past numerous decades, secure and more
dependable developments have been accountable for much of the improvements implemented in
minimizing the accident level and increasing productivity. Enhancement in engines, programs,
and configurations has all contributed to this accomplishment. Furthermore, design has always
been acknowledging as an aspect in hindering and mitigating human mistakes. When Emirates
kicks off a new design operation, previous operational proficiency, operational goals, and
scientific insight explain human factors design needs. Practical techniques such as simulator
assessments are utilized to evaluate how suitably numerous design solutions fulfill these needs.
Underpinning this attempt is a human focused design methodology that has been approved by
millions of airlines and decades of experience. This strategy yields a design that puts into
utilization technology so as to fulfill sanctioned needs. Emirates flight decks are developed to
offer automation to help but not replace the airline crewmember accountable for secure operation
of the aircraft. Flight crew mistakes arise when the crew fails to understand a problem and does
not rectify the error appropriately so as to hinder the situation from exacerbating. Flight crew

communication depends upon the utilization of audio, visual, and perceptible strategies.
Subsequently the replicated flight controls of Emirates aircrafts are as well interrelated. As
expected airline crew will be required to take on much greater responsibilities in method
development and metering strategies. One of the crew’s chief roles is to implement and update
regulations that promote uniformity amid Emirates airlines maintenance displays. Additionally,
Emirates has designed templates that offer for usual fault menus for all programs. The interface
must look the same to the technicians irrespective of the vendor (Weiner and Nagel, 2008).

9.0. IATA safety report
IATA develops safety reports on a yearly basis including a comprehensive abstract of
statistics, phenomenon and causative aspects involved in accidents. The initial step of the reports
contains a rundown analysis of western manufactured jet hull losses and passenger fatality prior
to the 10-year phase. Furthermore, the reports include suggestions from the Accident
Classification Task Force (ACTF), an industry-working team concerned with accident
assessment, establishing causative aspects and creating prevention plans. Parallels of concern are
developed to deal with some outcomes that suggest mitigating plans. This correspondence
between the categorizations and other forms malfunctions of the accident assessment. The
method is universally utilized where causally is alleged so that it can endorse it. The IATA safety
data are essentially utilized in the Evidence-based Training (EBT) analysis and approve studies
from other sources, especially LOSA, FDA, EBT and the meta-analysis from the United
Kingdom CAA reports CAP 776 and 780. Like other accident reports IATA safety publications
have equivalent strengths and weakness. Accident evaluation has been the basis of safety
assessment, offering the background and structure for other safety examination and
documentation. The most considerable strength of accident and incident information is its

importance to safety and training. The germane weakness to accident/incident evaluation is the
contradiction and lack of rationalization amidst the initial analytical reports from which the
evaluation is drawn. Subsequently some reports lack data on human factors. Since IATA
accident publications are annual investigations, it is needful that at the start of the publication a
10-year period accident review is conducted. Additionally it is essential that the IATA safety
reports evaluate the information from different perspectives. Evidence-based Training (EBT)
analysis draws data from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) accident publications themselves
and also the extra evaluation offered from the CAA and makes inferences from the
establishments pertaining to training requirement. The chief focus of the CAA evaluation is to
derive connected information from fatal catastrophes so that the techniques may be created to
assist minimize the global fatal accidents percentage. In this prospect, the UK CAA Accident
Analysis Group (AAG) decides to regularly analyze all fatal accidents on a global basis. The
casual aspect is an operation item that is considered to be directly influential in the casual chain
of operations amounting to the accident. A circumstantial element is an operation that is regarded
as not directly in the casual niche of events but may have contributed to the accident. These
aspects occur in the circumstance and are judged to be potentially germane to the accident. The
source of information is utilized as a derivative meta-source study for this project. Whilst
investigations carried out by the UK CAA and the Evidence-based Training (EBT)
accident/incident studies are not directly analogous. Another problem with the casual accident
study is that it fails to contrast easily to a threat and error investigation. Global fatal accidents
have been investigated utilizing the EBT Training Criticality Survey cataloging all of prospective
threats, errors and aircraft conditions. However the information sample is exceedingly restricted
forcing the investigators in terms of flight profile and circumstance. The outcomes as also

restricted. The chief strength of this investigation is that it might be carried out since the
information accessible to the experts in a non-accident circumstance (IATA, 2007).

10.0. Recommendations
The improvement of evidence-based training (EBT) emerged from an industry oriented
agreement that is capable to minimize the airplane hull loss and fatal accidents levels, a tactical
evaluation of periodic and class-rating training for flight pilots is essential. The available airplane
pilot training needs in state regulations are hugely founded upon the evidence of hull losses from
previous generation jets, for it to be possible to stop a threat, basically repeating an operation in a
training program is adequate. There have been operations and the addition of these activities to
the training needs permeate periodic systems and design an inventory methodology to training.
According to Martinussen (1996) airplane design and dependability enhanced considerably,
amounting to a scenario where a lot of accidents take place in aircraft that are operating without
breakdown. Regulated flight into the ground is an excellent model of this standard, amounting to
a hull loss whereby insufficient situation awareness is nearly a contributing aspect. It is unlikely
to predict all probable accident/incident situations, particularly in modern aviation system where
its sophistication and high dependability mean that the forthcoming accident could be something
totally unpredicted. EBT handles this by shifting from refined scenario-based training, to
prioritizing the creation and evaluation of major competencies, amounting to an improved
training result. The situations suggested in EBT are chiefly a catalyst and a channel to access and
improve competence. Understanding a predetermined number of competencies must permit a
pilot to organize circumstances in flight that are unpredicted by the aviation industry and for
which the pilot is not yet particularly trained. The key competencies established in EBT involve
what was initially understood as both practical and non-practical knowledge, experience and

behaviors, conjoining the learning content with real competencies essential in the perspective of
modern aviation (Mekhail et al. 2010). EBT also recommends a shift in stability and training,
acknowledging that competence requires to be affirmed in the conventional sense with respect to
regulations, but also acknowledging the profound principle and training opportunities provided
by current FSTDs and exceedingly capable trainers (Evidence-based Training methods: toward a
professional level of practice, 2010).

11.0. Conclusion
The standard shift suggested under the evidence-based is not basically to replace an times
outmoded cluster of essential operations with a new series, but to utilize operations as a catalyst
for creating and evaluating new performance through a scope of important competencies.
Furthermore, EBT concentrates the instructor populace upon the evaluation of the genesis of the
right suitable events, as opposed to clearly asking flight personnel to repeat a technique with no
actual knowledge as to why it is not successfully flowing in the first place. EBT acknowledges
that in present airline industry greater-fidelity simulator situation, very complicated apparatus
exist that are often not utilized prominently, as control is focused more significantly upon
checking. EBT seeks to correct the imbalance between training and supervision. It acknowledges
that an evaluation of competence is important, but once finished, pilots learn more productively
when being trained by proficient trainers to carry duties and manage operations gauged through
the prism of a given cluster of behavioral cues, whilst not refined test circumstances (Manual for
Evidence-based training, 2013). A pilot is anticipated to constantly sustain and enhancement his
proficiency-sets across his profession and must thereby be provided with a training that permit
for career-long growth. An explanation of the features of a certified aviator can assist one to
comprehend a pilot must derive from periodic and improvement training. Air carrier pilot must

be driven by a sense of fidelity and honor making it possible for him to lead by example and treat
his peers with decorum and sprite. Karp (2004) asserts that these features enable a pilot to pursue
perfection and the secure, safe achievement of any airline. Apart from the apparent need to
restore an improve the pilot’s understanding of aircraft programs, processes and operational
elements, it becomes important to sponsor him the development of skills that will permit him to
become a skillful and specialized pilot. This needs training and education in management via the
application of hypothetical understanding and convenient skills. For it to be possible to make the
best use of expertise when flying for an air carrier, one should put into account the time frame
between training sessions and establish how to maximize the time available for training. Little
time monitoring and more time training is required to cater for training. An information-fueled
methodology must be utilized to establish what and how regular numerous situations must be
trained. Periodic training and education must not basically be an activity of “going through
moves”. The surprise aspect must be introduced to stand for actual, unexpected, essential, great
stress conditions that will require successful workload organization and crew coordination. The
unveiling of trending technology and improved automation creates a constant problem across a
pilot’s profession. As new makes of airplanes are unveiled, pilots will require advancing their
knowledge of automation programs. This will raise the level of trust in the technology and
amount to a greater understanding on where the parameters are. This improved trust will make
it possible for the pilot to utilize the suitable proficiency-set, and rapidly move from one set to
another in an occurring circumstance. To design a successful monetary framework for financing
a pilot training, shareholders will require developing a program that has a workable and payback
ratio that is manageable for sponsoring organizations. Applicants who fail to meet evaluation

qualification standards would basically have to look for other sources or offer individual-
sponsorship if they consider pursuing professional pilot careers (Hunter and Burke, 1994).

12.0. References

Anonymous (2014, Aug 01). ICAO forms taskforce to tackle conflict zones threat to safety.
Progressive Digital Media Transportation (Airports, Roadways, Railways, Shipping,
Automotive & Logistics) News
Aviation Accreditation Board International. (n.d). Accredited Program.

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