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Evangelism Vision

Evangelism Vision Report


After thoroughly working through the six-week study, Worship and Witness, you will develop a paper
centered on the vision and challenge of what God is doing in your life in the area of evangelism. Based
upon the various stories provided in the book, as well as other books read in the course, and in light of
class discussions and presentations, consider how you might utilize all that you have learned. In your

paper, address the following:

  1. What have you learned this semester about evangelism as it relates to your Christian walk that has

changed your perception and challenged your thinking?

  1. As we know from Scripture, where there is not a vision, the people will perish. With this in mind, what is
    your personal vision as it relates to integrating evangelism into every part of your life in the days to come?
    What are some specific changes you will need to make in order to fulfill your vision? How might this
    eventually affect your family in the future? How will you relate in your community�that is, where you live,

work, and play? How will adopting the role of a servant impact your future ministry in evangelism? How

Please include specific and immediate plans for implementation into your daily life.


Proclaiming the Gospel of truth through the gift of the Holy Spirit is a call that is
increasingly losing its centrality in the 21st century Church today. Several evangelists and church
leaders have resorted to a comforting gospel that preaches the prospects of prosperity and wealth
generation in the Church of Christ, a factor that has made evangelism a lost art. The Church
views evangelism as a tool that spurs the growth in numbers for financial benefits forgetting that
this is the fuel that ignites the engine of God and restored the spiritual growth and vitality of the
body of Christ. 1


The act of winning the lost and making them Disciples of Christ through an approach of
training and equipment is a job that requires the combined effort of the body of Christ. The
Church today relies only on the pastors to carry out this duty since the Church has stopped
witnessing to the lost souls. It is against this background that 2 I critically synthesize what I have
learned through the semester in regards to evangelism in my personal Christian walk that as
changed my perception and challenged me to take the front in reaching out to the community.

What I have learned this Semester

In reality, I have always had a perception that the lost are susceptible to seek the saving
knowledge of Christ. However, I have come to the full realization that the lost must be convicted
and not forced in their hearts that they are perishing in their sins in order to receive salvation. 3
Preaching the gospel of repentance has not been fashionable, a factor that explains the reason it
is diminishing since we believe that it turns the hearts of sinners and scares them more from God.
Because of this fear of upsetting the sinners who also turn out to the big tithers, we have
at times embarked on a gospel that offers comfort and hope to sinners on achieving material
gains in the event they accept Christ. This factor has filled the Church with millions of lost sheep
who are not willing to submit to the authority of Christ. However, I have discovered through the
content of the course that a targeted strategy to evangelize the world does not conform to the

1 . “Evangelism Today: New Ways for Authentic Discipleship.”International Review of
Mission 103, no. 1 (April 2014): 129-134. Academic Search Premier
2 . Ibid. 1
3 . Ibid .2
4 . Ibid. 3

things of the world to win the world, rather it entail an approach that discerns the needs of
individuals within a society with the power of the Holy Spirit that the Apostle Paul professed
when he mentioned;
That he has been made all things to all the men that He would by all means and power
vested through Him save some.

(I Cor.9:22 NIV). 5
During the period of my study, I discovered the truth that the perception of the Church on
evangelism is far much different from what the word of God states. The Church today has a
different perception on the mission of God. The Church holds that mission is a tool that grows
the Church in numbers by bringing more people and transforming them through helping them
through social actions. This according to the Church is the way to usher people to the Kingdom
of Heaven. 6 This allusion opened my eye to take a different approach in evangelism that also
needed a change in my personal experience in proclaiming the gospel, a fact that has been
changed by taking this course.
I used to wonder what draws people to the gospel message of Jesus Christ and provide
hope to the hurting and hopeless world. I have observed many individuals struggle with the
concept of evangelism and in many instances I felt confused. However, there was zeal deep
within me to talk with others on matters faith, 7 however I never understood the mechanics. I
feared the adverse experiences that were recorded in the scriptures of those who attempted to
evangelize the world and the consequences of a questioning generation today.

5 . Ibid. 5
6 . Aleinik, Volha. 2014. “Evangelism as Authentic Discipleship.”International Review of
Mission 103, no. 1: 116-120.Academic Search Premier.
7 . Ibid. 6

This fact left me unprepared to share the gospel of Jesus Christ considering the fear of
either being rejected or labeled. However, I have learned that I am a vehicle that would change
the lives and hope of the community through the promulgation of the gospel of Jesus Christ
through the power of the Holy Spirit. 8 The process of evangelism, therefore, begins with me as
an individual reaching others, preaching to them the gospel of repentance and introducing them
to the saving knowledge of Christ. This does not end here, but I am obliged to teach and equip
them ready for the harvest field.

My Personal Vision in Integrating Evangelism in my Life

First and foremost it is essential to determine that my Christian life is a witness of what
Christ did on the cross for me, a factor that clearly portrays the truth that I should evangelize
about Christ from the way I live my life, which speaks volumes to people. 9 This remains my
personal vision in integrating evangelism in my life. My integration of evangelism into every
part of my life is one that will revolve around a transformed perception and view of evangelism.
As the message in the book of Acts states; move out, in my vision is the gospel of Christ
that will move outward and disciple believers into moving out and reaching the lost soul since
the Kingdom of Heaven is also moving outward. In my vision, I have a developed approach that
aims at encouraging Christians to break even from their mechanical and unyielding strategies of
sharing the gospel of faith. 10 Through my studies, I have developed a series of methods that are
Bible based in revealing the falsified vices and perceptions that tenet the hearts of people and

8 . Ibid. 7
9 . Hewitt, R. R. (2014). Evangelism as Discipleship. International Review Of
Mission, 103(2), 200-214. doi:10.1111/irom.12057
10 . Ibid. 10

present Christ as the only one to turn to in life. I also plan to integrate the proponents of
evangelism in the counseling ministry in order to achieve the great commission as provided by

Modifications I Need To Execute In Order To Achieve My Vision

In order to achieve my vision, it is important to develop practicable steps in my personal
life and ministry that can be measured in light of the scriptures. It is essential to ascertain that it
will be difficult to achieve my vision without an entirely transformed life that has learnt to die to
sin and live for Christ. This clearly implies that I will change my ways and live a life that is
wholly reliant on God and matches what I proclaim. 11 I have also amplified an approach that will
change the discipleship program within our Church to be one that trains, equips and sends
disciples into the harvest field to reach out to the lost with the Gospel of repentance.

I will ensure that the disciples under my authority are deeply rooted in the word of God
and mature enough to encounter the challenges that they may encounter in the harvest field. It is
also necessary to note that the disciples need to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, who
is the Lord of the harvest field and who would guide them in reaching out to the lost souls. I will,
therefore, ensure that a change in the Church dogmas that have no place for the Holy Spirit is
changed. 12 Dedicating time for devotions and prayers that remain an element that revitalizes
believers will be another area that I will change to achieve my vision.

11 . Ibid. 11
12 . Koukoura, Dimitra. 2014. “Evangelism in ‘ Christian’ Societies.”International Review
Of Mission 103, no. 2: 275-286.Academic Search Premier

Integrating other ministries in evangelism would be another factor that needs change. I
have learned through the semester on the essence of worship which acts as one of the strongest
pillars in evangelism, a factor that would spur the achievement of my vision. I will additionally
lead by example in reaching out to the lost and changing the perception of the Church on leaving
this work to the pastor.

Changes and their Impact on My Family In Future

Change is an important element that would transform the lives of my family members
through the power of the Holy Spirit. I believe that these changes will also apply to my family
who will in turn grow into God-fearing, individuals. As the pastor in my family, I believe these
changes will foster a transformed perception in the life of my family members in following me as
I follow Christ, a factor that will impact my ministry immensely. I will raise a family that
participates in missions and engage in evangelistic activities in the community.

My Relationship with the Community

I have determined that one of the most efficient tools of evangelism before an individual
reaches out to the community is the kind of life I live. Many community members are not
pleased with the preachers who proclaim the drinking of water and, on the other hand, drink
wine. I believe that my character and attitude in relating to the members of my community will
be one of the important tools in meeting their spiritual needs.

I, therefore, intend to live an open life that does not judge the community I live in, but
that supports the community by pointing them to God. I will not conform to the patterns of my
community with the aim of winning them for Christ, but I will embrace Paul’s word in I
Cor.9:22 NIV 13 in showing them the truth. It is, therefore, my obligation to be a steward that
leads the community by example, a factor that will foster a good relationship.

I have also come to learn that many times the community we live in has been immensely
criticized by many evangelists on various cultural traditions that do not match with the
scriptures. I believe that culture transcends from the Scriptures way back from the Tower of
Babylon when God scattered the nation of Israel. 14 In fostering a good relationship with my
community, I will embrace the positive elements of our culture such as the manner in which our
community worship and integrate them into activities within the Church and other religious

In addition to this, I will take the example of Christ who came to serve and assimilate
those roles of a servant leader in serving my community. I believe this factor will impact my
future ministry. 15 To become more verbal and efficient in witnessing, I will give myself the
privilege of carrying out door-to-door evangelisms within the community to different people
with different cultural and religious backgrounds, a factor that will instill courage in witnessing. I
will also hold small crusades within the community to proclaim the gospel of Christ.

13 . Ma, Wonsuk. “Today’s Global Context of Evangelism and Its Challenges and
Opportunities.” International Review of Mission 103, no. 1 (April 2014): 93-102. Academic
Search Premier,
14 . Onyinah, Opoku. “New Ways of Doing Evangelism.” International Review Of
Mission 103, no. 1 (April 2014): 121-128. 
15 . Ibid. 12


Future Ministry in relation to Evangelism

In my future evangelistic ministry, I intend to follow my calling as an evangelist in
propelling the word of God to the community. I believe that this calling will play a crucial role in
reaching more souls in God’s vineyard and teaching them as commended in the Great
Commission in Mathew 28; 16-20. My central focus in service will be that of reaching out to the
lost souls through evangelistic meetings and missions and nurturing these souls into the
commands of God.

As Paul states in Ephesians 4; 11, 16 Christ has given grace to each and every one of us in
the form of spiritual gifts that would function in HIS Church. The dispenser of gifts therefore has
given some of us the gift of being apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists and teachers. As an
evangelist, Christ has bestowed in me the power through the Holy Spirit to preach his word
instantly in and out of the season, reproving, rebuking, exhorting with all the longsuffering and
doctrine. 17 This clearly determines my function as a preacher of the word of God and a reviver of
the Church of Christ through Gods Spirit. This role with therefore enable me to share the word of
God through evangelism and undertake approaches of raising followers of Christ. I will therefore
engage in the planning of mission activities and evangelistic outreaches in the community in
order to achieve this goal.

In order to effectively reach out to the lost souls and multiply them as part of the
witnessing community entails a process that needs the leading of the Spirit of God. I will embark

  1. West, Richard C., and Dan Noel. 2013. “Situational Discipleship: The five-fold
    ministry roles of Ephesians 4:11 and their relationship to the Situational Leadership
    model.” Feature Edition 2013, no. 4: 96-116. 
    17 . Ibid. 13

on the leading of the Spirit of God in carrying out mission activities in different cultures to win
souls for Christ. 18 This approach will also see the Church planting arm also brought on board to
plant Churches in areas that we have reached and disciple new converts to be mature Christians
who will continue the cycle of missions.

As an evangelist, I believe I will be empowered by Gods Spirit in meeting the functions
of evangelism as described in God’s word. I have the drive that pushes me to make disciples of
people that has been spurred in my life since my salvation by the Holy Spirit. I have grown as a
witness of Christ since my salvation and I have never stopped yearning for souls. 19 Many of the
Church leaders in our congregation have passed through my discipleship process and have
matured to take up leadership roles and to carry out evangelistic activities in the Church.


As said, knowledge is only efficient when it transforms and when applied in the normal
life, I can attest to the fact that this semester’s content has made an impact in my life and
ministry immensely. 20 I have not gained only head knowledge, but knowledge that will
revolutionize the body of Christ and send the Church out to reach the vineyard of God. My
perception in evangelism has immensely been changed, a factor that has already had a drastic

18 . Johnson, Noor. “‘Healing the Land’ in the Canadian Arctic: Evangelism, Knowledge,
and Environmental Change.” Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature & Culture 6, no. 3
(September 2012): 300-318. 
19 . Ibid. 14
20 . Währisch-Oblau, Claudia. 2014. “Evangelism and Popular Culture.”International
Review Of Mission 103, no. 2: 215-226.

turn in my ministry. I believe that several souls will come into the Kingdom of Christ from this
time henceforth.


“Evangelism Today: New Ways for Authentic Discipleship.”International Review Of
Mission 103, no. 1 (April 2014): 129-134. Academic Search Premier,
EBSCOhost (accessed August 18, 2015).
Aleinik, Volha. 2014. “Evangelism as Authentic Discipleship.”International Review Of
Mission 103, no. 1: 116-120.Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed August
18, 2015).

Hewitt, R. R. (2014). Evangelism as Discipleship. International Review Of Mission, 103(2), 200-

  1. Koukoura, Dimitra. 2014. “Evangelism in ‘ Christian’ Societies.”International Review Of
    Mission 103, no. 2: 275-286.Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed August
    18, 2015).
    Ma, Wonsuk. “Today’s Global Context of Evangelism and Its Challenges and
    Opportunities.” International Review of Mission 103, no. 1 (April 2014): 93-
    102. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed August 18, 2015).
    Onyinah, Opoku. “New Ways of Doing Evangelism.” International Review Of Mission 103, no.
    1 (April 2014): 121-128. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed August 18,
    Johnson, Noor. “‘Healing the Land’ in the Canadian Arctic: Evangelism, Knowledge, and
    Environmental Change.” Journal for The Study Of Religion, Nature & Culture 6, no. 3
    (September 2012): 300-318. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed August
    18, 2015).
    Währisch-Oblau, Claudia. 2014. “Evangelism and Popular Culture.”International Review Of
    Mission 103, no. 2: 215-226.Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed August
    18, 2015).
    West, Richard C., and Dan Noel. 2013. “Situational Discipleship: The five-fold ministry roles of
    Ephesians 4:11 and their relationship to the Situational Leadership model.” Feature

Edition 2013, no. 4: 96-116. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed August
18, 2015).

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