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Effective Presentations

Effective Presentations
Your boss wants you to make a presentation on your team effectiveness report (completed in
Week 3) to the management team including your chief executive officer.
Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research how to create a Microsoft
PowerPoint presentation. Based on your research, create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
that satisfies the following parameters:

Effective Presentations

Hi all
 Analyze numerous aspects of
projects activities, and decision
making processes.
 Teams form an important
prerequisite in managing complex
 The utilization of teams in managing
complex projects.
 The importance of teams in projects

The introduction of a presentation is significant; in fact the most important part of
presentation. It gives the first impression to the audience. Therefore, one should focus on
getting the introduction right. The introduction should:
Welcome the audience e.g. Good Morning everybody?
Make an introduction of the subject e.g. the purpose of my presentation is to…..
Present an outline and the outline of your presentation you will make e.g. to start with, I
will… then I’ll… after that I’ll….. Finally..
Gives directions regarding the subject e.g. feel free to ask any questions, I will reserve some
time for questions etc.
To start with, this report is an argument for the utilization of teams in managing complex
projects. It attempts to deduce the reasons and explain the importance of using teams and how
project leaders can ensure that teams remain an asset for the project (Hackman, 2002).

 Presents the actual presentation.
 Should be well structured
 Presenter must maintain eye
contact, friendly, use prepared
notes, give time to visuals and be
polite when dealing with hard
 The body presents the actual
presentation. The body should be
well structured, logically divided

and carefully spaced. While
delivering the presentation, one
should maintain eye contact,
friendly, use prepared notes, give
time to visuals and be polite when
dealing with hard questions

Arguments for Team Utilization
 Not best to use teams in executing
complex projects
 Teams are prone to conflict, and
slow in decision making
 It may not be best to use teams in
executing complex projects due to
the belief that complex projects are
very sensitive and that they require

significant precision to ensure that
their objectives are achieved.
Teams are prone to conflict, slow in
decision making due to numerous
ideas and lack of creativity.
Furthermore, Complex project
require varying skills, experiences,
and capabilities
 Teams ensure enhanced creativity.
 The best and most innovative ones
can be used to enhance project
 In management of complex
projects, teams ensure enhanced
creativity because each team
member brings in valuable ideas

that may be used to accomplish
project objectives. Based on the
ideas, the best and most innovative
ones can be used to enhance
project performance. This further
enhances the decision making
. Recommendations for Team
 Due to the complexity of managing
teams in projects, various
challenges may also be witnessed,
thus limiting.
 Factors that promote team success
in complex include;

Take the position of a team leader
not manager
Enhance communication

Due to the complexity of managing
teams in projects, various challenges
may also be witnessed, thus limiting.
Some of the factors that promote
team success in complex projects as
Take the position of a team leader not
manager: This call for the project
leader to play the role of a team
leader, effectively guiding the team
members to achieve shared vision
(Prinz & Wicker, 2012).

Enhance communication: Poor
communication could thwart a team’s
performance capabilities, leading to
increased conflict and inefficiency in
delivering task objectives.
The need to develop effective
communication channels is therefore
necessary to ensure information is
well disseminated
The medium of communication also
matters significantly. Face-to-face
communication is important in
enhancing communication as opposed
to written communication(Prinz &
Wicker, 2012).
 Identify best expertise

 Motivate the team
 Involve team members
 Develop conflict management skills
 Identify best expertise: Having the
most effective team calls for
careful selection of the best talent
and expertise. This will ensure that
the project objectives are
effectively achieved.
 Involve team members: Team
members want to be recognized
and feel as if their efforts and
contributions matter in the
project’s execution .
 Develop conflict management skills:
Conflict will always occur where
teams are involved and it is

therefore important for project
managers to develop conflict
resolution skills .This will ensure
conflicts do not limit the project’s
ability to achieve its objectives
 Motivate the team: Teams are
more likely to be successful when
there is motivation. Project leaders
must ensure that the team is well
remunerated, recognized and
rewarded for their efforts. This will
ensure that they are more
committed towards achieving
project objectives

 A summary of the presentation
 It gives recommendations
 Thank the audience
 The conclusion should sum up the
presentation e.g. in conclusion… It
should give recommendations e.g. I
consequently propose the
following. Thank the audience and
invite questions e.g. I thank you for
being attentive and invite
questions e.g. do you have any
 I disagree with Hackman’s view on
utilizing teams in complex projects

 Management of teams is equally
complex and the project leader
must possess various skills
 Special emphasis is given to team
 Hiring individuals with best
expertise, effective communication
 Team member involvement and
effective conflict resolution.
 Hackman, J. R. (2002). Leading teams:
Setting the stage for great
performances. Harvard Business Press.
 Prinz, J., & Wicker, P. (2012). Team and
individual performance in the Tour de
France. Team Performance

Management: An International
Journal, 18(7/8), 418-432.

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