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Forrester Research suggests a segmentation scheme for online engagement – �The Social
Technograpics�. Research about this segmentation scheme, and summarise your findings in half a

  1. What are the arguments for and against using existing brand names on the Web?
  2. What are some important criteria for Internet domain naming


e- Marketing has gained a lot of approval and adoption by many companies. This trend
has been necessitated by the increasing adoption and accessibility of internet. Nowadays, people
have shifted from traditional ways of accessing information on various products and services to
digital platforms. The author provides a summary of The social Technographics one of the
instrument used for segmentation scheme for online engagement, presents arguments for an
against use of existing brand names on web and finally some of the important criteria for internet
domain naming.
The social technographic, is a market segmentation analysis tool a concept first
developed by Dr. Edward Forrest in 1985 and now adopted by the Forest research Inc. The tool
is used for identification and profiling of behaviors and characteristics of consumers through
market segmentation process (Forrester Partners, 2001. The tool was created due to increasing
adoption of computers and home video and as many people began to explore internet. The major
aim of its development was to help in measuring and categorizing consumers based on their use
patterns, ownership communication and entertainment technologies and attitudes towards
information. The tool is used by marketing professionals, technology industry executives and
business strategists to identify their customers for them to adopt appropriate strategies of
ensuring that they get information about their products. The information is also used to help
these marketers design and come up with products and services that match the lifestyle and
expectations of the customers.
Using existing brand names has drawbacks as well as benefits. One of the benefits or the
argument that propose use of exiting brand name is that it ensures consistency. People or users of
certain products will not have a hard time to identify with the brand (Management Study Guide,
2015). It becomes easier therefore for the consumers or the users to access to information

pertaining to other brands introduced. The other argument for use of existing brand name on web
is that it limits the time it takes for the user to access the brand as opposed to using another brand
names. There are however some drawbacks or rather arguments that are against the concept of
using an existing brand name on the web. One is that it may lead to confusion because of
extending the brands. The users may not easily know the products or services they are looking
for if there will be some additions that are done. It may lead to lose of reliability especially in
unrelated markets. Furthermore, the new product may damage the image of the original brand
hence causing loses to the company. The likelihood of reduced investments on the new products
may lead to less awareness causing loses.
Internet domain naming is one of the important parts when designing a website. A name
is essential when people discover, think about, talk about, navigate and search a website. To
come up with good name it needs a combination of imagination, strategy as well as good
linguistic design practices on the side of the designer (Judd 2015). Therefore, the good criteria
for the domain name are to first of all ponder about the name and how suitable it is. The name
should be short, measurable and catchy. It should have easy spelling and pronunciation. It should
as well not be to similar with that of your competitors and need not to violate another person’s
trademark. This means that it is very important to ensure that the process of getting the name if
legalized to avoid breaching any law. Observing this criterion will help one to come up with a
name that will allow many online users to access your website easily.

Reference list

Forrester Partners. (2001). Forrester Partners With Experian, Mediamark, And NetRatings
To Create Powerful New Marketing Tools; New Products Extend the Reach of Forrester’s
Technographics Research, In: Business Wire. June 19,( 2001)

Judd, E 2015, ‘ A new name game’,’ Independent Banker, Vol. 65(1), pp. 56-57
Management Study Guide. (2015). Brand Extension –

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