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Doctoral Study Proposal

Draft Doctoral Study Proposal 

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Remember the topic we are working on is The Effects of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices
on Employee Performance


The performance of any organization primarily lies in its workforce. Many organizations that
have turned out to be successful have realized that in as much as there are determinants that
contribute to the success of an organization, the most important element remains the performance
of the human resource (Akhtar, Azeem, & Mustafa, 2014). It is vital that the nature, size, and the
activities an organization undertakes would not spur its growth if the involvement of the
employees in these functions is not available.
Considering the nature of the modern market, several organizations have embarked on an
approach geared towards improving the productivity of their employees through the

advancement of the Human Resource Management practices. According to sources, the Human
Resource Management (HRM) practices have the capacity to spur an organization towards
achieving a competitive advantage since they significantly have a relationship with the
employee’s performances (Loo-See, & Leap-Han, 2013). Effective (HRM) practices, therefore,
improves the performance of an organization, a factor that leaders to its productivity and
attainment of profits.
However, despite the reforms that has been made towards enhancing the (HRM) Practices geared
towards advancing the productivity of employees, the desired level of employee performance has
not yet been achieved, a factor that has posed challenges to organizations. In this current
dispensation, it is critical to determining the fact that only those organizations that strive towards
improving the performances of their employees can achieve success since this remains the only
key to productivity (Akhtar et.al2014). It is essential to heed that the management of an
organization employs training, compensations and employee involvement and participation, and
performance appraisal in their (HRM) Practices.
The primary focus of this paper is in determining the impact of (HRM) Practices and how this is
related to the performance of employees in undeveloped countries. To provide an in-depth
analysis into this paper, I will test the impact of (HRM) Practices and its impact on employee’s
performance in Nestle Pakistan Limited. It is also crucial to mention that the primary objective of
carrying out this study is in discovering the best Human Resource Management Practices that
can enhance the productivity of employees within this company. Through this, the paper will
embark on finding the challenges that the organization faces in improving the productivity levels
of its employees with the aim of providing a conceptual framework that can be used by the
managers in employing such practices.


Problem Statement

It is critical to note that there are many reasons as to why managers do not achieve productivity
in their organizations. The managers have always embarked on how they would improve the
performances of their employees including the factors that make other employees more
productive within their job areas than others (Ansari, 2011). In line with this, this research study
seeks to determine the extent at which HRM promotion practices impact the perceived
performances of employees.

Purpose Statement

This study seeks to analyze the declining performances of HRM practices in Nestle Company
based in Pakistan. This study has been conducted to determine the manner in which HR practices
impact the performance of employees in this company.
In order to give a clear picture of this, both the positive and the negative connections will be
reviewed between the variables in the (HRM) practices and their impact on the performances of
the employees working in Nestle Pakistan Limited. This study will, therefore, attract the
attention of not only Nestles management but other private sector organizations with the aim of
improving the practices.
The findings of this study will also assist Nestle in improving its productivity and efficiency
through the development of appropriate (HRM) practices through an approach aimed at
optimizing the abilities of its employees and developing strategies that motivate their
productivity. Through this, the organization will be in a position to achieve its core objectives
(Ameeq-ul-Ameeq, & Hanif, 2013). It is, therefore, essential to determine the fact that this
requires a research methodology that is described herein. To achieve the research objectives of

this paper, a descriptive research approach will be incorporated to give a typical description of
some of the phenomenon in this study. The descriptive research approach will ensure that the
existing situations are described rather than interpreted.
It is, therefore, essential to determine the significant variables that will be noticeable in this study
will be in the areas of performance, evaluation and promotion, compensation (Ameeq-ul-Ameeq,
& Hanif, 2013). In line with this, the targeted population remains the employees and their
evaluation of how HRM practices impacts on their performances within an organization with
particular reference to Nestle Company in Pakistan. The primary reason for the consideration of
the three variables is based on the consideration of the fact that Nestle Pakistan Limited carries
its functions in a developing region where the physiological needs dominate and impact the
productivity of employees. The quantitative approach to research will, therefore, prove effective
since it will give more results as compared to the qualitative method.
Given the nature of the research study, the population at stake will be the employees of Nestle
Pakistan Limited. In as much as the numbers of female staffs may be dismal, the primary
objective of the study will be in determining the performance levels as impacted by (HRM)
practices (Ameeq-ul-Ameeq, & Hanif, 2013). It is therefore anticipated that the findings of this
study will help the managers at Nestle foster the appropriate (HRM) practices that would
influence the performances and productivity of the company’s employees. Additionally, these
practices will also create an effective relationship between the company’s management and its

Research Question

It is, therefore, essential to determine that the success of this study depends on identifying the
challenges that Nestle has faced over time in using appropriate HR practices in improving the
productivity of its employees. The study will determine how Nestle Pakistan Limited can
improve its productivity through the efficient use of HR practices. Additionally, the study will
also evaluate the manner in which HRM practices impact the productivity of the company’s

Theoretical or Conceptual Framework

Based on this study, the conceptual framework as determined would, therefore determine
approaches of how to improve the performances of their employees including the factors that
make other employees more productive within their job areas than others. Prior to reviewing the
different kinds of literature in this study, it is critical to determining that the (HRM) practices
reflect the specific actions within an organization that is developed to achieve some specified
outcomes (Ansari, 2011). It is therefore essential to establish the fact that this theoretical
framework on the employee’s performance as perceived would be the dependent variable while
on the other hand the HR practices such as performance evaluation, compensation, and
promotion practices remain the independent variables as depicted below. Figure 1.

o Compensation
o Performance Practices
o Promotional Practices

Employee Perceived

Having determined this, it is crucial to understanding that this research study is typically based
on the resource-based view. The foundations of the RBV within an organization dates back from
the works of Penrose in 1959 who perceived that an organization’s collection of productive
resources both in the physical and human forms, as well as material have the capacity to spur the
productivity of a company (Ansari, 2011). In other words, the view holds that a firm can gain its
competitive advantage through the use of its internal resources.
It is, therefore, imperative to mention that the resource-based view is grounded on four essential
assumptions in any organization. To begin with, the resources within an organization need to add
positive value especially in the HR context, a factor that Nestle has struggled with for a time
(Ansari, 2011). In this event, the company may use its resources in ensuring that better HR
practices such as training are incorporated into its functions to boost its productivity.
Secondly, the RBV also holds that a company’s resources should be unique especially in the
concepts of the HR (Bhatt, 2012). In as much as every employee has unique skills and
knowledge, within the setting of Pakistan where Nestle operates, the organizational structure
assumes that the employees are not equally important in achieving success in a company. It may,
therefore, be easy to hire a production manager in Pakistan than in any other region.
Thirdly, it is also significant to mention that the resources of an organization should be
imperfectly imitable. For instance, a company may develop an HR module through a specialized
technology. However, this innovative approach may not apply to other organizations dealing
with the same line of products. This, therefore, determines the fact that different business
environments have the capacity to dictate an organization’s performance.

Lastly, according to the RBV, resources need not be substituted for other resources for other
competing organizations. This, therefore, provides a challenge for several organizations that
compete within the same line of products (Bhatt, 2012). An instance of this can be depicted when
an experienced manager from Nestle is hired by another company to enter into the local business.
This will, therefore, be an opportunity for the HR department to develop new resources to be the
market leaders from time to time at a lower cost. Linking this theory to the organizational
practices at Nestle, it is imperative to determine that the company can apply variable HR
practices through an approach that considers its unique resources and environment to impact the
performances of its employees.

Significance of the Study

Contribution to Business Practice
In line with this, the study will help Nestle Pakistan Limited in aligning its HR practices with the
performance of its employees and determining some of the areas they have failed to comply with
efficiently. The result of this is therefore anticipated to improve the efficiency and performance
of the company’s employees (Bhatt, 2012). This will, therefore, help the organization in
optimizing its employee’s abilities through an approach that seeks to use the resources within the
company to develop viable HR practices.
Implications for Social Change
This study is therefore significant since it seeks to determine the positive and negative relations
created between the (HRM) practices and the productivity of employees within Nestlé Company
with the aim of developing a framework that can provide direction to the company’s managers
on approaches to achieving their aspirations (Channar, Talreja, & Bai, 2015). Through this

approach, a positive relationship that will spur the change of behaviors in employees will be
initiated, a factor that will boost their productivity.
The results of this research inquiry will therefore be useful especially in creating awareness to
HR personnel on the factors and the keys to gaining a competitive edge in the market (Shahzad,
Iqbal, & Gulzar, 2013). It is, therefore, imperative to determine that the results of this study will
initiate change in Nestles employees through a process that will require the company’s managers
to develop efficient HR practices.

Research Findings

It is, therefore, essential to determine the fact that the HR practices of an organization remain
significantly vital in determining the behavior and insolence of a company’s employees. This,
therefore, brings the point that (HRM) is an approach that practically makes use of people
through an approach that seeks to maintain the relations within the organization (Channar, et.al).
It is this wake that most of the developing countries such as Pakistan are considering the
efficiency of HR as an essential element in the success of an organization.
According to Cohen et al, some of the problems that the (HRM) in developing countries
encounter include the dwindling performance values, low leveled salaries, limited incentives to
inspire excellent performances, the lack of the ability of firing unproductive personnel,
promotion guidelines that are merely based on particular genders and seniority rather than the
performance levels of employees, the lack of motivational tasks as a result of deficient
managements, the lack of compensations against hard work, and employment measure that do
not please the skilled personnel (Channar, et.al). As a result of this, many industries and
companies that carry out their business operations in the developing countries such as Nestle

Limited face unintentional barriers as a result of unproductive and outdated human resource
practices and systems.
As a result of these factors, many research studies have therefore embarked on studies aimed at
determining numerous HR practices that can significantly impact the performances of employees
within specified environments (Channar, et.al). Most of the studies have therefore revealed the
fact that a cluster of HR practices may significantly influence the performances of employees
especially those functioning in segregation. In short, an efficient initiation of these particular
practices may initiate high performances within an organization depending on its resources and
The research therefore determined the fact that performance is a comprehensive observable
element within an organization, a factor that led to the determination of eight HR practices that
may impact the performance of employees (Channar, et.al). These factors include; selection
practices, rewards, promotions, staffing and assortment approaches, guidance, the performance
of employees, complaint procedures, and social security or allowances as factors that would spur
the productivity of workers within an organization. Considering the nature of development in
Pakistan, it is therefore essential to determine the fact that the impact of HR practices has a direct
impact on the performance of an organization through the outcomes of employees, in this case-
Nestle Limited.
Employees are motivated to productivity in the event that they are financially rewarded, a factor
that hastens their performances and productivity. According to Saleem, (2014), companies are
more likely to get an increase in their returns when they embrace the element of equity that in
ignoring the long-term incentive plans. Remuneration according to this author can influence the

behaviors of employees within an organization. In this, it is essential to determine the fact that
compensatory practices have a positive relation with the perceived performance of Nestle
Pakistan Limited employees.
Additionally, it is critical to establish the fact that the manner in which the performances of a
company’s employees are evaluated is an important element in determining the need for training,
an approach that would spur the productivity of organizations employees. Performance
assessment and compensation, therefore, plays a significant role in enhancing the efficiency of a
company’s employees (Khattak, Rehman, & Rehman, 2014). Research has therefore determined
the fact that performance evaluation is a process that should be mandatory since it gives an
organization the opportunity to identify, evaluate, rate and depict the work attitudes and quality
of its employees. Performance evaluation, therefore, has positive relations with the performance
of Nestle Pakistan employees.
Lastly, it is essential to establish that promotion is also a significant element that impacts the
performance of organizations employees. Promotion goes with remuneration that elevates the
earnings and grade of an excellent employee (Khattak, et.al). This, therefore, gives the illusion
that there is a positive association that is tied to the promotional practices and employee
performance. Nestle, therefore, needs to advance its promotional practices since these element
has a positive impact on the performance of its employees.

The findings in this inquiry have therefore proved the fact that some of the challenges that Nestle
Pakistan faced were about the development of viable HR practices that would impact the
performance and productivity of its employees (Tiwari, 2011). Considering this fact, it is,

therefore, essential organizations to realize that the performance of any organization primarily
lies in its workforce.


Akhtar, N., Azeem, S. M., & Mustafa Mir, G. (2014). Impact of Human Resource Management
(HRM) Practices on Perceived Organizational Performance. International Journal of Academic
Research, 6(5), 23-30.
Ameeq-ul-Ameeq, & Hanif, F. (2013). Impact of Training on Employee’s Development and
Performance in Hotel Industry of Lahore, Pakistan. Journal Of Business Studies
Quarterly, 4, 68-82.

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