Based on the information in Digital Natives as Preservice Teachers (Lei, 2009), write an evaluation of the
article in two sections: (I have attached Digital Natives as Preservice Teachers)
Section 1
o What is your perception of the quality of evidence gathered based on how constructs were explained,
manner in which the study samples were selected, and how well the survey was constructed?
o What changes or additions to the study could strengthen the credibility of the data and inferences made
from the data?
Section 2
o Does this article validate the idea that Digital Natives, who are pre-service teachers, are unprepared to
use technology as an educational resource? Moreover, is the generality of this idea common enough
across all education institutions that it should be considered an �educational issue�?
o What evidence is presented in the article to justify your response?
o Provide at least 3 examples that support your claim and address whether you think the author�s
conclusion is appropriate given the evidence presented in the article.
Word count: 569
Section One
Perception of quality of evidence gathered
The quality of evidence gathered in this particular research was high. This is because the
constructs are well explained to enable the readers to interpret the results easily. The thesis of the
study is stated out from the beginning of the paper whereby the study is meant to analyze various
levels of technology simulation and understanding by the teachers. However, the study is a bit
limited due to the sampling method used.
The use of various criteria helps to show the scope of technology understanding among
the teachers and their ability to apply technology in the learning process. Aspects such as the
time spent on computers on a daily basis, the teacher’s attitudes and beliefs, proficiency in
managing common and specific technologies as well as the opinions on the experience of using
technology were taken into consideration in the study.
Based on the various aspects, conclusions were made on the ability of the teachers to use
the native technology in the learning process. The study indicated that most teachers started
using computers since they were in grade six. Regarding the time spent on computers, most
teachers indicated that they spent 2-4 hours per day on their computers. The study also indicated
that most teachers had a positive attitude towards the use of new technology in the learning
process. (Lei, 2012)
Regarding sampling, there were weaknesses since the study mainly focused on one
large University in Northeastern part and thus bias. This is because the use of technology in the
University might have relied on one part leading to bias. The study could be improved if a large
population was considered for sampling to eliminate bias.
Section Two
Article Validation
This study does not validate the idea that the digital natives who are pre-service teachers
are unprepared to use technology as an educational resource. This is because the study indicated
that most teachers have positive attributes to use the basic technology and they have potential to
implement this if given an opportunity. The possession of basic skills, but lack of enough
experience should not be the reason to disqualify teachers as having the inability to meet the
requirements of embracing technology in the school setting
The sample was also limited to one institution, and thus it may not be able to provide
reliable sources of evidence, but the explanation is clear. The generality of this idea is wrong
since a large sample from different institutions could have indicated a different result. Other
variables such as the availability of technology devices could also indicate different results. This
is because the availability of devices is one of the major determinants in showing the true
perception of teachers regarding the use of technology.
In conclusion, the study is well explained for a reader to interpret easily but it lacks
various aspects that could lead to biased results. The variables should be expanded to factor in
many aspects that determine the ability of teachers to embrace new technology as well as the use
of a larger sample to indicate the real value of those willing to adopt the technology. The
conclusions are somehow wrong to an extent, and the study can be improved. The author,
however, can stick to the form of presenting data since the methodology is right and clear but the
weakness is based on the facts of the data presented. (Denscombe, 2014)
Denscombe, M. (2014). The good research guide: for small-scale social research projects.
McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
Lei, J. (2009). Digital natives as preservice teachers: What technology preparation is
needed? Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 25(3), 87-97.