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Diagnostic Assessment

Using the benchmarks that you identified in Week 3, create a word-processed diagnostic assessment
(pretest, survey, questionnaire, anticipation guide) that will provide you information about your students�
content readiness.
Benchmarks: for part 1 of this assignment. LAFS.4.RL.1.2 The student will determine the theme of a
story, drama, or poem from details in the text; and will be able to summarize the text.
LAFS.4.RL.1.3 The student will describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama,
drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., acharacter�s thoughts, words, or actions).
Part II: Describe how you will make this assessment comprehensible for your ELLs based on their
language readiness.
Part III: After reading pages 109 � 117 of The Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development
Handbook, explain how bridging and schema building applies to your students. Provide specific examples
in your response.

Anticipation Guide
Diagnostic Assessment

Before After


Agree Disagree Statement and Evidence Agree Disagree

  1. Depict and establish the aspects that point
    out to the theme of the story.
  2. Establish how the character plays
    significant roles in portraying the theme of
    the story.
  3. Clearly establish the roles of the
    characters in the story and how they support
    the whole of the story.
  4. Depict the manner in which chronology
    of events in the story and how the narrator
    arrives at the climax of the story.
  5. The students should draw out moral lessons
    from the story and establish how they can be
    applied in real life.
  6. The student should be able to show an
    understanding of the characters in the story
    and establish how the story fits within the
    objectives of the study.


Outcome for lesson:

  1. Student will become familiar with the theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in
    the text; and will be able to summarize the text as provided in objective LAFS.4.RL.1.
  2. The student will become familiar with in depth knowledge of a character, setting, or
    event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character’s
    thoughts, words, or actions) as detailed in objective LAFS.4.RL.1.3
    Content Readiness
    In establishing these students content readiness, it is essential to establish that these
    students bring a wealth of prior academic experiences and knowledge in the class, an aspect that
    requires an efficient approach aimed at increasing their engagement and motivation. It is
    additionally essential to detail that the inclusion of response cards will be incorporated with the
    aim of ensuring that the learners are actively engaged in the learning process(Lin, & Johnson,
    2016). It will be significant to establish the student’s efforts in exploring the history of the
    American leaders, as an element that will aid in building their exposure and readiness to delve
    into the unit on the history of Abraham Lincoln.
    Part II

Making the Assessment Comprehensible

The history of Abraham Lincoln remains a common literature that depicts the history of
America and the struggles of significant individuals in changing the state of the nation. In
displaying this story to the ELL learners, it is significant to understand that the student’s content

readiness levels may vary based on the topic (Paradis, 2016). Spending time in the introduction
of this story would result in some of the students growing bored quickly since some already have
a grasp of this history while others don’t.
In order to ensure that time is not wasted, it is essential to determine the level of exposure
of these students on the topic through the administration of a diagnostic assessment before the
commencement of the learning period. This may be a simple pretest, questionnaire, anticipation
guide or a survey (Paradis, 2016). Once a clear idea is obtained on the level of content readiness
among the students in identifying a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on
specific details in the text, an informed decision can be arrived at on how to proceed with the
learning process. The gathered information can be utilized in developing a grouping
configuration that may include heterogeneous pairs based on the content and language readiness
of the students.
On the other hand, to establish the ELL’s language readiness, it is significant to
determine if the learners understand the content and the instructions through a comprehensible
input. This requires that the tutor ensures that the content of the study is understandable for all of
these students. As a tutor, it is essential to basically ensure that the choice of words and the
manner in which speeches are made are considered (Paradis, 2016). This would require that the
speeches are paraphrased, enunciated, repeated, pointed out and the use of concise language
through the use of gestures are included in the process of learning.

Part III

The element of building schema details approaches aimed at initiating relationships
among different concepts, an aspect that makes connections in the learner’s experiences. On the
other hand, building schema results in bridging details, an explicit intentional instruction

provided by a teacher through a verbalized approach that leads the students to a conclusion
(Paradis, 2016).
This can be experienced in an example where lessons are designed by a tutor with the aim
of drawing the attention to the relationships across the developed concepts. In this case, the
students are bound to develop an understanding of the connections within the experiences and
concepts in a lesson.


Lin, L., & Johnson, C. J. (2016). Mandarin-English bilingual vocabulary development in an
English-immersion preschool: How does it compare with monolingual development?.
International Journal Of Bilingualism, 20(2), 173-189.

Paradis, J. (2016). The Development of English as a Second Language With and Without
Specific Language Impairment: Clinical Implications. Journal of Speech, Language &
Hearing Research, 59(1), 171-182.

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