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The paper have to be the writer opinion regarding a decision that they have to make or to think critically

as to whatever comes to mind.

for example

let’s say that you are a manager at your place of business, and you are presented with the challenge to
develop a new protocol that tracks sales so that you can provide a report for your boss at the end of the
fiscal year. Do you bring in consultants, do you train employees that you already have–and if so, how can
you account for their time to learn something new while they are still performing their every day duties?
Nevertheless, you are making a decision and whatever consequences that ensue, “you” are ultimately






Decision-making is often challenging for managers in business premises. Different
situations present with varied possibilities and managers require establishing the most
appropriate course to take. Different choices could result in both beneficial and disadvantageous
repercussions. In most cases, leaders and managers take most of the credit for successful
outcomes. Likewise, the holders of the positions bear most of the blame on failed missions. In
most cases, tough decisions present when the available options result in almost similar outcomes,
or when they involve too much uncertainty. Also, the period that the choices influence
organization earns significant attention from decision makers.
Accountability is among the most necessary traits that policy makers should possess.
Leaders and managers should be confident with their decision. Aiming at proving themselves
right could be essential in enhancing the effectiveness of their chosen approaches. However, it is
necessary that decision makers account for the results of their outcomes regardless of whether
they are desirable or undesirable. In so doing, leaders would minimize the occurrence of blame
games in their organizations. Accountability for one’s decisions promotes unity and cooperation
in organizations.
If, on the managerial position, I were to decide between hiring experts and training my
employees, I would go for the latter. I would ensure that the employees learn the techniques as
fast as possible. The approach could be challenging at first, but it could offer a long-term
solution for my company. I would take accountability for my decision and implement the


decision in a transparent manner (The Marketing Society, 2015). I would also offer statistical
calculations of the time costs that the organization would incur. Establishing the costs on the
basis of the time used in learning at the expense of working could demonstrate my understanding
and competence in the matter.




The Marketing Society. (2015, May 16). Decision-making and accountability.

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