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Current technology,

How we learn

Write a 1200 word argumentative essay that draws on a minimum of four quality sources including at

least one from the unit readings.

How we learn is more important than what we learn”

Surname 2

With the current technology, the most appropriate means of acquiring knowledge is via
addressing the process of learning instead of what is being learned. There exists various learning
methods where the best one, as well as the most appropriate, is being selected. Learning becomes
difficult and problematic when the appropriate style is not realize. However, when the
appropriate method is being recognized as well as the necessary steps, learning proceeds
smoothly and results in improved results. In this essay, various ways of learning that are mostly
being preferred are going to be discussed.
The learning style involves the way of studying and learning. It includes processes such
as the learning in groups as opposed to alone or learning in the structure instead of unstructured
and freer manner. Also, preference for learning of an individual refers to an intellectual approach
learning and thus it has in important direction on the proceeding of various individuals in
learning 1 . Learning preference also involves the conditions that include the environmental,
emotional, physical and sociological. The three major learning styles are the Visual, Auditory,
and Kinesthetic. Visual learners prefer learning via seeing such as in diagrams maps and graphs
since they have good visual memory. The auditory learners prefer learning via hearing, saying
and listening since they have best auditory memory hence benefiting from discussions, lectures
interviews, and audio tapes. The kinaesthetic learners prefer to learn via doing and touching
since they are best at recalling the events and can associate physical experiences or feelings with

1 Pritchard, Alan. 2008. “Learning Styles.” Studying and Learning at University: Vital
Skills for Success in Your Degree, 18-22. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Surname 3
memory. However, it is clear that most of human brain blends the three classifications hence the
best combination should be selected to facilitate learning.
According model of student engagement in learning, the engagement of the student in the
process has a significant importance and make much difference since it serves as the framework
for learning. The students should participate in the discussion where the question are being
involved. The educators use the feedback of the students, and this gives them an easier task on
accessing the progress of the learning of the student. It is a best idea that was being brought
about through the analysis of the promotion of the students 2 . According to the analysis that was
being carried out by the educators, the automatic promotion of the students hinders negatively
the learning process. It is because the students no longer bother about the grades since academic
success does not affect their promotion. Hence, it leads to students avoiding to do their work.
The student who is found not to be caring. From the first principle of learning, the students,
teachers and parents should care about the education as well as the learning process 3 . The
students who care about the education should be encouraged to continue with their methods of
learning while the students who do not care about learning should be forced and encouraged to
do so. It helps in building the culture of thinking and enhances the learning process rather than
what is being learned. To support this, it is not an easy duty, and it requires the annoying task
that have the connection with goals that have meaning. Radical changes are being needed in the

2 Ballard, B and J. Clancy. 1984. Study Abroad: A Manual for Asian Students. 60. Kuala
Lumpur: Longman.
3 Cormier, David. 2014. ‘Learning’s First Principle – The Most Important Thing I
Learned This Year | Dave’s Educational

Surname 4
system of learning since most of the trained people are passive learners. They tend to memorize
the content, which is just other people’s talking’s rather than using its words in conversation.
There is much power of social connection in enhancing learning via the formal education
that is relevant to the society. It also increases the engagement to the underscore of the intensely
personal, engaged, invested aspects of learning in a democracy. The social connection involves
the connection to family, neighbors, friends and the democratic structure. The Poor social
relationship has been leading to weakness in the emotional and social status of an individual. It is
being brought about by the much attendance of the meeting and leading to the minimum time
being spent with neighbors, friends and others 4 .
Of all the possible learning techniques that exist, it has been found that the learning
together persists to be the best. It helps in the process of connecting learning to experience and
connecting the learner to one another. From the study that was being done at Harvard, it was
being found that almost all people learn from each other. Also, it was found that learning
together, irrespective of the things being taught, proves to be motivating, effective and excellent
for knowledge retention. Learning together also plays a significant role in keeping people
learning both formally and informally.
Online learning is enhancing learning too via the creation of much synchronous or
asynchronous interactive learning communities 5 . It makes broadly brings out a vivid clearance

4 Davidson, Cathy. 2015. ‘Why Are We Still Learning Alone? Why Connection Is More
Important Than Ever.http://www.hastac.org/blogs/cathy-davidson/2015/02/23/why-are-we-still-

5 Pritchard, Alan. 2008. “Learning Styles.” Studying and Learning at University: Vital Skills for
Success in Your Degree, 18-22. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Surname 5
between success or failure and retention or dropping out. It offers the connective support and
connected support to several individuals that are being isolated across distances and among the
learners from different backgrounds. Thus, online learning is calling for the need for future
initiatives to devise ways of connecting learners with the entire world and all over the knowledge
map of higher education to facilitate together learning.

Surname 6


Ballard, B and J. Clancy. 1984. Study Abroad: A Manual for Asian Students. 60. Kuala Lumpur:
 Cormier, David. 2014. ‘Learning’s First Principle – The Most Important Thing I Learned This
Year | Dave’s Educational Blog’

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