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Cross-cultural Conflict

Cross-cultural Conflict Case Study

One of the cross cultural issue that has resulted in conflict between Mr. Hovarth and
Kovacs is communication. Communication has been unveiled as the endeavour behind the
conception of an image of an establishment and the arise conflict can be learned from the way
others reflect into various media (Walters, 1994). Granting to the case study the conflict between

the two would have occurred as a result of vague language that Mr. Kovacs used in an American
slang against Horvath. The retaliation of Mr. Horvath in response to Kovacs vague slag
continued to sustain the existing dispute between them. The other cultural issue is being
egocentric. They conceive of themselves and generalize others as inferior. This is seen as both
retaliates of each others background.
In order to solve the situation there is a need of an intermediary who will have to mediate
the resolution process. By adopting and learning a conflict resolution principles, a mediator will
greatly enhance the two conflicting parties for a better understanding and communication process
(Walters, 1994). It is typical that the two will argue a great deal since they pretends to be
superior to each other. Thus, they should be mindful of cultural beliefs, values and views. Both
the two parties must be neutral and ready to reconcile and also change their egocentric beliefs on
each others background.
If I’m the one to mediate this dispute, I will guarantee there is peace and completely solve
the difference. I will guide them through the conflict resolution process. They will have to
apologize to each other for the weird responses they have used. Admitting a mistake done is one
part of solving a dispute (Bijaoui, Sultan & Shlomo, 2011). Conflicts create a barrier to good
communication, hence communicators must learn to forecast on circumstances that will
exacerbate conflict and to build up an effective communication program (Bijaoui, Sultan &
Shlomo, 2011).



Bijaoui, I., Sultan, S. & Shlomo, Y.T. 2011, “The progressive model, an economic reconciliation
process for regions in conflict”, Cross Cultural Management, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 293-312.
Walters, J. 1994, “Communication: Antidote to conflict”, Communication World, vol. 11, no. 9,
pp. 35.

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