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Communication in a multi generational workforce

Communication in a multi generational workforce

Existing Quantitative Studies

Return to your Literature Review and peruse the quantitative studies you found for additional resources
that pertain to your topic. Conduct additional searches through the Walden Library for relevant studies
that either pertain directly to your topic or that pertain to related topics and could inform a quantitative
study of your topic. Perhaps these studies provide a model, research instrument, framework, or
hypothesis that inform your own evolving thinking.

Post a brief synopsis of the quantitative studies you found as a “.doc” or “.rtf” attachment. For each entry,
provide the full APA citation, as well as a brief paragraph explaining the contribution the study makes to
your own topic, either directly or tangentially. In the text of your posting (to which you will attach your
synopsis), introduce and summarize the quantitative studies as a collection, and post at least two
questions that will elicit suggestions and further responses from your colleagues.

my thesis topic: Communication in a multi generational workforce.


Communication in a multi generational workforce

Zhezhu W., Jaska, P., Brown, R., & Dalby, B. (2010).Selecting communication media in a
multi- generational workplace. International Journal of Business & Public Administration, 7(2),

According to this article, it has become prudent for managers to select effective
communication channels to communicate with different kinds of generations. Nowadays,
workplaces have people from various generational cohorts and this requires that their issues are
addressed amicable. The information and telecommunication technologies have evolved over
time contributing to the complexities in the workplace. For instance, in US these generations
includes the silent Generation x, baby Boomers, generation X and generation Y. The baby
boomer takes the biggest share of the workforce and hence these groups have different
communication needs. The communication channels selected should consider effectiveness, its
level of objectivity and subjective user’s perceptions. For instance, generation Y may be

conversant with traditional communication such as memo and face-to-face compared to Baby
boomers who are tech savvy and embrace information technology.

Ferri-Reed, J. (2014). Building Innovative Multi-Generational Teams. Journal for Quality &
Participation, 37(3), 20-22.

In this article, the author notes that there are noticeable differences between the baby
boomers, generation Xers and the millennial in terms of their approach to team work. For
instance, the approach to work and the use of information technology varies across these
generations. For instance, millennial tend to work for shorter hours compared to the bombers.
This then means that leaders have to come up with suitable approach of communicating with
them. The millennial are tech savvy and will spend most of their time on social media and on the
internet. Therefore, such will be at peace to receive information through technology such as
email, and social platforms as opposed to other generations.

In summary, both studies require that managers and leaders to be sensitive and make
appropriate choices of the communication channels they use to communicate with different kinds
of employees in the organization. These generations have been socialized differently and this
shapes how they perceive certain kinds or channels of communication. The two questions that
can elicit further discussion on this topic include, what are the best strategies that leaders can use
to enhance cooperation and unity among multigenerational work force. The second question is
do you thing treating employees differently may cause legal ramifications for employers.



Ferri-Reed, J. (2014). Building Innovative Multi-Generational Teams. Journal for Quality &
Participation, 37(3), 20-22.

Zhezhu W., Jaska, P., Brown, R., & Dalby, B. (2010).Selecting communication media in a
multi- generational workplace. International Journal of Business & Public
Administration, 7(2), 134-150.

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