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Common Core Standards Initiative.

This assignment requires completion of parts A, B and C, in one word-processed document.

  1. Choose one grade-appropriate Common Core anchor standard for Reading. Read this same
    standard from Kindergarten through Grade 12 (College and Career Readiness or CCR). In a word-
    processed document, Identify how this standard spirals or continues to develop through the grade
    levels. Identify where (what grade levels) you see significant jumps in difficulty. Explain why/how.
    Based on your classroom experiences, where (what grade level) would you argue that students in that

grade are currently able to demonstrate mastery? Explain why. .

  1. Read pages 2 � 9 of Appendix _A and respond to the following question in a word-processed

document: go on this website

o How will the way that we measure text complexity shift with the CCSS? Be sure to include the

quantitative, qualitative, and Reader and task measures.

Read pages 23 -25 of Appendix _A and respond to the following questions in a word-processed


o How is writing going to shift/change with the CCSS?
o What will the writing demands be in Social Sciences/History?
o What will the writing demands be in Science?
o What role does argument play in the Standards?

o What implications will there be for teachers of ELLs when promoting argument literacy in their

Part D

Create a word-processed document to answer both parts of this assignment. Upload your response in

the Week 3 section of Assignment Uploads.


After reading “How Culture Adaptation Affects Learning,” explain where in the stages of culture
adaptation you believe the author of “Look Beneath the Surface” is? Explain your reasoning.


  1. Describe characteristics of each: acculturation, assimilation, accommodation, pluralism, and


  1. How are ethnic prejudice, racism, and stereotyping related?
  2. Describe some ways educators can educate against racism


The chosen grade-appropriate Common Core anchor standard for reading is the
College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading. This standard continues
developing through the grade levels considering that the College and Career Readiness and

grade-specific standards define the understandings and skills that every student has to
demonstrate. The CCR provides wide-ranging standards whereas the grade-specific standards
provide further specificity. Moreover, this standard ensures that students read deeply and
extensively from many increasingly challenging and high-quality informational and literary
texts, which in turn allows them to develop a foundation of knowledge in those many
disciplines that would also provide them with the background to become better readers in all
content areas. The learners are able to acquire this foundation since the curriculum would be
coherently and deliberately structured to build rich content knowledge across and within
grade levels (Common Core Standards Initiative, 2016).
The grade level where there is likely to be significant jumps in difficulty is grade level
6 since the learners may still have trouble assessing the way in which purpose or viewpoint
shapes the style and content of a text. Basing on my classroom experience, the grade level
where students can demonstrate mastery currently is grade level 9 since the learners are able
to easily analyse the way that 2 or more texts address the same topics or themes so as to
develop knowledge or to compare the approaches taken by the authors.
After reading pages two to nine of Appendix A, how text complexity is measured
would shift with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for reading in that a 3-part model
would be used in measuring text complexity and this will help to make text complexity a
regular part of instruction. The 3-part model is essentially a blend of quantitative and
qualitative measures of task complexity with task and reader considerations. Quantitative
dimensions of text complexity include the features of text complexity for instance text
cohesion, sentence length, and word frequency or length, which are hard or not possible for
human readers to assess properly, particularly in long texts, and are therefore usually
measured by computer software (Common Core Standards Initiative, 2016). Qualitative
dimensions of text complexity comprise the features of text complexity which are only

measurable or are best measured by a human reader who is very attentive, for instance levels
of purpose or meaning; knowledge demands; language conventionality and clearness; and
structure. Reader and task considerations: when establishing whether or not a given text is
suitable for a particular student, it is important to take into account variables that are unique
to certain readers for instance experiences, knowledge and motivation and to certain tasks for
instance the difficulty and purpose of the assigned task and the posed questions (Common
Core Standards Initiative, 2016).
After reading pages 23-25 of Appendix A, writing is going to change or shift with the
CCSS in that a blend of 3 types of writing would be utilized often by writers to achieve their
purposes. These three categories of writing are narrative writing, informational/explanatory
writing, and argument writing. In Science, the writing demands would be that learners would
need to make assertions in the form of conclusions or statements which address problems or
answer questions. They will utilize data in a scientifically correct manner to collect evidence
and employ their understanding of scientific concepts in arguing for their claims. The student
will also write narrative accounts of the systematic procedures they follow in his/her
investigations so that other people may be able to replicate those procedures and possibly
attain similar findings. In History/Social Sciences, the writing demands will be that the
students would be need to analyse evidence from a number of secondary and primary sources
in order to advance an assertion which is supported by the evidence, and argue for an
empirically or historically situated interpretation (Common Core Standards Initiative, 2016).
The student will also have to write narrative descriptions regarding people and construct
event models of what took place, using the most pertinent information from their sources.
The role of argument in standards is that argument literacy is essential to being
educated. Argument compels writers to assess the weaknesses as well as strengths of different
viewpoints. When a student is asked to consider multiple views on an issue or topic, the

student will have to think deeply and critically, evaluate the validity of his or her own
thoughts, and expect counterclaims against his/her own claims. When promoting argument
literacy in their classes, the implications that would be there for teachers of ELLs is that the
ELLs should acquire particular skills that are crucial to writing arguments. The teachers have
to teach the conflicts so that the learners become skilful at understanding and engaging in
written and oral argument prior to entering college.


Common Core Standards Initiative. (2016). Common core state standards for English
language & Literacy in history/social studies, science and technical subjects.
Appendix A.

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