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Chemistry Multiple Choices Assignment

Chemistry Multiple Choices Assignment

  1. To achieve a complete valence shell, how many electrons must an atom of strontium gain or lose?

A. lose 2 B. lose 1 C. gain 1 D. gain 2

  1. Which of these pairs will form ionic bonds?
    A. N and C B. Na and Cs C. K and Cl D. S and Cl
  2. Which of the following groups of atoms would you expect to have similar chemical properties?

A. Mg & Na B. B & C C. O & S D. Cu & O

  1. What is the most stable ion formed by chlorine?
    A. Cl2 B. Cl+ C. Cl� D. Cl2�
  2. A pure substance

A. has a definite constant composition and properties that are invariant and unique.
B. can be separated into distinct parts by physical separation techniques.

C. is another name for a homogeneous mixture.

  1. Covalent bonds are formed when
    A. an atom gives up an electron
    B. atoms become ionized
    C. atoms share electrons
    D. metals bond to nonmetals
  2. How many valence electrons does a neutral calcium atom have?

A. 0 B. 2 C. 8 D. 18

  1. What types of substance normally forms anions?
    A. halogens B. nonmetals C. metals D. noble gases
  2. Which of the following correctly represents 2 molecules of water?

A. H4O2 B. (H2O)2 C. 2 H2 + 2 O D. 2 H2O

  1. Which of the following is the correct symbol for an iron ion with a charge of plus 3?

A. Fe3+ B. Fe (III) C. Fe(III) D. 3+


  1. The total number of atoms in one formula unit of (CH3CH2)2NH is

a. 6. b. 14. c. 16. d. 20.

  1. Which of the following describes the difference between Na+ and Na?
    A. Na is a neutral atom and Na+ is an ion with 1 more electron than Na.
    B. Na is a neutral atom and Na+ is an ion with 1 less electron than Na.
    C. Na and Na+ are two different isotopes of the same atom.


D. Na is a neutral atom and Na+ is an ion with 1 more proton than Na.

  1. Which of the following IS NOT a stable ion?
    A. Li+ B. Na2� C. Al+3 D. Zn2+
  2. Which of the following is the dihydrogen phospate ion?

A. H2PO4
� B. 2 HPO4
� C. H2PO4
3� D. H2PO3

  1. Which of these pairs will form covalent bonds?
    A. Na and Li B. Na and Ca C. O and F D. Na and F
  2. The electron configuration of Na+ is the same as the electron configuration of?

A. Na B. Ne C. F D. Mg

  1. Which of the following is the chloride ion?

A. Cl2
2+ B. Cl2
2� C. Cl2
� D. Cl�

  1. Which of the following is true about helium?
    A. helium generally forms ionic bonds with metals
    B. helium generally does not form bonds with other atoms
    C. helium generally forms covalent bonds with non-metals

D. helium is a polyatomic ion

  1. Which of the following is the correct way to represent the oxide ion?

A. O2� B. �2
O C. O� D. O2

  1. Which of these IS NOT a stable ion?
    A. Mg+ B. Li+ C. Br� D. S2�


Question 1
A. lose 2
Question 2
C. K and Cl
Question 3
C. O & S
Question 4
C. Cl —
Question 5
A. has a definite constant composition and properties that are invariant and unique.
Question 6
C. atoms share electrons
Question 7
B. 2
Question 8
A. halogens
Question 9
D. 2 H 2 O
Question 10
A. Fe 3+
Question 11
C. 16
Question 12
B. Na is a neutral atom and Na+ is an ion with 1 less electron than Na.
Question 13
B. Na 2–
Question 14
A. H 2 PO4 —


Question 15
C. O and F
Question 16
B. Ne
Question 17
D. Cl —
Question 18
B. helium generally does not form bonds with other atoms
Question 19
A. O 2 —
Question 20
A. Mg +



Ball, P. (2002). The Ingredients: A Guided Tour of the Elements. Oxford: Oxford University

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