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The US military chaplaincy

The US military chaplaincy is fully rooted in the Constitution, as are the principles for all types ofchaplaincy ministries in America. The law review read in this module/week provides insight concerningthe constitutionality of the chaplaincy, both from a Free Exercise Clause and an Establishment Clauseperspective. After completing the reading you will need to accomplish the […]

International Organization Making a Difference,

International Organization Making a Difference,World Health Organization (WHO) Topic: International Organizations Making a Difference Question/Prompt: The assignment this module/week is to research an international group, NGO, or othersimilarly situated group and explain how this group is helping to engage an international audience. If this is an area of interest or passion for you that should […]

Similarities and Differences between Ancient Greek and Ancient Egyptian Myths

Similarities and Differences between Ancient Greek and Ancient Egyptian Myths about Kingship Citation of Sources Used: A list of works of reference and ancient sources actually consulted and founduseful should be appended as a bibliography (this list is not included in the word-count). Additionally, allwork from which you draw ideas should be fully referenced in […]

Success Rates of Online versus Traditional College Students

Success Rates of Online versus Traditional College Students For this assignment, you will write a 5-paragraph essay focused on the topic assigned in Module/Week 4(refer to the Article Selection for Discussion Board Forum 2 assignment). So far, you have selected arelevant journal article in Module/Week 4 and created an outline or map in Module/Week 5. […]

Sectarianism and Extremism and the Fight against Terrorism

editorial cartoons on the same subject. Analyze each cartoon and then write an essay presenting the results of your analysis. The focus of your paper should be to illustrate that the cartoons present a consistent viewpoint about a controversial social or political issue OR that the cartoons present opposing viewpoints about a controversial social or […]

Christian Worldview

CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW 1 Christian Worldview Compare/Contrast the worldview of the Religious Right, at the time of its founding, to your current worldview. Your answer must be at least 250 words. Christian Worldview With its origin in the early eighties, the Religious Right was initially an amalgam ofEvangelical Pentecostals. It initially emerged from the biblical higher […]

Navajo’s Creation Story

Navajo’s Creation Story Theme topic: Making use of the Social-Epistemic reading model, how is the worldview presented in theNavajo creation account different from what you understand the Genesis worldview to be? Be sure toexplain your understanding of the Navajo worldview before discussing similarities and differencesbetween the two texts. In part four of your paper, reconsider […]

The Democratic Party

ECONOMICS ANALYSIS ESSAYThe “party platform” of the Democratic Party For this assignment, you will write a 2�3-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) providingat least 1 example of how government has overstepped biblical principles in some form of economic policy. Options include the following topics: � A specific piece of legislation relating to business regulation or taxation.� […]

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