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Business Strategy and Human Resource in an Organization

Business Strategy and Human Resource in an Organization

What are the necessary conditions for determining a business strategy in an organisation? How can

organisations work to include HR issues within a business strategy?

The following conditions must met in the paper

1) I want a typical and a quality answer which should have about 550 words.

2) The answer must raise appropriate critical questions.

3) The answer must include examples from experience or the web with references from relevant

examples from real companies.

4) Do include all your references, as per the Harvard Referencing System,


Business Strategy and Human Resource in an Organization
Integration of human resource and business strategy has become essential in the modern
strategic human resource management. Human resource is one of the essential assets in an entity
(Ray, Barney & Muhanna, 2004). Organizations must adopt appropriate strategies that will
enable them remain competitive and achieve their desired performance. The author deliberates
on the conditions organizations can use to determine their business strategy, as well as how
entities can include HR issues in their business strategy.
Business strategy encompasses the tactics or ways that an entity adopts to achieve its
desired goals. An entity may have various strategies but being able to select the most appropriate
ones is critical to the success of the entity. One of the conditions that and organization therefore
should consider in determining a strategy is the social, political, citizenship and regulatory
measures in place (Ray, Barney & Muhanna, 2004). An organization operates in a community
that has its own rules and laws that govern it. Therefore, the strategy should comply with the
regulatory requirements and the government policies. It should be ethical and meet the societal
expectations as well as standards of goof community citizenship. For example, the strategy
should ensure that it does not contribute to environmental pollution as this affects the lives of the

Another condition is the overall industry attractiveness and competitive conditions. The
strategy must be responsive to the mix and nature of the various competitive factors in play such
as quality, of products, price, service performance features, and warranties among others (Zajac,
Kraatz, & Bresser, 2000). It becomes important for an organization to respond to such factors to
safeguard its position in the market
It is also important for an entity to consider the opportunities and external threats in
determining the strategy. The strategy aim should be to take advantage of the opportunities to
trigger development and profitability (Mithas, Tafti & Mitchell, 2013). Likewise, the strategy
should counter external threats to the company such as competitors to safeguard the future
performance and well-being of the entity. Others aspects include, availability of substitutes, the
power of buyers and suppliers, and rivalry in the market (Porter, 2008)
The strength of the company resources, competitive capabilities as well as competencies
shape the choice of a strategy. An organization should evaluate itself if it has enough resources
and competencies to adopt a certain strategy or not. For instance, some of the business strategy
may require heavy capital, which the organization may not be in a position to provide (Arthur &
Strickland, 2009). The attitudes, personal ambitions, and ethical beliefs of managers as well
determine the strategies the business takes. Ambitious managers will adopt aggressive strategies
to ensure that they achieve their goals. Business philosophies, culture, structure and shared
values as well determine the kind of business strategies selected (Arthur & Strickland, 2009).
For the strategies to be well implemented, human resource is critical and must be
involved. Various human resource issues such as recruitment, motivation, disciplinary measures,
training and development are essential to execute strategy and trigger success. Organizations can

therefore work through communication. The strategies should be articulated well to those
charged with responsibility of implementation to enable them understand them well (Arthur &
Strickland, 2009). Therefore, HR practitioners must be involved in the process at all level to
ensure that they create a conducive environment for the implementation and achievement of the
objectives set.
In conclusion, organizations need to understand various conditions in the environment
before selecting their strategies, thus, enhancing positive relationships with the human resources
department critical in enhancing achievement of the objectives.


Reference list

Arthur, T, & Strickland, P , 2009, Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, McGraw Hill.
Mithas, S, Tafti, A, & Mitchell, W 2013, ‘ How a firm’s competitive environment and digital
strategic posture influence digital business strategy,’ MIS Quarterly, Vol. 37 no. 2, pp.

Porter, M 2008, ‘ The five competitive forces that shape strategy,’ Harvard Business Review,Vol.
86 no. 1, pp. 78-93.

Ray, G, Barney, J, & Muhanna, W 2004, ‘Capabilities, business processes, and competitive
advantage: Choosing the dependent variable in empirical tests of the resource-based
view,’ Strategic Management Journal, 25: 23-37.

Zajac, E, Kraatz, M., & Bresser, R 2000, ‘Modeling the dynamics of strategic fit: A normative
approach to strategic change,’ Strategic Management Journal, vol. 21: 429-45.

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