Annotated Bibliography
Provide three additional references related to your Doctoral Study topic in annotated bibliography format
and synthesize these three references into a component of the doctoral study rubric (ex. Nature of study,
literature review, etc.) Please it is important that the writer use sources not older than 5 years , and
please it is also important to include the DOI where necessary.
Annotated Bibliography 2
‘Snape, E., & Redman, T. (2010). HRM practices, organizational citizenship behavior,
and performance: A multi‐level analysis. Journal of Management Studies, 47(7), 1219-1247.’
In this book, the behavioral qualities of an employee are discussed. It explains the
individual attitude of an employee and also the interrelation between the workforces in the
workplace. According to this paper, there exists a relationship that is positive between the
organizational behavior and the HRM practices. It carries out its study in the North East of
England. Opportunity and job influence as the primary causes of employee attitude and behavior
performance the research is carried out concerning human resource management.
‘McClean, E., & Collins, C. J. (2011). High‐commitment HR practices, employee effort,
and firm performance: Investigating the effects of HR practices across employee groups within
professional services firms. Human Resource Management, 50(3), 341-363.’
In this paper, high performance of the firm as a result of employee effort and high
commitment HR practices are synthesized in the research. The argument that all the employees
in a firm need to be accompanied by HR practices is discussed in this paper. Under the
discussion, the paper finds out that there is an encouraging result because of the employee
efforts. Employee contribution to a firm is the leading cause of the company’s performance.
‘Alfes, K., Shantz, A., & Truss, C. (2012). The link between perceived HRM practices,
performance, and well‐being: The moderating effect of trust in the employer. Human Resource
Management Journal, 22(4), 409-427.’
This paper considers trust between employees as an important factor in a firm’s
performance. It examines the relationship between the Human Resource Practice and the
confidence between the employees to realize employee well-being and their performance. The
Annotated Bibliography 3
perceptions of HRM practices involved in job performance is the main factor that the researchers
look into. It is concluded that there exists a relation of job performance between the HRM
practices and employee performance. This document does not, however, involve organizational
loyalty behavior as a factor in their research.