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All Animals are Equal

All Animals are Equal

a. Identify the issue that is addressed in the argument.
b. Explain the argument and identify the premises and conclusions.
c. Evaluate the argument.
o If the argument has a deductive component, is it valid and sound? Why?
o If the argument has an inductive component, is it strong or weak? Why?
o Remember that arguments often contain both inductive and deductive components. Do your best to
identify all the arguments that are used to support the position presented in the piece.

Equality in the social setting is viewed in terms of equal rights that are acceptable to the
global society. The hindrance of equality is always based on prejudice that affects every

community in a particular direction to undermine equality. The oppressed groups have in recent
years come up in campaigns for freedom and acceptance in the society. The liberal movement
started with race in which black were alienated from the society especially in the developed
countries. Moreover, the progressive movement has propelled past racism to other platforms
such as gender equality, Spanish –American movements, gay campaign and discrimination based
on sex. This kind of discrimination is practiced in all societies of both rich and poor, developed
and underdeveloped countries and even within people of the same tribe (Singer, 2007).
If anything should be learned from the movement, one thing that should be taught is how
difficult it is to be aware of prejudice in our attitudes to a specific or particular group until the
bias is pointed out. Liberal movement pushes for expansion of moral horizons or reinterpretation
of moral principles of equality. Unjustifiable prejudice results to seeing practices that are
regarded previously as natural and inevitable. None in the society can confidently state that his
actions and perceptions are beyond criticism. This is because the attitude is cultivated in the
mind; therefore, there is the need to re-think on fundamental beliefs t have a mental switch in
respect to practices and position. The idea of “The Rights of Animals” is has been used in
relation to women’s rights cases. However, the idea has been viewed as absurd and refuted by
Thomas Taylor, who reasons that the idea can be carried one stage further. If the idea is
applicable to women, why can’t it be applicable to other sectors of the society that are
experiencing discrimination since the argument used by women applies to the other spheres?
When the idea is focused on all human beings, then it gives a broader perspective that
reveals numerous equality issues. One might have the view of equality to mean equality of
different races and sexes. Even though human differs in different ways as individuals, the
difference between races and sexes is minimal. The mere fact of color or gender has minimal

inference on the individual besides the false thoughts of superiority complex between
individuals. The same view would be stated by proponents of sexism in that the ability of a
person is no guide to his sex, and this reveals why discrimination based on sex is unjustifiable
(Tobler, 2005). This provides the line of objection to discrimination against sex and race that is
being experienced globally.
Factual equality cannot be based on opposition to sexism and racism and limited abilities
and capabilities asserted in variations is the un-guaranteed evenly distributions of these
capabilities without regard to sex and race. The differences measurable between sexes and races
are available to certain levels. These differences are not specific to line with genetic endowment
and their effects toward environmental differences that result from continuing and past
discriminations. The violation of the principle of equality by racist is created by giving more
weight to the interest of his race and its members. When there is a clash of interests between two
races or groups, then the specialist provide more interest compelled to members of his species.
The perception is inborn and hugely developed through mutual connection from childhood and
that injected in the mind as one grows.
The aspect of social justice might be viewed as a component of society that can be
handling in the theoretically, applied policies and championing for equality. However, the
proponents of the equality are the people who are best placed to understand the actual effects and
influence on self-esteem that is caused by discrimination. Many social groups that campaign for
the equality in the society is tailored on personal gains. A number of organizations formed by
prominent people in the society create an avenue to distribute money to activist in order to gain

from the entire project. The prejudice idea in the society is used negatively for personal gains
undermining the fundamentally intended objective that is beneficial to the whole society. This
strategy kills the entire idea of equality especially to the small class in the society creating a gap
in the entire process (Whitley & Kite, 2010).
Prejudice, as connected to discrimination, needs to be handled solely in line with the
essential components that creates moral ethics of individual within the society. The perception
created on sex and races is not an issue that crops up in human mind thereby being viewed on the
onset as variations on capabilities and abilities. It is a notion that has been cultivated in the mind
through various medium and a common perception fixed without literal teaching but mental
analysis. The idea of whites being more superior to the black is brought about to a greater extent
in connection with the religious teachings in which depicts Jesus with all his high ethically moral
qualities as a white man. This makes the society view white man as intellect, wise and morally
upright thereby adapting any idea from this race. On the other had the vices of the society and
bad moral are associated with the devil who is always portrayed as black. This is a negative
perception that also influenced the view of the society in the same context.
The prejudice created in the society that influences the degree of discrimination in nature
by the society through various mediums. The discrimination that I practiced in various spheres is
in existence due to wrong strategic approach and influences that have no primary objective in
mind. Xenophobia has been cultivated in the human minds from early childhood stage rooting
discrimination to deeper personal and individual perspective. Issues of health such as being HIV
positive might be openly viewed as none discriminated but in the deeper analysis one realizes
that the limitation of contact with the sick person in the understanding that one can be affected
make the unaffected person somehow superior that the affected (Nelson, 2009). The idea boils

down to the selfish human mind that value individualism more than communalism. The value of
importance is pegged on personal gains but not communal gains.
This perception is anchored deep in the mind determines the way one values the other
person in the society which in-turn determines the relationship that is generated based on the
developed perception. The perception is developed by the view in relation to what is socially
acceptable and what is morally good or bad. The socially acceptable things are practiced to
create the public image in which tries to cover up the real individual intention under the guidance
of policies and laws. However, the morally good or bad perceptions are practiced both in public
mentally or practically in one on one meet. The moral setting an understanding in the mind
determines the discrimination perception in either platform. Equality of all human beings must
dissect and remove all manners of discrimination that is merely impossible in the current
generations or the ones to come.


Nelson, T. D. (2009). Handbook of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination. United States:
Psychology Press.
Singer, P. (2007, June 06). All Animals are Equal.

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