Depends on voluntary contributions from individuals and organizations
The Directors will provide most of the funds partly from their monthly salaries
All the trustees will offer voluntary services to the board of management together with the
subcommittee’s members. The trustees will elect a chairman, secretary and treasury ones every
three years and who would be allowed to sign cheques.
The major objective of this foundation is to develop the poor countries in the African continent
through concerted efforts of hard working men and women and which have been directed
towards the achievement of the different interests, goals and aspiration of the hard-working
future generations of the disadvantaged citizens of the world mostly in Africa.
The African Development and Education Foundation (ADEF) provides the needs and desires of
the less fortunate citizens of the world in the hope that in the years to come, these group of
humanity will rise up to protect their own and others to come especially in Africa.
The foundation targets to fund multiple activities and projects throughout Africa from our
sources in Saudi Arabia which fund not just projects but also other societal needs of the less
fortunate individuals. The areas of funding that the foundation aims at include;
A. Provision of education in the fields of science, technology and social sciences.
B. Support the provision of clean water, food, health services and measures to alleviate
recurrence of drought in marginalized parts of the world.
C. Promote religious tolerance among all the denominations and diverse global religions by
building consensus and understanding among all the peace loving citizens.
D. To contribute and support the development of social and economic empowerment of the less
advantaged members of the society through provision of affordable healthcare and education.
E. To work in collaboration with other likeminded organizations, government departments and
interested individuals around the world to achieve our goals which currently target the African
International Economics
F. To provide a medium that can provide information to the public about our activities like
printing informative books and pamphlets on our strategic plans and other educative subjects.
The foundation also aims at printing magazines, periodicals, newspapers that will create
awareness on our work, hopes and aspirations. ADEF also targets the provision of radio and
television services that will broadcast its contents to the interested parties.
G. The foundation will also provide education equipments, stationeries and also extend further
educational opportunities for the African communities in the continents.
H. ADEF will also support the needy members of the society like orphans, widows, the sick, the
displaced persons or all those that fall under the Islamic definition of the word poor.
I. The foundation also intends to support various literary works and other artistic or scientific
skills or talents that may develop from the African continent.
J. To encourage hard work and dedication through the provision of motivation and incentives by
offering scholarships and other benefits to the upcoming members of the continent to encourage
them to be more committed towards achievements of their dreams and also to develop education
and create awareness of education among the other members of the African communities who
may be in need of assistance.
K. The foundation also promotes the development and transfer of technology from the developed
countries to the remote regions of the African continent.
L. All the surplus funds will be recycled in the business
M. The governing committee shall consist of ten trustees who are basically the founders of the
foundation and who will be allowed to vote on important issues however the articles will only be
changed upon dissolution of the foundation. The board shall retain the right to vote any trustee
out by the strength of 80% of all the ten votes.
N. The foundation can only be dissolved by a majority vote of 80% of all the trustees. Every
month there shall be a board meeting but the subcommittee shall continue with the regular
operations of the company. They shall be six members who will offer services on voluntary