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Advocating For Victims Services

Advocating For Victims Services
Application: Advocating for Victim Services

Only about 9% of serious violent crime victims received direct assistance in terms of help or advice from a
victim service agency from 1993 to 2009 (U.S. Department of Justice, 2011). Although social scientists
and mental health professionals have done a great deal of work to identify victims� needs and develop
treatment strategies, in the majority of victimization cases no services are provided, either because they

are not available or the victim does not seek help.

This week you assessed the needs of victims and researched services that might help their situation. The
next step is for you to write a letter to your governor or local lawmakers, articulating those needs and
services to policy makers in such a way that they can and will develop a plan of action to make modern
victim services a reality. You can use real life examples of victim�s sufferings, a cost benefit model, or

both, but your letter should make a convincing case on behalf of victims.


Advocating For Victims Services

Hate crimes are ideally traumatizing to the victims. Victims facing such forms of anti-
social behavior live with fear, uncertainty and tension. Hate crimes and other social as are
confrontational and do promote social hostility within the community. Such acts jeopardize
active and open pursuit of opportunity and freedom. Hate crimes mirror a rotten behavior on the
society which compromise religious, ethnic and racial heritage of community members. Hate
crime can be defined as any unlawful act done in a way to suggest that there is an intention to
victimize an individual because of his perceived or actual race, religion, gender ethnicity or
sexual orientation (Turpin-Petrosino, 2015). Unlawful act can present itself in form of criminal
mischief, harassment, aggravated assault or in any other form of crime punishable by law. In
New Jersey, hate crimes suspect are tried under State’s Bias Intimidation Statute.
However this paper provides insights of both existing and no-existing services that might
for victims of hate crimes in New Jersey. On the same note, create a letter to the gorenor of New
Jersey explaining services that should be available and the underlying reason why such services
are imperative in helping victims of Hate Crimes.

Even though it is imperative to punish and educate those involved in hate crimes.
Consequently, it is quite important to provide services to the victims of hate crimes. Such
services help the victims to cope with many physical, emotional and financial losses incurred as
a result of such crimes. And as such helps the victims overcome the trauma of the hate crime.
In New Jersey, victims of hate crimes are helped by religious groups, outreach groups
and community organizations who offer guidance and counseling. To help such victims of hate
crimes overcome the trauma and psychological torture after being beaten and robbed by hate
crime perpetrators. These organizations are also in the forefront in educating hate crime target
groups on safety from law enforcement agencies or community based organizations, violence
prevention and discrimination. Such education programs help suggest ways of handling hate
crimes if they occur and also prepare target groups of victimization to avoid confrontation and
thus preventing the occurrence of hate crime.
Law enforcement agencies also play a central role in preventing victims of hate crimes
from being victimized all over again. They inform community members through education and
awareness visibility. Law enforcement agencies also punish the perpetrators of such crimes in
order to discourage such acts from occurring again.
Volunteer groups offer financial aids to the victims of hate crimes to help them overcome
their psychological torture and collect the pieces to start life afresh. The victim’s medical bills
are settled and a competitive lawyer is hired to help them in their case in the court of law. Such
community services help the victims feel appreciated in the community despite the racial, gender
or ethnic differences.

The district attorney provides a witness aid services for victims of hate crimes. Such aids
help to gather for court related services, social services in addition to counseling services for
crime victims, families and witnesses (Turpin-Petrosino, 2015). The District attorney also
provides valuable information relating to the prosecution of the case. On the other hand, they
help the victims to understand the criminal justice system. Finally, they also inform the victims
of their rights in the case.
However, be as it may, victims of hate crimes require many services than the existing
services. Individual assistance in providing comfort, education and open discussion still need o
be enhanced. Such services help the victims and the families of such victims cope with the
situation faster and in the most appropriate manner.
Letter of support for victims of hate crimes covered under state’s bias intimidation statute
Dear Governor
As a resident of your district, Gruffson, peopletown. I am writing this letter to urge you
to provide services that are quite essential and can help prevent hate crimes within the
neighborhood. It is of profound interest that the state should provide policing services to help
prevent hate crimes based on a resident perceived or actual race, ethnic group or their religious
background. Such vulnerable group needs explicit police protections. Regular policing within the
district is quite important to prevent the underlying crimes and also hate crimes.
The resident of my district who are not natives are living in constant fear of being
harassed based on their race and ethnic groups. Ethnic tension is on the rise and people have fear
of walking in the night because of insecurity. Recently, a 21-year-old immigrant of Haiti was
severely beaten at the hands of a group and left him with severe wounds to his head and body.

The immigrant was a victim of hate crime and the perpetrators yelled at him to “go home”. And
as such, immigrants living in Gruffson district are seeped with fear and are requesting increase in
patrol. Especially in the night to prevent them from being victimized based on their ethnic
We are requesting also that, Perpetrators of hate crimes should also be punished more
severely to discourage resident from engaging in hate crimes within the district. We therefore,
urge you to support us and help combat these heinous hate crimes by increasing support in our
(Insert Name)


Turpin-Petrosino, C. (2015). Understanding Hate Crimes: Acts, Motives, Offenders, Victims, and
Justice. Routledge.

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